Whats your take on Emo people?
Asked by
November 5th, 2009
The emo population is growing faster ,and faster, day by day.It used to be hippis and stoners, now skaters, emos and rockers. Me, I’m a rocker. It’s all about the music, late night hang outs and getting stoned. But what I don’t understand is how someone can walk around all the time frowning, cutting themselfs and listening to ‘screaming’ bands? It’s sad. Why can’t they realize that you only live once, and life is precious, that they need to stop acting stupid?
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62 Answers
Why would anyone label themselves so narrowly in to any of the categories you listed?
I like to say loudly near said subject to whomever I am talking to: “Yea, I just had my new Emo lawn installed. It cuts itself.”
I don’t have a “take” on “emo people” because I think that labels are for soup cans, not for people.
its annoying to be around YES, very much. Its irritating to hear the weepy voices and they why me’s and all that “Daddy never loved me, mommy never hugged me” syndrome followed by the excuse that they wear their sisters pants and use her makeup because of the “tormented soul” they harbor…but i just drown it out thinking that the serious ones will end it for the rest of us if they are serious enough about ending this “horrible suffering within me” and the posers will eventually be beaten up by someone else and they will snap out of it. its drama and its pathetic. if they want to live that way…its their time lost weeping over themselves not mine. shrug
Very positive. Emo Philips is one of my favorite comedians.
“Like Goths but for pussies”
have you seen the “Tickle Me Elmo” emo version??? “He cuts himself out of the box!” and when you tickle him he cries and says “why are you hurting me?” I think its hilarious. saw it on saturday night live i think.
..and I don’t understand why someone must listen to rock, go to late night parties and get stoned..
See what I mean? It sounds close-minded no matter who you talk about.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir GA. I throw humor at everything, especially myself, because to take life that seriously is to miss the big picture.
I am still trying to nail down what an emo actually is. My son is trying to clue me in, but everytime he tries, there are no examples. so I tend to get Goths and Emos mixed up. My son finds this quite humorous.
Don’t know. I’ve never had a friend who was “emo”. Doesn’t seem like something I’d be interested in, seeing as how I don’t like the look, don’t like the clothes or the hair, and certainly don’t like the music. Additionally, I don’t like being around negative/depressing people. Yes, I skate, but I don’t associate with “skaters”, “punks”, “goths”, or “emos”. Not my thing. I much prefer the preppy kind—that’s what I resemble the most, I think.
I’m busy battling people who think it’s ok to let all the ‘colored people kill themselves off’. Emo people are low on the list.
@majorrich ya my mom is the same. She is always getting them mixed up. I think it’s hilarious too!
@gemiwing funny you should mention that. My son tells me there are actually ‘nemos’ (black emos) I guess they are pretty rare.
It’s just one of those things where people find something they can associate with so they feel they fit in somewhere in this crazy fucking world. Every generation has their labels. Emo is the same as hippies, punks, goths, ravers, preps, jocks, etc, and as soon as high school is over and kids enter into the “real” world, they find that shit doesn’t matter one bit, and never really did. But to hate on a person or a group of people that you don’t understand or cannot associate with (racists, sexists and homophobes being the exception IMO) is just plan immature and frankly very ignorant. Why do you care what they do? Let it go and just let the Emos be Emos, and you be a rocker.
Wow, dude calm the hell down. My boyfriend is emo. I’m not hating on anyone.
They need to stop acting stupid? sigh.
My take on them is that they are people.
Emos are just people dealing with the world in thier own way. Just because they are not living like you means they’re “sad”? Besides, you said they need to realize that they only live once and they need to stop being stupid? Ya well, getting stoned and just hanging out not doing anything are what a lot of people call “stupid”. Look at yourself before you call others stupid.
@DOMINO so your boyfriend is Emo and you’re a Rocker? and you’re both okay with belonging to arbitrary groups that you, yourself, label and then make fun of? how do you get anything done with you stoned all the time and him cutting to no end? see how this all sounds ridiculous or no?
He dosn’t cut him-self, I’m not making fun of anyone, and I berly get stoned. We just clik, thats how.>3
@DOMINO your profile says you are 15 and married? Do you live in Kentucky?
I see you have changed it to engaged
@DOMINO so glad you only berly get stoned…dont know what we’d do if you relly get stoned…look I’m teasing, life’s better lived outside boxes
I’m not married, what are you talking about?
If he doesn’t cut himself then why would you make the generalization that all ‘emo’ people cut themselves? If you barely get stoned then why would you say ‘for me, it’s all about getting stoned’? Are these your conceptions of emo and rocker? Do you apply their generalities to people – namely, your boyfriend and yourself – even though they aren’t even accurate?
Something is wrong.
You’re trying to categorize people which by itself is folly enough. But you haven’t even defined the categories.
I feel bad for @DOMINO she’s new here and everyone is picking on her, we can be nice here sometimes, don’t let them scare you away, oh and the Kentucky thing, I hope you got that it was a joke :-)
I didn’t say all cut, it’s just that my best friend was emo and 3 monthes ago he killed himself that way.I said ‘for me, it’s all about getting stoned’ because it is, I just don’t do it all that often. I didn’t ask this question to affend anyone, sorry if I did.
@RareDenver One of the things I love about Fluther is that people don’t get away with bullshit no matter how new they are.
This question is about fitting into a narrow definition and being just like other people. And I’m glad this community calls out people who do that.
So, what do I think about Emos? I think it’s just the latest way for teenagers to try to be “different” by being exactly the same.
When you get older/more life experience/more mature, you’re realize that people who like late nights/getting stoned/rock music are as varied as they come, and labeling yourself as a rocker means nothing.
@RareDenver Ya ur right. Srry Domino. I just got rlly &^*^ off cause one of my friends is emo. Srry!
It’s ok. I guess I should have edited my question better to what I was trying to ask.:)
@Likeradar I just feel that it’s better to go a bit easier on new users while they get their bearings. Those first tentative steps into a new collective can be intimidating and we want new users to stay don’t we? Even (especially) if we don’t agree with them, we all like a good online barney from time to time, but it probably isn’t the most welcoming of first impressions, gotta give em time to settle in before you go for the jugular, lol.
@DOMINO – BTW, welcome to Fluther. We are very nice here, so hang out and have fun!
@RareDenver Sure, mostly I agree with you. I would never hardly ever advocate being outright mean to anyone. The OP isn’t doing anything really wrong, and I don’t think anyone is being truly mean, just poking fun at the question.
@DOMINO so your best friend dies because of cutting and this is how you speak of the practice, offhandedly? I don’t get it.
The term “emo” originated close to 25 years ago in the underground Punk scene—(huge emphasis on “underground”, as in NO mainstream press coverage whatsoever, i.e. light years away from this shit on mtv), and in all honesty should have never left. But, as with most things, over time people that are on the fringes get exposed to it, and they expose it to other people, so in much the same manner as water diluting a dab of ink the original spirit becomes lost, replaced by a barely recognizable husk of what it once was. “Back in the day”, the term simply meant a particularly introspective lyrical style, along with punk music that was a bit softer and slower than the average band. That’s it. No one actually described themselves as ‘emo’. No cutting, no carbon copy hair style, not even any particular style of dress. Introspection and introspection only. This bullshit today known as “emo” is just another trend – I mean really, who the FUCK isn’t emotional at times? The fact that they have the BALLS to say they are more sensitive than others… I can’t even find the words to express my contempt for such crap. I mean really, what is that about? Ridiculous.
Am I bitter? Yes. I’ve been involved in the original shit for over 20 years, and this shit currently called “emo” is an insult, a big one at that. I know plenty of teenagers are thinking I don’t know what I’m talking about, but that would be akin to telling Run-DMC they’re ignorant of the origins and true spirit of rap music. The only thing I can say to them is: “I was there, were you?”.
There’s my opinionated rant of the week. This was not directed at the OP, more to the world at large
I don’t get out much, but from what I’ve heard the word ‘emo’ stands for people who are emotionally unable to cope with their surroundings and therefore resort to absurd measures to show it. Apparently, they dress in black and engage in self destructive behavior to call attention to themselves.
My take on that is to wonder why there is no one to be there when they need it?
Some people have called me “emo”. It’s kinda ridiculous in my opinion. The clothes someone wears do not indicate whether they are depressed or not.
Just because I wear skinny jeans does not mean I’m depressed.
If I wore polos that would not indicate I play football.
Clothing is clothing.
Gotta be careful about just the clothes thing, Goths wear black too and they beat you up. Again according to Will who is sitting here. (Still laughing at me for actually taking him seriously on the ‘nemo’ thing.)
I think emo is shrinking, not growing. @FutureMemory probably knows more about emo than I do, but what I gather is that emo music started out as a type of punk rock music. If punk could be summed up into one emotion, it would be anger, but emo is more about sadness. (Goth music started out in a lot the same way, but the music and fashion developed in a different direction.) When emo first came out, it was new and raw, and it spoke to a lot of people. So it blew up, became popular with a wider and younger audience, and record companies started signing emo-like acts that would appeal to the most people possible. Then people started noticing that the new emo music coming out was more like a parody of itself, and the fans weren’t helping.
It’s not bad to identify with a type of music. Teenagers want to make a statement about who they are, identify with a group, and sometimes show that they are in pain. Emo music and other types of music let them do all of that. I think a lot of times people aren’t necessarily trying to be emo, but people mistake them for it. I think the whole skinny jeans, shaggy hair aesthetic is here to stay for the next couple years. (I think the original look comes from post-punk, and they were inspired by 60s mod fashions.) This is probably the type of young people clothes our decade will be remembered for, just like people make fun of out-there 80s fashions now. It’s not just an emo thing, though.
Anyway, emo seems to be on the way out if the first thing people think of when they hear it is, “teenagers cutting themselves!”
I don’t find any of this amusing.
Apparently there is a big disconnect between the music and the fans.
@DominicX: that’s the poster I was thinking of!!!
Okay First Of All Not All Emos Cut Themselves. I Sure As Hell No I Don’t. I Mean I Use To But It Was Only For Like 1 Year. Then I Finally Got over it. Emo Is Short For Emotional. We Have Strong Feelings And Are Really Emotional And It Doesn’t Matter If We Listen To Screamo Or Heavy Metal Or techno Or Rock Or whatever Y’all Wanna Say We Listen To. We Express Our Selves How We Wanna Do it. We Are Very Very Unique!
@Sydneyjnoe Your own statements are contradictory. We don’t cut, except when we do, we are unique, except for the we part.
Well Didnt Mean We I Meant Emo People. Emos Cut Themselves Cause They Don’t Know How Else To Make The Pain Go Away. We Dont Look For Attention But They Think All Of Us Do It’s Stupid How They Think That. If We Wanted Attention It Would Be Obvious. Personally I Hate Attention. People Tell Me When They Look In My Eyes They Can Read Me. Like All You See Is Dark Brown Eyes That Are Always Watery And Never Close.
Whats With Every Word Beginning With A Cap Also Are You Allergic To Punctuation Just Asking.
Just How I Type? Gotta Problem?
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