Was your first kiss fireworks or a total let down?
Asked by
valdasta (
November 4th, 2009
The first time I ever kissed a girl was not consensual. A girl that had a crush on me (and our feelings were not mutual) lured me away from the high school football game to walk across a dark open field. I knew something was up, but too naive to see the danger that awaited me. We stopped. She faced me. Then she puckered up, invaded my space, and laid one on me. I was too shocked to respond in any way, but to turn around and head back to the game without a word. Not the best experience.
The first time I had a consensual kiss wasn’t much better. The lights went off in a living room full of seventh and eighth grade couples. I went in with the kiss…and missed, frenching her chin. Our relationship didn’t last; I think I disappointed her with the kiss.
What was your first kiss – experience like? Fireworks? Failure? Embarrassing?
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28 Answers
A total let down, it was slippery with her tongue going all over my mouth in front of all her friends.
It was pretty damn amazing. No, it wasn’t a big French kiss, it was just on the lips and it was soft, but it came kind of out of nowhere and it just confirmed my previous suspicions about this person that I had had a crush on for over 6 years and had felt was the cutest person I had ever come across and it was in an amazingly romantic setting (this July in San Diego) and now that person is my boyfriend—my first boyfriend. I don’t think I could’ve asked for better. He’s the only person I’ve kissed (and French kissed) so far.
I was 17, however. I hadn’t done any previous experimenting. I had been kissed by girls before, but only on my cheek or close to my mouth, never on the mouth like that. That was my first real kiss.
It was with my best friend girl at the time. We were basically inseparable, and we went to the beach together one summer. We decided to go sit on the beach at like 1 in the morning and talk, and we ended up kissing. The kiss itself wasn’t that great, but looking back at the surroundings, it was pretty sweetl. After that we ended up dating off and on for years, and we’re still best friends.
Oh it was a terrible night.
Sloppy, awkward and the taste, salty (he was a bit sweaty). Not enjoyable.
My first kiss turned into a make-out session. On his parent’s bed. Ew. Thinking back, it was just too much to handle for my first experience. That, and he was convinced he had to shove his tongue down my throat for it to be a real kiss. It makes me laugh thinking back, though.
My first kiss was pretty amazing actually.
My first kiss was really great.
However, I had doled out quite what I think wasn’t such a great first kiss to someone else. We were dating and we turned to each other… that ‘you know what’s going to happen’ moment happened… and we kissed. Unfortunately I was used to the kissing techniques of my previous relationship which included tongue and a lot of oomph. I didn’t think twice about employing the same method with him.
He pulled away pretty away pretty quickly and when I asked what was wrong, he just said “too much”. Eeeep.
embarrasing I feel horrible for being a bad first kiss.
I was my boyfriend’s first kiss (poor kid, at 20, had never had more than a hug with a female O.o), and I made sure to remember that he wasn’t used to all the other stuff. I made it soft, slow, closed lips at first but then employed the “lip sandwich” method. I waited for him to try and slip me the tongue, and when he did, I wordlessly taught him how it’s done ;)
i had an amazing first kiss with an oh so handsome boy. we were at the fair. i was embarrassed about this HUGE pimple on my nose. i was afraid his nose would rub against mine-rub the makeup off!! like it was totally hiding the buggar.
My first kiss sucked. I was around 12 at the time and it was about a week before Christmas and I was over at a friends house with my girlfriend at the time. We went upstairs and I went in for it. It was the first french kiss I had but I felt like I did awful and it depressed me for awhile. She never really mentioned it either.
My very first kiss was a major disappointment and at that time totally disgusting, LOL. I was about 13–14 I had a huge crush on a younger boy. My sister new it and the day before we had to move(army brat), she bet him that I didn’t know how to kiss. He came to my door to wish me goodby and very quickly leaned into me and tried to shove his tongue down my throat. I was totally grossed out, it was slimy and icky, lol. Plus when I heard that he only did it on a bet, I was hurt. Now that I’m older I love to kiss, it is one of my most favorite things to do. I feel very lucky that I wasn’t traumatized by that experience
It wasn’t particularly exciting, and was ended abruptly when a peacock screamed just behind us. We were at the zoo and my boyfriend of the summer that I was in Spain leaned over to kiss me by surprise. When that bird sounded off he almost jumped out of his skin, and never tried it again. His lips were a bit chapped so it was rather scratchy.
Ugh, awful. It was this dude who’d been a year behind me in high school, but I didn’t know him well. I ran into him again at uni. So eager was he to get to 2nd base that it was barely a kiss at all. Just. bleah! And to my surprise his roommate was in the room, high up in the loft, and it didn’t deter High School Boy in the least. Seriously. I left as soon as I could.
Absolute failure. It was consensual, and my first time kissing but not his. It was a tsunami. I had saliva all over my face and at one point he licked my ear and made this weird moan in it at the same time. To this day I don’t like people touching my ears. I was horrified because I had a crush on him for the longest time, so it was very disappointing when he didn’t deliver. We stayed friends afterwards and I later found out he had no idea it was my first time kissing, and thought I was amazing.
My first kiss was in kindergarden or first grade. I grew up on the same block as this Armenian kid and dragged him around with me all year telling everyone he was my boyfriend and made him kiss me at recess in front of everyone. If he remembers it, he probably hates me. :(
My first “real” kiss was in high school, and it was slobbery and gross. Ugh, what a bad memory. I got a chance to be someone else’s first kiss later, and I was really scared to create a bad shoving-tounge-down-throat experience like the one I had, so I didn’t french kiss her the first time and she thought I was a wimp.
My first kiss was with my neighbor when we were 5.
My first kiss that was supposed to mean something was a horrible day, horrible person. Just all over bad.
My first kiss with the person I actually care about is the one I consider my real first kiss these days..
It was quick, unexpected and in a crowded hallway during school. It made me feel all dizzy for the rest of the day, and it had to have made him feel something too, because he asked me out that afternoon.
One or the other – who can remember?
my first real kiss (I don’t count little pecks) was when I was 17. It was new years eve 2004, I was drunk on a mix of beer, jello shooters, and absinthe. She was 15 and tasted like cigarettes and cheap wine. It was pretty bad but I still have a pretty clear memory of it.
A total let down. I was not expecting it. The girl was older than me, we were just talking (in a church of all places!) and she just grabbed me and kissed me all of a sudden, and I panicked and didn’t know what to do. And so I more or less ran away (well, made excuses that it was too cold in there and I wanted to get out).
It’s too bad that a lot of these first kisses were forced; I would not have been happy at all if someone had tried to do that to me. I probably would’ve felt a little violated; at least, some of them seem that way to me. I certainly wouldn’t want someone to just grab me and try to shove their tongue down my throat.
I can’t remember who it was with but you bet it was short
Ew. Mine was gross. I was in eighth grade and I was with my “boyfriend” at the time at a DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL CONCERT. He was a waste of a human, I now realize, and I kind of realized it then too. I don’t know why I went or why I kissed him, but it sucked.
My first kiss with my boyfriend now though was nothing short of amazing :) it means so much more when there are feelings behind it.
i was 11 and i had a crush on a security guard at a community center me and my mom used to go to. he was 33. one day i was there without my mom and he asked me if i wanted to make the rounds with him, when he went to all the floors and checked that the doors and windows were locked. i had no idea what i was in for. i was clueless. we went into this dark room on an empty floor and he checked the windows while i stood in the dark, with just the street light coming in. he came over to me and said “can i kiss you?” i said yes. i stood there with my mouth closed (clueless). he said “open your mouth.” i did and we made out. obviously since i was 11 and he was 33 this was inappropriate to say the least. later in our “tour” we ended up in the boiler room and he sucked my tits and we did more kissing. he told me that he was going to “go through the procedures to make me a woman.” i thought that was scary but i was relieved it would not be that day. long story short, my mom found out and got him fired. she threatened that if they did not fire him she was going to tell all the parents of kids that went there. i never saw him after that day. so my first kiss is not something i usually discuss with people, since it was not your average awkward moment, but more like a molestation.
I had a date to go for a walk with a girl from high school. We were probably seniors, and both held first chair in band—me on trumpet and she on flute. She lived maybe a quarter of a mile away from me. It was winter and there was maybe five inches of snow on the ground. So we were walking through the trees, and maybe I asked her if I could kiss her.
For the life of me, I can’t remember how, but we ended up lying in the snow. I was on top of her and we kissed—just the lips. Of course, it wasn’t a warm kiss. Her lips were cold and then reminded me of the feeling of a dead fish. It was the last time we had a “date,” and the last time I kissed her, and it was also my first kiss.
A few years later, I found out she was a lesbian. People used to joke that I turned her into a lesbian, but now I wonder if that was why she wasn’t really into it.
I was thirteen, he was fifteen and I hadn’t a clue. It felt as though I had eaten part of a rubber glove. Things did improve by the following year, thank goodness.
Total let down…too much tongue
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