How are you with brain teasers?
No, this question is not a brain teaser. I’m serious, I want to know how you do with brain teaser type questions. You know the ones I mean; the ones that tell you about the guy in the cell who has a match, a lobster, and seven sticks and manages to escape – then you are asked to solve how he did it. How are you at those types of problems? I am terrible at them, that’s why I have no idea how to win the Perfecto-Fish or the Robot-Crush and I will content myself with being an Autobiographer and resign myself to a Fluther life void of Cake in the Frizzer.
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24 Answers
I suck at them. I actually feel pressured by these new awards…..they’re clever, and funny, and I feel somehow lacking if I don’t have one. Urggh.
It depends. When it’s some sort of logic puzzle I usually figure them out in a few hours. When it’s something more obscure I’m usually pretty bad. I was not able to figure out the awards, but I’m still working on it!
I figured out the pilgrim. Yeah, they are hard to solve them.
I work the Cryptic Crosswords in Games Magazine.
These are incredibly difficult. The clues supply 2 ways to solve the puzzle, but aren’t well defined on what the clue is telling you.
For example, a clue would be: Ditch sea bird at club. The word Ditch is the first clue, the sea bird (gull) at club (the Y) combined would be Gully, which means Ditch.
Well, it’s been too long since I’ve done one to really know, but in 8th grade, my teacher would post some kind of brain teaser puzzle on the board each week and I was often the first person in the class to solve it (you could win things for coming to him with the correct solution before anyone else. I won more than anyone else in the class so naturally it got my hopes up). When I was younger, I had several books filled with brain teasers and I would look at them for hours; it was one of my favorite things to do. But like I said, that was a while ago. I still think that I’m relatively good at them, but I’d need to test my ability. :)
I’m referring mainly to logic puzzles here; I don’t think I would be too good at math-puzzles or anything.
LIke filmfann, I do the Cryptic Crosswords (but in The Atlantic Monthly and Harper’s). You get the hang of the wordplay after a while.
another one was Ms. Derek returns to 5 and dime United States Patent.
Well Ms. Derek (Bo) returns (Bo becomes Ob) 5 (in Latin V) and dime (10) United States (US) put together is Obvious, which is what Patent means.
@gailcalled see, I knew there was a reason I liked you!
I’m actually pretty decent at regular crossword puzzles and I can do a Sudoku like nobody’s business, but those logic-riddle-brain teaser things, I am rotten at those!
They take me a bit longer than most people to get sometimes, but i enjoy trying to figure them out.
I like things that make me think :)
I do at least 2 Sudoku’s a day and have done very well with brain teasers in the past, but am having issues with some of these award puzzles. :(
I have no idea how it happened, but I have a Cake in the Frizzer. Man I hope that isn’t anything like a bun in the oven, I am so not ready for that at this point!
@avvooooooo: Click on your avatar or user name; your profile will come up as well as the awards you have won. Click on any one of them; the whole bloody list (with definitions) should appear.
I love them. I tend to love things that make me think. Things that give me a hard time and things that make me struggle and strive to figure out what they mean,
If that was a real question, I would try to figure it out.
@gailcalled There are clues, but you have to figure them out for some of them. Some are obvious, others are not.
I enjoy anything that pokes my brain and makes it put down the Funyuns and get off the couch.
I was watching tv earlier with my fiancé when all of a sudden he looks at me and asks “If I give you a penny everyday for a month, and everyday I double the amount, how much money will you have at the end of the month?” It hurt my brain to try and think of the answer. He told me the right answer (some ridiculously large amount of money) but my brain is still recovering so I can’t remember what the amount was.
I love brain teasers. I love the fact that it makes me think.
Brain teasers like the awards ones aren’t my thing for some reason. They feel too much like maths for maths sake and they make me feel stupid.
@ItalianPrincess1217 Well it depends on which month it was. If it was February you’d have $2,684,354.56. If it was a 30-day month you’d have $10,737,418.24. If it was a 31-day month you’d be $21,474,836.48.
In any case you’d be filthy rich.
I have a cake in the frizzer and I have no idea what it means.
Is it a good thing???
And I have a 20 GA, must be from a 10 or 20 K party???
I need more details. If it’s a wooden cell, the man lights a fire and cooks the lobster, then, after scooping out the insides he uses the shell to cut the ropes holding the cell together, allowing him to safely escape.
Yes, I’m good at these ;)
lights the match, sets the stick aflame , which triggers the fire alarm, all cell doors open automatically and he leaves during the ensuing chaos.
Wouldn’t he have to use the lobster somehow?
well he could beat someone with it, or slit a guard’s throat with the claws if he needs to.
sometimes in those scenarios they introduce objects whose only purpose is to confuse the reader.
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