Meta Question

Lightlyseared's avatar

What will the new Fluther awards be?

Asked by Lightlyseared (35059points) November 2nd, 2009

Well they did say start speculating…

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133 Answers

timtrueman's avatar

I’ll just throw this out there…there’s one called “Cake in the Frizzer”.

XOIIO's avatar

Seductive Squid for sexual answers.

LOL jk!

Darwin's avatar

Well, looky there! Someone seems to have telepathy, or 20:20 foresight. Cake in the Frizzer award indeed!

Dog's avatar

Maybe a Poo Hat award?

timtrueman's avatar

Har har. Yeah my bad on breaking profiles. I’m fixing that in the next two minutes.

Dr_C's avatar

How about a “Dick Punch” award to answers that get flagged for not being helpful?

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

A Chip award, and if you win it, you receive a burrito.

Bluefreedom's avatar

How about a Pancake award since pancakes have such legendary status here on Fluther?

How someone would earn it would be very interesting, to say the least. I’ll have to think on that one.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

@Dr_C I’m putting a cup on right now!

Dr_C's avatar

@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities i always wear one while fluthering.. just in case

proXXi's avatar

Most Modded Contributions?

timtrueman's avatar

Eeeee eee eee was there before…

Dog's avatar

And Starfish!

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Haha! I achieved Frizzer success!

Jude's avatar

I gots some cakes in my frizzer.

Dog's avatar

Holy cow! There are a lot of new ones!

timtrueman's avatar

Don’t forget to check out the mouseover text.

Dog's avatar

Ohhh this is way too much fun!

I would love to know who has gotten that one perfecto award!

SpatzieLover's avatar

Perfecto-fish & autobiographer…oohhhh!

I like the sound of these much better than the last ones!

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Dog Jeruba just got it.

timtrueman's avatar

Just wait, there’s nine more undiscovered ones which pretty badass names still to be enjoyed. As a hint one is called “Davey Jones’ Revenge”.

SuperMouse's avatar

All I know is that I have not gotten a single new award. Hmph!

Dog's avatar

Too freaking cool!

Jeruba- I bet she has NEVER been modded! :)

SpatzieLover's avatar

@SuperMouse All you have to do is fill our your profile to get the autobiographer.

timtrueman's avatar

@SuperMouse When we go back and give awards in bulk we do it silently (people got overloaded in the beginning). You have three new ones already.

timtrueman's avatar

You should get messages for all new ones from now on…if you don’t report it and we’ll fix it!

SuperMouse's avatar

@timtrueman ahhh, I feel better now! I was expecting it to be like last time where 500 awards came up within seconds of the new awards coming online! The scavenger hunt to find the new ones makes this even more fun! I rescind my hmph!

timtrueman's avatar

And the best part is the new community feed will highlight who discovers each one. I’m really pleased with the combined effect of awards and the community feed. Good work team Bendrewim!

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I just hope if some of the awards are a fluther t-shirts that they’ll make them in prettier colors!

Jude's avatar

I’m stumped on the Perfecto-fish.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I’m stumped on a few of them.

Dog's avatar

@timtrueman I agree- it is great fun to watch that feed.

NewZen's avatar

When you’d shudder at a question or answer, for whatever reason, you’d get a “Shiver me timbers” award?

BTW – I just got the first (that’s what it says – only 1) Exhibitionist award, for answering while 10 others were observing. I feel so naked. <Shiver>

casheroo's avatar

I lurve the new awards.

Jude's avatar

And, now I have it. Heh. :)

Dog's avatar

@NewZen Too funny!

Grisaille's avatar

Suggestion: How about a personal “awards” page?

That is, similar to this list, but with little check boxes next to each award that show which ones you’ve received and which ones you haven’t?

I hate having to go back and forth.

filmfann's avatar

I haven’t looked at the new awards yet, but a Jelly-Pancake for 10 modded replies sounds right.

timtrueman's avatar

@Grisaille They show up on your profile is that what you had in mind?

timtrueman's avatar

Also FYI, there are no typos on the mouseover text for “Cake in the Frizzer”.

NewZen's avatar

How about a “Wanted” award, for when the mod squad has singled you out as a real pain in the butt (like moi, e.g.).?

timtrueman's avatar

@Grisaille Oh I see what you mean. You want to see which ones you have on a list of all the ones available. That’s a great idea and we’ll see what we can do…

Grisaille's avatar

@timtrueman Not necessarily. I know they’re there, but it’s a bit of a pain to have to switch between the awards page and my profile to see which ones I have and which ones I don’t.

What I’m thinking is just a small tick box that shows if you’ve received any particular award or not on the awards page its-

yeah. haha

nxknxk's avatar

I’ve got my eyes on the Cake in the Frizzer award.

I also want the Perfecto-fish.
*crossing fingers

Edit: I guess my technique for acquiring the Perfecto-fish didn’t work, after all.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Ahhhh! What is the perfecto-fish?

J0E's avatar

The Cake in the Frizzer award was very predictable but the perfecto-fish is not. Great, just when I figure out Robot-Crush I got a new one to figure out!

Dog's avatar

Heh- I have yet to figure out the Robot-Crush…

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Still trying to figure out Perfecto-fish here…

timtrueman's avatar

Looks like Davey Jones’ Revenge is out now too…

Bluefreedom's avatar

I was just awarded the Perfecto-fish. I wonder what for…...

Dog's avatar

@nxknxk Heeeyyy! You got it!

nxknxk's avatar

Perfecto-fish takes a little thought. What the hell is Robot-crush? Before my time here, I think, so I may never acquire it.

Dog's avatar

You can aquire the Robot-Crush. :)

delirium's avatar

There should be one for disappearing for like… a month, and then coming back!


MissAnthrope's avatar

I think I’m way too literal to figure out any of the mystery awards. I wish someone could just tell me because I feel dumb. :P

Dog's avatar

This is too funny! Look at all the exhibitionists!

delirium's avatar

RF (RT but not): There should be a Milo award. He’s as much a part of fluther as the frizzer is.

avvooooooo's avatar

Is there a reason that I’m not getting a notification when I get a new award that I haven’t gotten before?

RedPowerLady's avatar

@MissAnthrope I was going to come on here and say the exact same thing. I can’t figure them out and I want someone to just tell me. Please

MacBean's avatar

I’m with @MissAnthrope and @RedPowerLady. I don’t even care if I ever get the awards, I just want to know how. I got the frizzer one just now and I have no idea what I did…

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

If you guys really want to know, PM me and I’ll fill you in on what I’ve figured out.

Dr_C's avatar

i seriously have no clue how i got the frizzer award… but i’m happy either way :)

Dog's avatar

I just figured out robot crush. YAY!

avvooooooo's avatar


casheroo's avatar

I’m pretty sure I know what the robot one is, and I know I have no interest in attempting it…(if I’m correct in my theory.)

Dog's avatar

casheroo- it is really pretty simple once figured out. ;) I was totally over thinking it.

Dog's avatar

@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities Yeah- I played Myst (Okay- I read a manual to get through Myst) and it ruined me for thinking of obvious answers.

cyn's avatar


avvooooooo's avatar

Lurve whore? Me? Never!

Where’s my lurve? I need lurve! Maybe I’m a junkie…

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

@cyndihugs Yeah, I’m a whore. Uh lurve… lurve whore of course!

SuperMouse's avatar

There is only one user with the Colossal Squid award and it is not dalepetrie! WTF? Is there anyway, other than clicking user by user, to find out who that one person is?

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

@SuperMouse Well, I could just tell you that its @daloon. But that would be too easy.

SuperMouse's avatar

@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities, daloon would have been my second guess!

RedPowerLady's avatar

@SpatzieLover If you PM @jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities he’ll tell you the ones he figured out. It is refreshing.

Darwin's avatar

@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities – I figured it was @daloon and was so certain that I haven’t bothered to go check.

SuperMouse's avatar

I got a note from @timtrueman that the Cake in the Frizzer award may have been given when it wasn’t deserved. Since I knew I earned a Cake in the Frizzer my next stop was my award list. I was devastated, my Cake in the Frizzer is gone. I may never Fluther again…

timtrueman's avatar

@SuperMouse We had an error in the logic for Cake in the Frizzer that caused it to be handed out early. Unfortunately we had to take it away from everyone but you may have earned it correctly before so retry whatever you did before!

SuperMouse's avatar

Ok I’m over it…

timtrueman's avatar

I feel bad taking it away from people who probably earned it but a large percentage had incorrectly gotten it. I’m sorry everyone.

Dog's avatar

Odd. I won Perfecto-fish but have no idea how or why.

Alas—Cake in Frizzer. That was one I got without thinking too. I will re-trace my steps.

Dr_C's avatar

@timtrueman the CIA got to you didn’t they?... are they really the brains behind Bendrim? ARE THEY?!?!?!?!??!?

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Ahh! Who is the second jelly (besides @timtrueman) to get the Cake in the Frizzer version 2.0?

RedPowerLady's avatar

Okay so I think I did the right thing to get Cake in the Frizzer but no award. Now people who are riddle challenged are going to have serious brain farts trying to get their award back.

Dog's avatar

Not I… I have even experimented on other flutherites to see if it was one of those “lurve” things….

timtrueman's avatar

@Dr_C Yup, there’s cake in the CIA’s frizzer.

avvooooooo's avatar

I wish I knew that I did to trigger it. Sadly, since I’m not getting the notifications, I have no clue what I did to make it come to me!

MacBean's avatar

Back to the original question, here’s what the new Fluther awards are: Impossible. :(

SuperMouse's avatar

My cake has left the frizzer and I’m afraid that since I stink at riddles I will never get it back. Easy come, easy go.

RedPowerLady's avatar

Well if necessary threads are archived then it is impossible, right?
Or perhaps I’m on the wrong track. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, i’m horrible at riddles.

Dog's avatar

No @RedPowerLady If it is archived then you can eliminate the step of posting…. :) The award IS achievable!

Who figured out WHY a person got the Perfecta-fish? I got it and want to know how via PM.

RedPowerLady's avatar

@Dog I would have never figured it out if there weren’t friendly jellies out there. That is a good tip though now that I already know. :)

avvooooooo's avatar


I discovered “Oliver Twist!”


timtrueman's avatar

@Grisaille‘s great idea of adding a way to see which awards you have on the global list of awards everyone has page is live!

Dog's avatar

Dang! I did better than I thought!

Grisaille's avatar

@timtrueman Exactly what I had in mind, it’s perfect!

Grisaille's avatar

Everyone, thank Tim.

Thanks, Tim

Dr_C's avatar

Thanks Tim!

XOIIO's avatar


really, thats awesome!

Grisaille's avatar

Oh, Goldblum. I like you the best.

avvooooooo's avatar


SuperMouse's avatar

Thanks Tim!

Darwin's avatar

Thanks, Tim!

NewZen's avatar

How about an award for those who dislike the awards and lurve, and keep quitting fluther and returning with a new name to avoid it: “Grouch“o Marx. Harumph. ;-) ~

Val123's avatar

THANKS TIM!!! who’s tim?

timtrueman's avatar

@Val123 This blog post and the about page will probably answer your question…

El_Cadejo's avatar

@timtrueman awesome! thanks :)

HasntBeen's avatar

Sorry to drag anybody back into this, but I received a Perfecto-fish and have no idea what it is. Am I supposed to fry it with butter or hang it on the wall? Did I do something right and fail to realize it?

Dog's avatar

~Perfecto fish is delicious pan fried with herbs and butter. Rumor has it that eating it brings you good luck. ;)

Dr_C's avatar

@HasntBeen if prepared incorrectly pan fried perfecto fish can cause really bad gas and occasional verbal diarrhea.~ you can see it on a lot of threads :P

HasntBeen's avatar

I think I might have the verbal form :)

Darwin's avatar

@HasntBeen – Your case can’t be too serious because you haven’t yet received a Colossal Squid Award.

HasntBeen's avatar

I’m just going to stand here and hold my breath until somebody tells me what “Perfecto-fish” means. It’s worth the sacrifice of one dubiously-lived life for such a great secret.

filmfann's avatar

I await the announcement of the “Bag of Dicks” award, that one day must be!

XOIIO's avatar

Oooh that might, might get modded…

filmfann's avatar

You understand the significance of that?

Dr_C's avatar

@filmfann there really should be a bag of dicks award.

filmfann's avatar

What would it be for? Every 10,000th post? For offensively embarassing the creators at a critical moment? For going three months without being modded?

avvooooooo's avatar

@filmfann I agree that it should be created even though I can’t think of what it would be awarded for. But it needs to be named in a way that alludes to “bag of dicks” without… What about something with sea cucumbers?

RandomMrdan's avatar

I think all the top end mystery awards has me stumped…. I’m really at a loss.

Dr_C's avatar

If they won’t make a “bag of dicks” award, how about a “Dick-punch” award for being kicked from chat more than twice in a week or somehting?

Dog's avatar

@Dr_C Nooooo… then everyone would try to get kicked out of chat!

Dr_C's avatar

@Dog it would be more of a punishment or “wall of shame” type deal… not really an award. Think of it as Fluther’s “Scarlet Letter”.

Dog's avatar

@Dr_C Trolls and many who fancy themselves rebels would consider it a badge of honor. Just sayin’

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