Social Question

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

What does it say about the collective when a funny answer gets far more lurve than the actual answer to the question?

Asked by NaturalMineralWater (11316points) November 2nd, 2009

I’ve seen it so many times. Someone will make a joke and get all kinds of lurve for it, but the poor sap who actually answered the question gets a big goose egg. It’s an injustice I tell you. An injustice. xD

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28 Answers

jackm's avatar

I agree with this. I think it leads the discussion in a place it shouldn’t be.

eponymoushipster's avatar

people appreciate cleverness.

…and begging for GQs in the topic tags is just weak game, bro-seph.

Dog's avatar

It means we have an incredibly awesome sense of humor here. Some might say we are too straight laced but anyone who hangs out here long enough knows we rock!

Quick! Someone tell a joke!

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Everybody enjoys laughter, and we could use more of it in our lives.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

I agree. But sometimes the person says something so damn clever that it would be wrong not to award them with some GA points!

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

humor rocks, and if you want seriousness, go visit the IRS, those boys have no sense of humor at all.

intro24's avatar

As great as it is, Fluther still needs work. And don’t even get me started on irrelivent disscusions that completely take over a thread.

augustlan's avatar

I try to always reward both the awesome joke and the correct answer.

Clair's avatar

@Psychedelic_Zebra ,says the scary clown.

eponymoushipster's avatar

im going to be honest, most of my lurve is for me being a smart ass.

i given straight out answers too. but what a lot of people don’t get about some of my more humorous answers, is that there’s often an indirect answer to the Q in them.

chelseababyy's avatar

I’m so not witty enough to get lurve for funny answers. So I try my best to be truthful and answer to the best of my ability.
@eponymoushipster is always there to steal my thunder with his ridiculously funny remarks. I hate you :D

Ansible1's avatar

When the first post in response to a question is a sarcastic remark, that can annoy me sometimes, but when there have already been many answers to satisfy the OP then there’s nothing wrong with being silly or tryin’ to make someone smile.

dannyc's avatar

I agree, sometimes disappointing. But it is a forgiveable flaw in the fluther fiefdom of features.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@chelseababyy steal your thunder? i never eat at your outback!

augustlan's avatar

BTW, if a joke or sarcastic answer is given as the first or second answer, please flag it. We don’t allow that, and it will be removed. Joke answers early on have a way of derailing an entire thread, and the question may never get a serious answer. Thanks!

Saturated_Brain's avatar

It says that we’re human. We love a joke, and sometimes the serious answers just get us down back to Earth. People generally don’t really like that (necessary as it may be) when they’re on Cloud Humour. Furthermore, appropriate humour just shows witticism and can make a serious situation light-hearted enough.

@augustlan Oh I like to reward the joke and the really good answer too, but when they’re both together, as the first answer, the lurve just pours down and down and down (I still smile when seeing that).

Dr_C's avatar

I think both usually get some lurve but there seems to be a bias toward a witty answer if for no other reason than once a valid answer has been given it gives us all a chuckle or makes us smile a bit. And we could all use that once in a while.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I think it says that the collective has a healthy sense of humor and that’s good thing to have in a day and age when the world is in a downward spiral.

I don’t think most people intentionally set out to take the spotlight from someone who gives a straightforward answer to a a question but instead, they just want to share that little bit of sharp wit that’s dying to get released.

J0E's avatar

Straight answers, though helpful, don’t really catch the readers eye. The trick is to be clever while still answering the question.

And I don’t mean turning it into a knock knock joke either…

lostinyoureyes's avatar

There’s often truth to the joke isn’t there?

avvooooooo's avatar

Because they’re more entertaining. We’re not here to be bored, if this was boring, we’d do something else.

galileogirl's avatar

It means we are here to be amused not enlightened.

ccrow's avatar

@dannyc GA for the alliteration!

SpatzieLover's avatar

That we prefer our answer bantered about with a bit of snark and added wit to nourish the collectives lightheartedness.

If I wanted dull I’d search on Google all day

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

@eponymoushipster It was supposed to be funny when I did that. I guess you didn’t get it. xD

I’ve noticed that most of my lurve is for being a smartass as well. I’m not saying there’s something wrong with that.. but for Pete’s sake.. when someone gives a good answer.. a real answer.. give em some lurve will ya!! This is for all the helpful jellies out there.. =D

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

@NaturalMineralWater I give out lurve like every star will get me that much closer to Heaven, and I’m not even religious.

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