Social Question

Kraigmo's avatar

Why is brick-cutting legal in residential areas?

Asked by Kraigmo (9521points) November 4th, 2009

The last 3 places I’ve lived, there was a hobbyist or home-worker who cuts bricks or stones out of his yard, within a few blocks from my home. They make so much noise. Why do people tolerate this? (I’m talking about permanent, not temporary situations). If I played a stereo as loud as this brick cutter, as often as his brick cutting, I’d get a noise complaint. So why is brick and stone cutting considered so special?

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7 Answers

EmpressPixie's avatar

Did you ever try calling in a noise complaint on these people and get told that it was acceptable?

Samurai's avatar

That’s what we get for living this close together with other people.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Kraigmo Check with your local building codes. Most communities have restrictions on times for when this type of noise is permissible. If your locale does not have a law, go before your board and get one created. I’m sure you’re not the only one affected by this.

Kraigmo's avatar

@SpatzieLover , its permissible from 7am to 10pm, as long as the noise isn’t “continuous”. Since the brick machine is not making noise betweeen bricks, that is what makes it non-continuous. So its apparently legal. (A stereo at the same decibel level, would be illegal because the sound is continuous).

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Kraigmo How long have they been doing it for (weeks/months)? Maybe there is a permit they’d need?

SpatzieLover's avatar

If this is permanent…I’d take my concern to an alderman, or someone that could help write up an ordinance against it. And even builders aren’t allowed to work past 6pm in my community. 10PM is completely ridiculous!

If a dog barked from 7AM-10PM the neighbor would be cited.

Darwin's avatar

Why are they cutting bricks in a residential area unless they are building new homes? Or running a business out of their home? Perhaps you need to consider living in an established neighborhood in order to avoid construction noise, or report the folks doing this as running a business in an area zoned for residential.

In any case, have you filed a noise complaint with your local government? Where we live we have the typical time limitations for loud noise, but we also have decibel limitations.

Nowhere that I have lived has there ever been someone who always cuts stone or brick near me. A few times there have been folks who have re-tiled the floor or rebuilt a wall, but that noise only lasts a day or three. Where do you live that people do this so much?

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