Is your mom the greatest?
Asked by
valdasta (
November 2nd, 2009
I told my mom that she is the greatest the other day. It amazes me, when I think about all the sacrifices that she made for me, to make my childhood experience the best that it could possibly be.
Why is your mom the “greatest”? What is it that made her special? Maybe there was a defining moment in your life (something she said or did) that made you realize how wonderful your mom is.
For me, it would be the time and energy she spent on me. She worked long hours, but never – never shirked her motherly duties. She cooked great meals, took us kids places, went to all my games, got involved with my extracurricular activities…wow!
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42 Answers
She makes me watch an hour of Candy Candy on youtube every night. She gave me a life. How can she not be the greatest.
My mom is truly amazing. My dad left her when she got pregnant with me, my Grandmother told her to get an abortion (70’s) and didn’t talk to her for years.
She bucked up, had me, loved me and did what she had to do for our little family.
She’s the best, ever. Oh and she’s a mean Yoga Momma too.
My mom’s pretty great =) even though she annoys me
My stepmom is the greatest. She took on a man with 6 children and lots of baggage from a very bad 1st marriage. You can imagine how bad it was when the father got the kids in the 60’s. She made my father very happy for over 30 years and she was a real mother and friend to all of us. I never have had an angry word with her in 40+ years.
@galileogirl You just reminded me of another reason why my mom is the greatest: My dad, too, was married before and had seven children. Off an on my mom had his children living with us (and they were very nasty – to both, my mom and dad). She put up with a lot. My dad wasn’t the best father or husband either, but she stayed with him, I belive, for our bennefit.
do you realise that every mom is the greatest in her child’s opinion?But if someone who isn’t human(an alien,robot etc) looks at every mom than he will see that not every mom is so great
@Christian95 Actually, my mother was not always the greatest. It’s only now after years of not talking that we’ve both grown enough to have a good relationship. So I’m not sure if it’s really applicable across the board. There is surely some biology at work though.
No. I hate my mom. Stupid b#@ch!
My birth mother was not the greatest, she wasn’t even adequate in her parenting. In other areas of her life she was magnificent. She was a fantastic nurse and beloved by co-workers, she just had nothing to give to her family. Some women should never have children.
Yeah, pretty much. My mom is awesome. She and I have a lot in common (things like houses, decorating, a love of Christmas and England, gardening, etc.), I’ve always felt her to be a very rational and practical person (compared to a lot of other people’s parents based on stories I heard from friends) and she’s intelligent and kind. I remember a friend of mine saying he wished his mom were more like my mom. I can’t help but think of that as positive, for me, at least.
You can just tell how much she cares about me and my siblings. One of the things I remember most was when she told me and my siblings that she wouldn’t care if we turned out gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or anything like that and that she would always support us. (My dad supported that as well). And that made it a lot easier to come out. She always very involved in our lives.
I just feel very grateful. She’s always been someone I could talk to, for just about anything.
Yes, I agree that your mum’s the greatest.
no, mine is not much of a mother, though she’s an amazingly good, yet unscrupulous, businesswoman
I’ve always liked my mom. I actually married a man who is much like my mother in many ways. She always made me feel unconditionally loved. She has a great sense of humor, loves to dance, cooked my favorite meals, and made it obvious she loved being a mom. I once overheard her, when I was fairly young, say to friends that her favorite time in her life was having children, when they all were talking about their college years (she went to college also) made me sooo happy.
She definitely has her “neurosis,” I use the term loosely, but even that I like.
No. She’s dead, and I hope she stays that way.
She was not so awesome when I was living with her as a kid. There was a lot of screaming. I would read to escape the screaming, and she would throw my book out the window. The one time I made an effort to bridge the gap between us, she asked me why I was acting so weird. When I said I was trying to be friends, she told me to cut it out.
She’s a much better person now that she takes mood regulators.
I definitely think my mom is the greatest – and while I was growing up, all of my friends seemed to agree – most of them spent more time with my mom than they did with their own.
I’m always in awe when I think about all of the amazing things she did for me – it really is because of her that I became the person I am. I was really really shy when I was little, and my mom did things like signing me up for a gymnastics class, and then taking me every week and sitting with me while we watched the class through the window for months until I felt comfortable enough to actually go and take the class. She could have just made me go in and do it, and I would have freaked out and hated it, or she could have just let me stay home, and I never would have gotten over my shyness. But she didn’t – instead, she stuck with me, just like she always has for my whole life. She’s amazing – I hope I’m as good a mom as she is, when I have kids…
My mother was a good mom to a sometimes whiny little chatterbox. ;-) I realize now that she probably wasn’t listening very closely a lot of the time, but as a kid I never felt ignored. As an adult, I feel myself very fortunate to have had a relationship with her that included friendship in addition to the mother/daughter relationship. I think of her often & miss her very much.
My mom was terrific, and I miss her horribly.
She was smart, caring, and perfect in almost every way.
It saddens me terribly that several people on this thread have such awful relationships with their mothers, but it reenforces how lucky I feel I was.
I love my mum very much but I have never considered her to be “the greatest”. This is because our relationship hasn’t always been good and she has done many things whilst raising my brother and I that I didn’t agree with. My mum isn’t a natural mother. When I think of my Grandmother (paternal) I realise that being a mum was not my mothers priority very often. I think she was often frustrated with the responsibiity of being a mum and my brother and I often suffered for that.
However, my mum was also very ill throughout my childhood (mental health issues and very serious anorexia) and because of this I make allowances for her often poor parenting. My mum was never abusive and I know she has always loved us, even if she sometimes had a funny way of showing it.
My mum is naturally a fiery lady but since her health has improved she has mellowed a lot. We get on better now than we have ever done in the past and I am pleased for this.
The bottom line is, no, she’s not the greatest but I wouldn’t trade her for anyone else’s mum.
She was the greatest, yes (and still is in my eyes) She fought a brave battle with cancer and sadly lost (a few years ago). To me (and many in my family, extended and immediate) she was an angel. Strong, wise, selfless, would give the shirt off of her back and, oh, so loving. She took care of everyone (ya had a problem, go to Lynne, she’d help you out). She was the cog in the wheel, as far as our family goes, and now she’s gone. Our family will never be the same. I miss her a lot.
I hate my mother.
Anyone want to trade her for a nickle?
Nope – not the greatest. She isn’t the worst, but she did a lot of damage to me and others.
Is your mom the greatest?
Fuck no. My mom has done alot of emotional damage to me, she is the reason I do damage to myself. But I don’t hate her. I just dislike her.
My mom is such an inspiration. When ever I go through those moments when I feel like I’m getting old, and life is passing me by, (I’m getting closer and closer to 50) I look at all the life my mom has lived, and the impact she has had on those around her, since she was my age until now, and I realize that I still have a lot of living and a lot to accomplish in this life.
I doubt my mom is the greatest mom ever, but she is my mom and I love her. I don’t think mothering came naturally to her. I believe she did the best she could, and she did get us through a some trying times, which I appreciate.
My mother and I have definitely had our ups and downs, especially when I was a teenager and my mother had trouble dealing with me. Understandable as I look back, but at the time it seemed like the worst experience in the world.
We still definitely butt heads, and I’m sure we both dislike certain parts of each other. But we have a great relationship otherwise. She is pretty great.
My mother is all right. She did her best. But her priority was making sure we were prepared to take care of ourselves. In that process, she kind of left out much love and affection.
I admire many of the things she does. I think I am a combination of my father and my mother, with may father providing the logical side and my mother providing the political side.
But they never learned. The treat my son the way they treated me, and so we honor our son’s request to spend less time with them.
No. Far from it.
But because of that, I made a point of being a great mom… so I feel confident that were my son on Fluther, he’d be saying, “Absolutely!”.
(even though there was a period of time that I was emphatically informed that I was the meanest Mom EVER!)
No, absolutely not. She did coke until I was 13, still smokes pot and does it in front of my 16 year old sister and has done it in front of her for her entire life, she spends money on pot and getting her nails done and going on vacations in the summer when her live-in boyfriend isn’t working and my grandmother pays her rent.
Oh yeah, my mom is a peach.
I am truly blessed to have two parents who were the greatest for me. (Love you too, Dad.) I am probably the most like my mother out of the four of us, and I have always considered her a kindred spirit as well as a parent. It’s not that we always got along, but I think I always knew that she worked for what was best for me. I was also fortunate enough that she didn’t go back to work until I was in high school, so I got to spend a lot of time with her as a child. She gave me my love of reading and desserts, my need to watch or read Little Women at least 4 times a year, and the understanding that no matter how I felt, I needed to treat people with love and respect (especially my brothers and sister). She made all of us understand that foreign study is one of the most important parts of education,and she let us know that we were expected to strive for excellence, and that coasting in life was not acceptable. She let me call her every day when my husband was deployed, never once telling me how I was running up their phone bill. She listens to me rant about work (she’s also a teacher) and other random crap. And she unequivocally loved my husband from the very moment she met him, making her also one of the best mother-in-laws I’ve encountered. I don’t tell her she’s the best enough, so thanks for reminding me @valdasta. I should send her an email.
@zephyr826 This question was hatched from an email I sent my mom: I thanked her for being the greatest. My relationship with my mother now is almost non-exsistant; we just don’t talk or see each other. She lives several states away. Out of the blue, I felt like I should send a kind note to my mom…I believe it made her day.
@hearkat My mom had her share of faults, but I have chosen to remember what was good and learn, as you have, not to emulate the bad.
@DominicX Your parents sound like wonderful people. My mom and dad also supported me, though they thought I was nuts.
My mother is so great, I still live with her!
All jokes aside, my mother made some sacrifices for her four children that I don’t think many people would make. She worked jobs that destroyed her health, participated in some fraudulent activities to make ends meet and never even dated another man because she didn’t want to force another father on us (after all he did to her, my mother still made the four of us recognize and maintain a relationship with our father).
Now that I’m older, I’m starting to appreciate a lot of the little things she did for us. When I was very young, she used to take me to the library, inspiring a love for reading that literally no one else in my extended family has. Instead of being obsessively involved in the lives and learning of her children, like other mothers in my family are, she gave us the independence to do things alone and figure things out ourselves, while always encouraging us to do well. My mother might be the only person I know with no evil in her heart. She bears no grudges toward the man that made her life so difficult and cries over the deaths of people she barely knows. She has never had ill-will toward anyone, and our house has always been open for people to come over and eat. Even now, she shares grandmother duties with her aunt, even though my mother is not a grandmother, just because she’s used to always doing things for other people.
When my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years back, it was a blow that rang through our entire extended family. She’s the reason I quit my well-paying job a few years ago so I could stay home and take care of her. She’s been cancer-free since, and I’m quite thankful for each additional day I have with her.
I admire my mom for many reasons. But the main reason is because no matter what obstacles were thrown at her in life, she always dealt with them while at the same time still giving her undivided love and attention to me and my sibilings. It takes a strong woman to pull that off.
No. But as I grow older I blame her less and I can now see why she did many of the things she did. With maturity has come understanding. My understanding is leading to forgiveness, but I have yet to forgive her completely.
@drdoombot Your mom might be the greatest. It is rare to hear of parents, today, who put their personal desires aside for the sake of the well being of their children. My mom and dad weren’t happy together, but they stuck it out for us kids.
Yes, she is. Also, my dad can beat up your dad.
All kidding aside, I can thank my mother and my father for always being there for me. They believed in me when no one else did or would… they encouraged me to go against the grain. They proved to me on more then one occasion that caring what people think about you is a terrible way to live your life. Simply be who you want to be… some people will like you and others won’t. There is simply nothing that can be done about that. But the caliber of friend you will get from being honest and sincere is unbelievable.
They taught me to always be honest, yet tactful.
They taught me to be to stand up for what I believe, and to stand up for those who don’t have the ability to stand up for themselves.
They taught me that being dishonest, or fake just to make people like you is the fastest way to make people hate you.
I could go on for years about all the things I learned from my parents…. I really could. But… the most important thing that they did for me that not a lot of parents do anymore these days… they gave me room to learn the lessons that can only be learned by experience. They let me fall flat on my ass. They would advise against doing something stupid, but they knew it was my life.
I am cutting myself off there before this becomes a novel.
My mum is teh best!!! :) lurve to all the mums out there :)
No my mom is not the greatest, not even close however, I do have the greatest husband in the world.
@daloon But her priority was making sure we were prepared to take care of ourselves. In that process, she kind of left out much love and affection.
You could have written this about my mom. My grandmother smothered my mom and Mom was so determined not to do it to me that she went to the opposite extreme. I rarely heard “I love you” or got a hug. She wanted me to be independent, but I mostly just felt like I had no one on my side.
@Supacase I can’t remember ever hearing “I love you.” As I became a teenager, I was never certain that if I really messed up, I’d have a place to go home to. I have vowed to make sure my children are never uncertain about my love for them, and about our willingness to help them when they really need it.
No. My mother in law WAS.
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