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deepseas72's avatar

Is Books-A-Million owned by Christians?

Asked by deepseas72 (1076points) February 8th, 2008

Their website shows that they own a Christian bookstore called Faithpoint, and BAM’s gay literature section is drastically smaller than most leading chain bookstores

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3 Answers

gcross's avatar

I think that it is probably not important whether the owners are christian or not. It would appear, from what little you’ve relayed, they it is their goal to promote a christian oriented line of products and thus, homosexuality would be largely discouraged.

artemisdivine's avatar

i would say they are def PRO Christian. Evidenced by:

Our “Testaments Shoppe,” for instance, features the best of references and writings for the Christian market.

Christian Spirituality Books:
Books-A-Million Bookstore Recommendations

But Florida says this…
Books-A-Million, large GLBTQ section under “Alternative Lifestyles” and magazines. 2600 NW 13th St., (352) 376–6623.

They do show listings for a few gay/lesbian listings

Am I Blue?: Coming Out from the Silence
Howard Brown M.D. – Familiar Faces, Hidden Lives: The Story of Homosexual Men in America Today
Buy at: Books-A-Million: $14.40–11122_8–0.html?sdcq=dnatrs-media_gay_lesbian_bisexual_book_award_ala/dfllTrail-Gay%2C%20Lesbian%2C%20%26%20Bisexual%20Book%20Award%20(ALA)

Books-A-Million, Inc., incorporated in 1964, is a book retailer in the southeastern United States. The Company operates both superstores and traditional bookstores. Superstores range in size from 8,000 to 36,000 square feet and operate under the names Books-A-Million, and Books and Co.

BOCA RATON, Fla. (Business Wire) Books-A-Million, Inc., (NASDAQ/NM:BAMM) America’s third largest book retailer in the nation, also selling on the internet at BOOKSAMILLION.COM, bookmarks the leading provider in the self hosting industry: SmartClixx.

Books-A-Million, Inc. is the third-largest book retailer in the United States, ranking behind Barnes & Noble and the Borders Group. Based in Birmingham, Alabama, the company operates 202 stores in a total of 18 states, ranging from Texas to the mid-Atlantic region

Principal Competitors: Barnes & Noble, Inc.; Borders Group, Inc.; Half Price Books, Records, Magazines Inc.;, Inc.; MTS, Inc.

GD_Kimble's avatar

BAM is partners with Wal-Mart, so the short answer is YES.

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