Social Question

charliecompany34's avatar

You know you're old and so "not with the times" when...

Asked by charliecompany34 (7816points) November 4th, 2009

simply finish the thought/question with a few words or experiences…

you know those times where you think you know it all, but you don’t based on today’s trends and technology. do you ever get the “uh, dad, you’re supposed to (do/wear/play/fix) it like this” comment from a teenage son or daughter.

what cues do you get that hint you must be getting old?

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55 Answers

PandoraBoxx's avatar

…you text with your index finger.

dpworkin's avatar

You still say hizzouse and shiznit.

Likeradar's avatar

I get called “ma’am.”
I look at teenagers and shake my head and think I never acted like that, although I secretly know I did, and much worse.

Today a 6 year old in a class I was observing for my masters program asked me if I was going to be a teacher when I “grow up.” That was awesome.

faye's avatar

my children have to tell each other stories——you won’t guess what mom did, is wearing,what she said!!

frdelrosario's avatar

The words “like” and “goes” are not synonymous with “said”.

Illiterate young people. Get off my lawn.

dpworkin's avatar

Dude, I’m hip!

buckyboy28's avatar

You are 40+, joining facebook, and friending your kids.

charliecompany34's avatar

when you wear that pleather “members only” jacket and a mandarin collar shirt to an evening out.

dpworkin's avatar

When bogarting a joint makes you dizzy.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

when you no longer understand how there can possibly be a party after the party

charliecompany34's avatar

when you know all the words to a rap song from the 80s

buckyboy28's avatar

When you are inviting people over to check out your brand new Beta-Max player. It’s the future….

Samurai's avatar

When you don’t know what people are saying.

gemiwing's avatar

When you can’t stand half of the popular songs. And you can’t understand the other half.

wilma's avatar

You don’t even know how to text, program your VCR, oh wait…. we aren’t supposed to have those anymore are we? Um I mean your DVR, whatever that is I wouldn’t know what to do with that either.
when you are ready to go to bed and your kids are getting ready to go out.

dpworkin's avatar

When you have to consult Urban Dictionary several times a day. For the dirty stuff.

charliecompany34's avatar

@Samurai you know what i’m sayin’?

gemiwing's avatar

You start shopping for new tv’s based on how big the closed-captioning is.

charliecompany34's avatar

@gemiwing i heard a song on the radio today that spoke of getting ready for the night out, drinking beer, meeting guys—i remember the so-called female artist as “kesha” or something like that. i could not believe the blatant lyrics. i was like, wow.

buckyboy28's avatar

When dinner tonight is liver and onions, ground into a nice paste.

gemiwing's avatar

@charliecompany34 I stopped listening to the radio when every song had ‘at da club’ in the chorus. Hubbs and I now add ‘at da club’ to everything. Gotta go drop off my taxes at da club. Pick up some more milk at da club. Hon, take out the trash at da club.

charliecompany34's avatar

@gemiwing i know! i feel ya! my kids still cant figure out why i now listen to talk radio and music without words. classical, jazz. they’ll come around eventually though.

gemiwing's avatar

@charliecompany34 they have no idea how soon they will be driven to madness by horrible pop radio

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

When you start thinking that your parents WWII bomb shelter was/is a good idea.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

when you say you’re going to buy some new music at the record store.

charliecompany34's avatar

when you start listening to talk/news radio.

YARNLADY's avatar

I was asking my adult Grandson some questions about what a Blue tooth was, and it took him a few seconds to say “Grandma, you mean a Blu Ray.

trailsillustrated's avatar

when your SO calls a spliff a ‘doobie’

nxknxk's avatar

… when you don’t wear skinny jeans.

@YARNLADY: There is also Bluetooth!

dpworkin's avatar

(Or if your jeans are skinny until they flare.)

faye's avatar

i love talk radio!

PandoraBoxx's avatar

…when it’s a comb-over on someone else. On you, it’s “carefully arranged hair.”

Supacase's avatar

when you keep hearing “your” music on the classic/oldies radio stations.

YARNLADY's avatar

@nxknxk Yeah, I know, Bluetooth, I get them mixed up. I still say “C“D or VD or whatever it is, and they don’t know if I mean music, movie, or worse.

jewels's avatar

When you have to ask your 10yr old how to work your cell phone.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I know the US Top 40, but I can’t stand any of it.

And I ask myself why Lady Gaga wastes her great voice on such utter tripe. I’d make a joke about remembering when Lady Gaga’s name was Madonna, but the kid’s voice is just so much better.

Adagio's avatar

When you hear yourself saying we’ve been friends for 30 years

Judi's avatar

When you catch yourself discussing physical ailments with friends. Oh wait…. that’s when you know you’re old..
When you no longer know the names of all the venereal diseases.

figbash's avatar

When even though you know you’re still young, you reminisce about the ‘old days’ when phones had cords that plugged into the wall or can talk about your push-button cable box. . .

Judi's avatar

@figbash ; or you can say you remember renting a VCR from the first rental store in town, or you remember when computers were all government owned, or you know how to change the ribbon on a typewriter, or you remember the first time you ever heard about a fax machine, or you know how to count back change., or you remember a time before UPC codes and scanners.

Strauss's avatar

When you realize that the “newer” song you like is really a classic!

You refer to “keyboarding” as “typing”.

When you try to convince your kids (and wife) that you really have been absent-minded all your life.

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

You have no idea who those little kids are that are on the tv shows, in the movies, and singing songs on Youtube videos.

That you type on your computer keyboard and remember what it sounded like when you typed on a typewriter.

You listen to young people talk and it sounds like a language created by irrepressible and mentally retarded toddlers.

You swear you are going to shoot the next person you see wearing baggy pants. =)

rooeytoo's avatar

When one of the little kids come in and touches the loose skin on my throat and says “That’s what happens when you get old.”

It was a humbling moment, hehehehe.

The rest of that is when your skin doesn’t fit as well as it used to!

Judi's avatar

My sister was working as an aid in an elementary when one of the little kids patted her butt and said, “Are you pregnant Mrs G?”

rooeytoo's avatar

@Judi – now that’s funny, well maybe not, heheheheh!

PandoraBoxx's avatar

@Adagio, ACK! I’ve said that at least 10 times in the last week!

Although my daughter has a friend that she’s known since the infant room in day care. They’re in their 20’s and have known each other their entire lives and still do things together on a regular basis.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

When you read @aprilsimnel‘s answer and Google “Lady Gaga” to make sure that it’s not a pseudonym for Madonna.

mattbrowne's avatar

… when you think Paris Hilton is a place to stay in the French capital.

Likeradar's avatar

when you know what a card catalog in a library is.

aprilsimnel's avatar

When you watch a clip of Christopher Walken on Jonathan Ross’s show doing a dramatic reading of Poker Face and remembering as a child watching Steve Allen do the same routine for Be Bop A Lula (OK, it was on some show about the early days of rock ‘n’ roll that I saw in the 1970s, but still).

rooeytoo's avatar

@mattbrowne – heheheh, another good one.

Strauss's avatar

When your daughter says of “Howdy Doody”: That marionette gives me the creeps!

mattbrowne's avatar

@rooeytoo – True story. Happened to me a couple of years ago. My daughter was totally shocked. Then she enlightened me.

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