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Jeruba's avatar

[Fiction question] What kind of weapons do my character carry?

Asked by Jeruba (56219points) November 3rd, 2009

Character “R” is described in this thread.

Character “J” is described, more or less, in this thread.

I don’t know anything about guns.

What kind of gun does the Texan former bodyguard and firefighter carry? He does have a legal permit for it.

What kind of gun does the yacht-owning millionaire criminal carry or keep accessible?

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23 Answers

PretentiousArtist's avatar

A nice fancy gold desert eagle for the yacht owning millionaire
A magnum or revolver for the Texan
and a Berreta or a glock for the fireman

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

Maybe he’s a trained swordsman.

trailsillustrated's avatar

the millionare carries a smith and wesson .38 special, or a 9mm pistol. He has a custom ar-15 automatic in pistol length accessible. The texan carries a 45. caliber 1911 with stag horn trim on the grip. He also has a .38 special.

dpworkin's avatar

What kind of English do that be, for such a grammarian?

trailsillustrated's avatar

gunspeak of course!! lol

janbb's avatar

@pdworkin I didn’t know that Jeruba had grandchildren!

buster's avatar

Texan a 45cal 9 shot revolver smith and wesson with a 12 inch barrel. Yacht owner had a glock 9mm with a 17 shot clip. The millionaire has a automaticTech-9 with a silencer and a 30 shot clip. Then a Columbian shows up with a Israeli uzi with a 100 shot clip.

buster's avatar

Everyone of then has a shotgun too.

Jeruba's avatar

Oops @pdworkin, you sure caught me in a grammatical lapse (I’m not immune, by any means, and never claim to be). I started out with a question about one character and then realized that both of these guys would be armed. So I changed the verb to plural but left the noun singular. Oh, well. That’s what kind of English that be: it be rong.

Jeruba's avatar

@trailsillustrated, is that going to go with his watch?

(Note, there are just two characters here: the Texan former firefighter turned bodyguard and the bad-guy millionaire with the yacht.)

dpworkin's avatar

A ,38 Colt service revolver for the serious, knowledgeable Texan. Something handcrafted in Italy by Beretta for the Millionaire, and a 9mm Glock for the penis-compensating businessman.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

I know several real-life Texans, and all of them own a Winchester 380. As @PretentiousArtist said, a Desert Eagle should be standard fare for a yacht-owning millionaire criminal.

trailsillustrated's avatar

the millionare has all of them. but he only carries the 9mm and the .38. the texan has the 1911,and a.38. and of course a tactical shotgun.

Shuttle128's avatar

The fireman/body guard carries an H&K USP40. He carries it because it has very good stopping power due to the wounding capabilities of the S&W .40 cartridge it uses, it is also fairly easily concealable which lends itself to body guard duties. A compact version might be a better fit as the compact version is more concealable.

Somehow I see the rich guy as wanting something elaborate and out of his league. I can imagine him falling for one of the cliché big revolvers with large bore. Perhaps a Colt Anaconda. This is, or course, chambered for the fabled .44 Magnum cartridge. It’s clumsy, and heavy, but it’s big and packs a walloping punch. I see J as carrying this on a shoulder mounted holster under his jacket. This is quite a beautiful gun made from stainless steel; many have come to admire it and J wants others to admire his.

dpworkin's avatar

He can’t handle a .44 Magnum. He’s rich, but effete.

Shuttle128's avatar

That’s kind of the point. The gun is supposed to make up for his shortcomings. It seems rather obvious that a weak rich guy would want a hand cannon, whether he could actually handle it or not; hence, the “out of his league.”

@Jeruba If you are seriously considering writing anything more than what kind of gun these characters own, I would seriously consider researching some (at least) basic gun nomenclature. Earlier the term “clip” was used to describe what is actually called a magazine. I just don’t want you to accidentally use improper terminology based on advice.

trailsillustrated's avatar

he can handle a .44 magnum, when he’s not doing his deals, he spends alot of time fooling around with his guns (he’s a gun freak), and can definitely handle a .44 magnum with ease.

Shuttle128's avatar

Judging by Jeruba’s description of J not actually piloting his yacht, I would suspect that he probably doesn’t know the first thing about guns. This is another reason I suggested the Anaconda; he is ignorant of the reasons for which he should not use it. He only chooses the Anaconda because it is flashy, big, and expensive.

Darwin's avatar

They both have phasers, of course, but the millionaire’s is gold-plated.

TexasDude's avatar

The millionaire should carry one of these, or one of these.

The cowboy should carry this.

Jeruba's avatar

The cowboy (who isn’t a cowboy) taught the millionaire to handle a weapon.

You gun-savvy guys, I may have to check my descriptions with you before I’m through, but you sure gave me a lot of confidence as I faked it through my first draft. Many thanks!

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