General Question

XOIIO's avatar

What is this music?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) November 2nd, 2009 from iPhone

It’s hard to describe, it plays when somebody wakes up to sunshine and birds chirping, and it’s cheesey. The ”>“means going higher and the ”<” means lower.

La <la <la <la >la >la la <la <la <la <la lalalala >la <la >la >la <la la <la <la <la <la

Sorry I couldn’t do better.

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20 Answers

cyn's avatar

Where did you hear it? Radio? Commercial?

XOIIO's avatar

I’ve heard it several places, I only remember the tune

@avoooooooo no, not even close. It’s kinds flute sounding. .

rooeytoo's avatar

I know, I know, it is the Unchained Melody. I would recognize it anywhere.

cyn's avatar

@XOIIO what type of genre do you think it is?

XOIIO's avatar

@cindihugs it’s not really a song, it’s maybe 20 seconds long, and it has no lyrics, so @rooeytoo wasn’t right.

Also, the video you linked doesn’t support iPod.

nxknxk's avatar

Probably it is this oft-used composition?

I’m sure you mean this one. It’s been in commercials, etc. The YouTube description says it’s Edvard Grieg’s ‘Morning’. However I believe it is called ‘Morning Mood’. Source.

DominicX's avatar

It has to be Grieg’s Morning Mood. It pretty much matches what you wrote out, it always plays when someone wakes up, it uses a flute, and while I wouldn’t call it “cheesy”, it’s definitely a bit overused.

Morning Mood

Edit: @nxknxk got it before me. :( GA

nxknxk's avatar

Kekeke :] Took me some googling, though. You probably knew it offhand. :|

DominicX's avatar

@nxknxk Yeah, pretty much. lol

markyy's avatar

This song by the flaming lips has ruined my ‘la la la’ recognition skills (so don’t click the link). Every time I read ‘la la’ that song pops in my head and refuses to leave (even though they appear to sing yaya). If no one guessed it yet (read: if @nxknxk and @DominicX are wrong) maybe you should upload a youtube video where you sing it :)

nxknxk's avatar


Such a fun song. There’s a mashup with Marvin Gaye (‘What’s Going On’) that I wore the hell out of when I discovered it on the Internet a couple years ago.

cyndyh's avatar

@markyy : Yeah, Third Eye Blind did that to me for years with Semi Charmed Life. We called it The Doot Doot Doot Song. It took over Doots from Lou Reed’s Walk on the Wild Side. Great. Now I have competing Dooting songs in my head.

markyy's avatar

@nxknxk, @cyndyh I think you two will understand when I say I won’t be listening to those songs ;) ya ya ya ya ya…

cyndyh's avatar

I understand. :^>

XOIIO's avatar

@nkxnxk you were right! Thanks a lot!

marinelife's avatar

Is it Morning by Edvard Grieg from his Peer Gynt music?

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