Is there a business or a product that you boycott because their advertising is so offensive?
Asked by
Val123 (
November 3rd, 2009
Burger King. And it’s too bad because their burgers really are the best but…...well, the spot I REALLY hated the most was the middle aged mother screaming her head off at the retarded king dude, saying, “I’ll get you, King!” What kind of example is that to set for our kids??
That aside, I get so sick of hearing them bashing the competition. And they’ve been doing it for years and years. They need to pull their heads out.
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30 Answers
Do I have to explain? lol
@pinkparaluies Yes you do need to ‘splain ‘cause I dunno what you’re talking about!
No, not really. I rarely find advertising offensive. People make such a big deal out of it, it’s kind of funny to watch people’s reactions. One commercial will send the world into a frenzy.
I haven’t seen the commercial you mentioned, but that sounds pretty funny.
My little brother, when he grown out his beard, looks JUST like the Burger King man. :D
Herbal Essences because of the women acting orgasmic, Coke while their commercial was just a big lipsticked mouth doing weird things, almost ant product that has the little house wife soooo happy .
Nah, I have more important things to worry about than being offended by a commercial.
Glade. They had a series of commercials where a bunch of women would cattily make fun of the spokeswoman. She would try to hide that she bought a glade candle and they would find out and make fun of her. What does that say to me, a consumer? That I should be ashamed of buying their product. Also, women are catty b*$#@‘s who hate their friends.
I told them that I’m a housewife and their biggest market. Why are you trying to alienate me? Haven’t bought anything from them since. Even though they keep sending me coupons.
Spike TV. They have a post about Girls To Avoid On Halloween that sickened me. Telling fat girls to ‘sit this one out, Thanksgiving is your time to shine’. I love CSI and STNG but I refuse to help a channel that so obviously hates women- even though the programming manager is a… gasp! WOMAN!
@DominicX I think most ads are stupid, and I don’t find any “offensive” except Burger King. I don’t think that having a person who is obviously a mother/role model for kids, screaming threats out of her car window at the top of her lungs, like some gangsta is the least bit funny.
@faye Herbal Essence….I didn’t like that either.
Coca Cola.
thanks to them, there are starving people in some parts of affrica, where it is cheaper for them to get a coke than it is to get clean water.
when you have meetings on how to make money off of homeless starving people, you are prettymuch as evil as you can get.
the same goes for nestle and anyone else i find trying to control the worlds water supply.
as for their advertising, not really. not for that or that alone. i think companies should be able to say anything they want. regardless of it being true or not. i said say, not show. there should be some limits on what they can show. but ill never complain.
i take the word boycott very seriously. its not just something i say, i actually go out of my way to do it. so i dont go doing it to just anything for any old reason.
Have you seen the Wonderful Pistachio commercial with Levi Johnston? I find the joke about teen pregnancy so offensive that I’m considering avoiding pistachios all together.
Sounds to me like it’s supposed to be a joke. I don’t think parents are going to start yelling at mascots once they see this commercial. What possible effect do you think it could have on viewers?
@gemiwing Wow. That link was something. My favorite parts~ : “Obviously nobody wants to hang out with women that have hit the “past-their-prime” plateau of 27 years old” and the whole section about larger women. Disgusting article.
@Likeradar yeah I’m not watching Spike tv any time soon. The article made me physically sick
@Val123 You think Burger King ads are bad? Then check this article out.
Yes! There is a health facility called Immediate Care near my town. They advertise on the radio mostly. And one of their commercials sent my fiancé and I into an uproar. They made a joke out of a man who went up to a dog and said “oh my, what a lovely pitbull, is it safe to pet it?” Before waiting for a response he pet it, and the dog attacked him. So he was rushed to Immediate Care. I was very offended that they would go out of their way to point out that the dog was a pitbull! I have a pitbull and she really is the sweetest dog. She loves everyone. So I did write them a very long letter letting them know my thoughts on their stupid commercial. Never heard back though…
Sex lotions. KY products.
Not to defend the commercial, @ItalianPrincess1217, but pitbulls are more often in the news for attacking people than, say, poodles. But the commercial sounds pretty inane.
@holden I’ve seen day-long arguments over pitbulls and their dangerousness-level, for the record. I just go by statistics…
@holden Believe me. I’m aware. I spend a lot of time defending the breed. I won’t hijack this thread but I’m only basing my theories off of my own experience with pitbulls…I’ve had 2. Both were properly trained and both were the most gentle, wonderful pets I’ve ever owned.
I don’t care if you hijack this thread but I’m telling you now I will not pay a DIME to get it back!!
We should probably start a question on this, because it is a good one. I know pit bulls who are gentle, but the thing is they were BRED to be aggressive and to attack things. Further, since they have the bad rap, a lot of the people who get pit bulls get them for that specific reason….and proceed to raise them to be aggressive and dangerous. Really, if you just google “dog attacks,” I’m betting you’ll find Pit Bulls listed more often than any other single breed.
@poisonedantidote to be fair, the blame for that cannot be placed squarly on coke. Some blame goes to buinessmen in the west, and some blame goes to buisnessmen and bureaucratsin that country.
i am astounded by the Spike article. i can only imagine the writer is also a guy who pays for lapdances!
Axe, political adds, and any subway commercial with Jared
I haven’t gone as far as boycotting but there advertising (while funny) really makes it hard for me to recommend them to business clients.
The crazy thing is there price and customer support (from my experience) is good. Just the sometimes racy ads on TV and the web make me feel uneasy about recommending them (especially when the client is female).
I don’t like the smell of Axe anyways but I really hate their newest commercial. The one with that skateboarding kid…double pits to chesty?? I mean, really? Come on.
@DominicX Ahh yes he is! Next time I’ll just mute it. That should help.
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