Social Question


Do You Believe in Government cover ups?

Asked by ILLUMINUTTY (62points) November 3rd, 2009

How would you feel if you found out that Your Government has had Antigravity and Space travel capabilities for Decades?
And that we have been communicating with Extraterestrial beings for as long.

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25 Answers

dpworkin's avatar

I would wake up, take an aspirin, and go back to sleep.

trailsillustrated's avatar

I would not be surprised at all. It would be a huge huge freakout and cause total chaos

aphilotus's avatar

Oh my god! You’re saying we’ve actually been to space!?!

My mind is blown.

JLeslie's avatar

I would be fascinated.


Ok, I need to rephrase my question because technically part one is all true.
We have rockets which defy gravity and we have been to space for decades.
However what if we have been To other galaxies in other star systems?

Sarcasm's avatar

Of course we’ve been to other galaxies. Haven’t you heard about the Stargate expeditions?

Alek2407's avatar

Um coverups yes, aliens not probable. But we will never know so i just dont worry

derekfnord's avatar

I would feel like—if they’ve had anti-gravity and interstellar travel all this time—then they’re either complete idiots or actively evil bastards. With that much edge in tech level (and the accompanying advances in power systems, information processing, etc. to make them feasible) there’s absolutely no reason my nation shouldn’t have taken over the planet (at least!) by now, bringing world peace and universal economic prosperity. Countless millions of deaths from war, poverty, famine, etc. were all meaningless, and all because these ignorant bastards were hiding stupifying scientific breakthroughs just for the sake of hiding them…

PS: You can’t have a galaxy “in” another star system. A star system is just a single star (or very small grouping of stars) with its planets, and so on. A galaxy is made up of millions of star systems, and even the nearest one outside our own is almost unimaginably far away.


Sadly Derek this could be the truth..“Countless millions of deaths from war, poverty, famine, etc. were all meaningless, and all because these ignorant bastards were hiding stupifying scientific breakthroughs just for the sake of hiding them…”
I worked as a guest services person at the Arizona science center when it opened and among the Keynote speakers was a Dr. Carl Silisky from USC, whom I got to speak to. He told me that the technology in the Movie men in black was not a surprise to him as we have had that and more for decades.He also told me that he was working with bell labs on a breakthrough in antimatter containment, and if you email me I can show you his formula which is so simple its ridiculous.
You should also watch the last 5 minutes of Dr. Stephen Greer’s video of the conference he spoke at in Spain.
Be Well.

Jack_Haas's avatar

Unless there’s truffles in space, no way my government would have done anything with these capabilities.

People are so used to the most ludicrous coverups here that I’m sure the news would be met with the typical gallic shrug. We would just have a boatload of white flags close at hand, just in case an alien army decides to use our space travel capabilities to invade us

But not even space travel could top our most hilarious coverups:

- After the Chernobyl explosion, our government met warnings about a large radioactive cloud headed toward france with skepticism, if not derision. Later, their media lapdogs assured the population that the cloud had reached the border with Monaco, turned around, and left.

- When the president (Mitterrand) had an illegitimate daughter, she and her mother were housed in a royal palace, were guarded 24/7 by several members of the presidential guard and lived a lavish lifestyle at the taxpayer’s expense. The president was so worried about leaks that all of the city’s journalists and other vips were placed under unauthorized phone surveillance. The whole thing lasted for over a decade and nothing came to light until after the president’s death.

And don’t get me started on all the African presidents who committed suicide or accidentally discharged their guns in their mouths in the same french advisor/bodyguard/mercenary’s presence.

bunnygrl's avatar

@Jack_Haas bloody hell!! <shudder> seriously though, our (UK) govt spins more than a happy 3 year old in a playground, I doubt even they know what the truth is anymore :-(

Jack_Haas's avatar

@bunnygrl Lol… at least you have an independent and diverse media so… it’s not all bad.

mattbrowne's avatar

There are cover ups for example when tax money got wasted or when someone important might really look bad. An example would be the FBI officer investigating flight schools in Florida prior to 911. However, I don’t believe in conspiracy theories. The Bush administration did not support the terrorists flying the airplanes into the WTC.

Jack_Haas's avatar

Nevermind, I must have had amnesia for a minute and forgot about Google’s existence…

bunnygrl's avatar

<hugs @Jack_Haas> agreed, so long as I’m able to moan I suppose and I do remind myself that there are places in the world where you can’t even do that :-( I am free to say that I do not want to be a European, I am a Scot (although I would not vote for independence Mr Salmond) I mean, splitting the UK would make most of my family foreigners since they mostly live down south these days. Back to the point, I am proud to be a Scot and to a lesser degree British, but not a bloody european, don’t even get me started on the lisbon treaty which has been passed into law without British folk getting to vote on handing over our entire country on a plate to europe. Talk about cover ups, that was all done behind closed doors. There are an awful lot of disgruntled voters in the UK right now about this.

Jack_Haas's avatar

Amen to that! I don’t like what the whole thing is turning into. It’s like they’re trying to rebuild the USSR. They want to make a United States of Europe, sure why not, it’s not like it hasn’t been tried before and they have to imagine the whole system from the ground up: it’s been done 200 years ago and the system is still the best in the world. They could just copy and paste the whole framework, replace “America” with Europe on all the documents it and voilà. At least we’d get to vote on not just who we want to head our states, but also on crucial aspects of our lives, instead of having our out of touch elites shove their high minded ideals down our throats like we’re still in in the middle ages.

A guy I really like is one of your MPs, Dan Hannan. I’ve seen him quite a few times on Fox News and I really like his vision. I don’t think Britain has anything good to win by being part of that mess and I’d feel safer knowing I can bold there in case things become unmanageable here!

bunnygrl's avatar

I find this whole concept of a United Europe, with a single governing body and single military body etc that those in power are pushing for (and that they think we small people are not clever enough to understand, so they need to make all of these decisions for us), well I find it deeply frightening, and so do many others. I can see Tony Blair happily being swept in as the first President, a job created by him when he was arguing terms of the lisbon treaty. As if he didn’t do enough harm while he was in office as PM here in the UK, many people when they hear his name they think of only one word… Iraq. Whether he likes it or not, that will be his legacy, his place in history.

I have no problems with immigration, so long as people are willing to work when they get here, thats fine, but the government needs to do something about the many here who refuse to work because we have a benefit culture which discourages it. Please know I mean no offence to anyone who is unemployed, I was myself for a long time when i was ill, and there are many many people who are desperate for a job. There are however a lot of people who are unwilling to work, like my school friend. She has been offered jobs and always turned them down because she would get less money working than she does on benefits and would have to pay her rent, council tax etc. We are both 45 years old and she has never had a job, ever and has no intention of working.

I just dislike the idea of some faceless stranger we’ll never know about taking huge decisions that affect our daily lives and us being told we have no say, and no right to complain. On that note I’m off to bed, I have an early start, work tomorrow, sweet dreams all, hugs xx

bunnygrl's avatar

Back on topic, the idea of extra terrestrials being among us is not so strange as it might seem, and if they were, then I’m sure the powers that be would know about it. I’ve always thought that the idea of us being alone in the heavens, of our wee rock being the only one with life on it is just ridiculous. God help us if the human race, at this point in our evolution, is allowed to go “off world” as they put it in Blade Runner (one of my favourite movies ever). After the mess we’ve made of this planet we do not deserve to inhabit any others. One day though, I hope. One day.

Are there ET’s among us? Well we wouldn’t be told by our respective governments if there were, and the way humans treat each other maybe thats for the best. As Mulder kept saying “the truth is out there” LOL hugs all xx

mattbrowne's avatar

@bunnygrl – I have a completely different view of the Lisbon treaty which is not about centralism at all. It’s about 27 countries being more effective. Europe has changed since the iron curtain fell. Why is the EU so strong? Because countries help each other. Look at the progress countries like Greece, Spain and Portugal have made. The same will happen with Poland, Romania and all the others. In fact, other continents like Africa should eventually copy the approach.

The treaty also introduces an exit clause for members wanting to withdraw from the EU. This formalizes the procedure by stating that a member state must inform the European Council before it can terminate its membership. If the majority of UK voters elect a government planning to withdraw from the EU, they are free to do so. Maybe they want to become the 51st state of the United States instead. Or they find complete independence more appealing like the Swiss do, but consider this:

If the majority of Scots want to withdraw from the UK, in my opinion they should be free to do so as well. If the majority of people from Glasgow want to withdraw from Scotland of course they should be free to do so. If the majority of people from Hillhead want to withdraw from the Free City of Glasgow they should be free to do so. Everything else would be illogical. Then we are finally back to having a tribal order which really works “great” in places like Afghanistan and Pakistan. Seriously, we should be heading in the opposite direction and frankly to me the concept of a United Federation of Planets sounds more appealing.

JLeslie's avatar

I agree with @mattbrowne.

@bunnygrl the people you speak of who don’t work and use the system so to speak, I wonder what the real stats are? If it mostly used by new immigrants or people who have been Citizens for a couple or more generations. I honestly don’t know the answer; here in the states people say the exact same thing you do, but if I had to guess I don’t think the majoirty is the people who just got here. They are usually seeking a better life including the opportunity to secure a job and support their families. But, I read and have spoken to several people who state that Europe (so of course that is a huge generalization about many countries) has a big problem with immigrants not assimilating and being a burden on the social systems.

Jack_Haas's avatar

@bunnygrl We have the exact same problems here. Sarkozy presents himself as a conservative yet he has recently expanded the number of people who can apply for welfare. Our political spectrum is so narrow that conservatism now stands for preserving the left’s failed policies. People aren’t even required to seriously look for a job unless the government unloads the task on the private sector so in most cases you can make it welfare-for-life. The chronically unemployed even have Euro 200 christmas bonuses. I’m not kidding.

Meanwhile the health care system is hemorrhaging money. The government cuts costs everywhere it can but somehow spending still increases each year. Oh and even Spanish and Bulgarian nurses refuse to come work here in spite of even worse unemployment rates there.

At least if there was any intention to make Europe a truly democratic country, why not? If a guy like the actual Czech president could have a fair shot, sure, but this is exactly the kind of scenario that the elites want to prevent at all cost. The disdain so obviously displayed toward the Czech presidency leaves no doubt about what a charade the whole thing is. Hugo Chavez must dream about using it as a model in his own plans for Latin America.

@mattbrowne Sure, it looks so good on paper. Now, if latvia left, sure, it could be managed. But how could a major force like the UK leave the EU without creating an international crisis? It’s not even imaginable on an economic level. Once the institutions are integrated, it’s over.

JLeslie's avatar

@Jack_Haas bonus for Christmas while on welfare, that is outrageous. A pediatric Nurse Practioner complained to me last week that during Christmas the people who work the system find a way to get their children admitted because they know people do special things for the childen who are sick. I don’t know how true it is, but just the idea makes me sick.

Jack_Haas's avatar

@JLeslie Unfortunately it’s not surprising, there are shameless and selfish people everywhere and when you think a bottom has been reached, someone manages to sink even lower. But it’s just individuals.Such behaviors, no matter how despicable, don’t say anything about society because any decent person is revulsed by it. I think it’s an entirely different problem when a scandalous behavior is normalized by society: when a government cedes to capricious demands and society doesn’t push back. A vicious circle forms inevitably and even decent people give in because they realize they’re not principled and decent citizens anymore, society’s values have made them suckers so they might as well get “free” stuff, because it’s so darn expensive to those who don’t game the system.

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