General Question

mineown's avatar

Why does Wild Arms come in a double case?

Asked by mineown (438points) November 4th, 2009

It is only a one disc game so why does it come in a double case?

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6 Answers

kibaxcheza's avatar

there may have been plans for an expansion or a directors cut/collectors edition disk

SeventhSense's avatar

Wait I know this one…
“Who the fuck cares for $500 Alex.”

NewZen's avatar

@mineown Welcome to fluther. It’s hard to ask questions, but give it time – read others’ questions to get a feel for it, and soon you’ll be in the 10k club and fluthering with the best of ‘em. Hang in there.


PandoraBoxx's avatar

@mineown, not much going on over there, huh?

mineown's avatar

I ask about what I want to know not what people want to answer.

Berserker's avatar

I’ve always wondered that myself, and Wild Arms wasn’t the only one disc game to come in a double case…it may be because the Japanese version came with some soundtrack, bonus anime disc or the making of or something, but the American audience was denied the extras, yet they were too half assed to produce single cases.

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