Do you think that the general stereotype that "girls don't like action movies" is true?
Asked by
evegrimm (
November 5th, 2009
As girls, do you like action movies/video games? Do you prefer them over other genres? Or do you dislike/avoid them? Or somewhere in between?
Guys—do you notice that the girls you are friends with dislike action movies? Or is it not a big deal?
Do you think it depends on the person, the situation, the movie, or something else?
Do you think there is any genre that is disliked universally, or almost so, by guys/girls?
Also, what genres do you like? Please state your gender for the record.
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63 Answers
That’s not true
I don’t like action movies either unless it’s something other than cars blowing up and it actually has a well thought out plot
And I’m a guy!
Pff, not at all.
Some of my favorite movies are action movies. I love it when stuff blows up and when there are slow motion fight scenes. Have pirates? love them. Have hobbits? love them. Have swords? love them.
But my favorite would have to be comedy. I love movies that make me laugh. ^^ And coming of age flicks, like Ferris Buellar’s Day Off.
no I love action movies. good ones. I actually like watching stuff blow up- but a good action movie.
It is absolutely not true. Specifically martial arts movies are my favorite genre, and I’m a girl. although I have crushes on martial artists like Jet Li and Tony Jaa. And if I could afford a video game system and games, I would be master of them all.
Anecdotally speaking, I think most females that claim to enjoy action movies cease to pretend as much as whatever relationship they’re in with a guy matures.
No, I’m not bitter.
I like action movies, but I don’t really watch tv. I’m more of a Call Of Duty kinda girl. I like action videogames and watching people blow up. Especially when I’m the one doing it. Disturbing? Not at all!
In video games, I’m more of a first person shooter person.
In movies, I love James Bond. Sooo much. And in general, while they are not my favorite movies, I do enjoy a good action flick (ie has a plot, most of the time). I do also enjoy the really terrible ones. If Snakes on a Plane counts as an action flick. Did anyone see Law Abiding Citizen? I haven’t but based on the trailer, it looks like an awesome “terrible action flick.” Though the trailer might not do it justice, don’t know yet.
I love action flicks, am a girl, have my own collection of them, and watch them with or without other people around .. so I’m pretty sure I’m not pretending to like them. : )
I appreciate awesome fight scenes, things getting blown up, chases, etc., whether or not the movie has a good story line. If there is a good story line, all the better, but not mandatory.
I often prefer asian flicks, simply because asian fighters and actors tend to have more physical competency and grace, and make it look freaking good.
I don’t like chick-flicks. I’d rather watch people get shot and stuff blown up.
I’d rather play fps and fighting games than anything else..
I’m a girl.. just not into the girly crap.
That is not true. I love action movies and I’m a girl.
Hell no. I know tons of girls that can recite every line from Pulp Fiction, Die Hard, or scenes from martial arts flicks. Similarly, I know women whose characters are all level 100 in every Final Fantasy title (no, really), can kick my ass in Soul Calibur and who can snipe my ass in Unreal Tournament (the original – they are hardcore gamers that realize the newer installments suck. It’s just one of those false preconceived notions, unfortunately. Then again, I’m a game critic, so I’m around these types of women a whole lot.
No, I’m a female and I love Kung Fu movies and action movies with hot actors/actresses. Games- I’m not such a big fan but I know very well why. My eyesight is shit and I can’t afford to fix it so I can’t even see what all I’m supposed to be coordinating with the game controller but some of the games I see others play look so incredible. I’d probably get all addicted like some of my other friends.
That’s ridiculous.
The majority of movies I watch are action movies. It’s not something I used to seek out, but I enjoy watching them at night with my husband. except, last night I watched GI Joe and thought it sucked. Of course my husband bought it.
I like action movies. I wouldn’t say they’re my favorite genre- probably comedies are. The only thing I can’t stand is when the plot suffers for all the explosions. I used to love Independence Day. It had a good balance.
@casheroo That movie was so bad that I had to love it. You know you’re in trouble when the best actor is a Wayans brother.
I have a (girl) friend who says she goes to the movies on Friday night to see “explosions.’
@Grisaille Pulp Fiction! Now that’s a good one.
Need I say more?
I totally dig explosions. Particularly the ones that make that little zoom sound before they blow the second time. And zombie movies. I love zombie movies. The more adapted the zombies are, the better the show. And I will watch anything with Bruce Willis or Gerard Butler in it (from the action genre) a hundred thousand times.
When we were dating, my wife was at my apartment, watching The Road Warrior.
At the final battle, she was on her feet, screaming at the TV, yelling “Yeah! Go get ‘em! Yeah!”
At that moment, I knew she was The One.
I enjoy a good action movie! And although I’ve never been good at the technique of playing games, I could kick your ass button mashing on Tekken and Soul Calibur.
And @SheWasAll_ was not lying, I live with her and have seen her movie collection first hand.
By virtue of it being a stereotype it’s not always true. I think also that newer generations of women are likely to be more interested in action movies than women in the past (pure speculation).
As a man I like to see cars drivings fast, crashing, explosions, gunfire, quickly moving aircraft… all that action movie stuff (not to say I don’t enjoy a moving drama from time to time.. just not the majority of the time).
For me the stuff you find in a “girl movie” .. those emotions.. are something we already deal with in reality. I prefer a departure from reality in my movies.
I am female. I know the stereotype is not true. However for myself personally I do fit the stereotype.
I’m not a big fan of action movies. Well not when they are all action and no plot. I also do not like martial arts movies. I never fall asleep during movies except once in awhile when hubby rents a real hard-core action. Bores me to tears.
The movie genres I prefer are psychological thriller, cultural, romantic comedy, sci-fi, and some more I’m sure.
In terms of video games I really don’t like the super-violent ones, also I have a hard time following the new 2D or 3D or whatever you call it they have in most of them. I prefer puzzle games or arcade games or role playing games or classics like mario.
@Grisaille You’d hate me then because I love button mashing and I can kick some butt doing it. It’s a special technique huh @IBERnineD? lol
@Grisaille do you hate button mashers because they always beat you?
I dislike button smashers too. They have no regards towards button feelings. It brings a tear to my eye to see an abused button. How would you like someone’s big thumb or fingers pushing your head constantly?
@Grisaille Button mashing is a fantastic method; I’ve beaten many an ex-boyfriend in Tekken with this method and systematically crushed their souls.
@IBERnineD I think they do hate button mashers for that exact reason. Not only do they always lose but they can’t figure out how to beat us because there is no method to our madness, hehe.
@SheWasAll_ Welcome to our club! :)
@PretentiousArtist I don’t think I have ever met anyone who likes my “special technique”, especially after I actually learned some button combos. I once broke my opponent’s arm three times in a row, and my friend screamed, “STOP BREAKING MY ARM!!!” I then proceeded to break his character’s leg for the win. :)
Okay, first off, everyone calm down.
No one said anything about losing, it’s just I have a problem with people not respecting technique and the design process developers put into the game. Yeah, that’s it.
That is my story, and I’m sticking to it.
Oh no he didn’t! ;)
trying to find a pic of someone smashing that calm down monkey/animal ~
I thought I didn’t like action movies until I saw Lethal Weapon for the first time. That was when I realized I love action movies. Now I am a bit of an action movie junkie. All the Lethal Weapon movies, The Dogs of War, Kill Bill 1 & 2, Pulp Fiction, Law Abiding Citizen, I loved those movies! One of my favorite television series of all time is Highlander (there can be only one). I am very partial to good sword-play in the movies.
If I had to pick a genre as my favorite I would probably go with mafia/organized crime movies. The Godfather is quite simply the best movie ever made, and Goodfellas is right up there. The fact is that I love movies, any movies. The genre doesn’t matter as long as the film is good.
What’s a button smasher? All I know about video games is that I turned over Space Invaders on my Atari back in the day. There weren’t any buttons back then, we had to use this odd invention called a joy stick. It was ok though because we had strong fingers from using dial telephones.
For the record, though most of you probably already know this – I’m a girl.
@Clair ROFL, why did you have to correct me? haha, i knew that wasn’t no dang monkey, i am laughing so hard right now
I learned at a young age that the sexiest thing about a woman can be.. that they like man things!
So I love action movies. I think the fact that I grew up with boys helped things, too. haha
@IBERnineD Using my own jokes against me, eh?
Because I cannot find a perfectly appropriate picture to combat my own, I will leave you with this one and flee.
I’ve been out pic’d in this thread. Totally can’t top that.
God, I’m still laughing.
I take a break to watch a movie and come back to a lolgoldmine.
@Clair What the heck? Now I’m going to laugh myself silly and then have nightmares about monkeys that aren’t monkeys and have horrible eyes… ROFL
Guys always say that I am such a man when it comes to the movies like. I love war movies Platoon one of my favorite movies, Full Metal Jacket. I love Pulpfiction, Fight Club, American History X, Goodfellas. I could go on but there is so many. I don’t think that movies have any boundaries. You like what you like. I am just a girl that would choose Batman over The Notebook any day.
@sjmc1989 Now Goodfellas is one I do like, always have.
I love a good action movie, but it pisses me off when they get the physics all wrong and the explosions don’t look real. If the explosion happens behind Tom Cruise and he’s thrown sideways into a car in the trailer then I’m not gonna see that damned movie because it’s gonna piss me off. I mean, damn.
But if you make an action movie that’s based on legends and magic and there’s kung fu with wires and the color and motion are awesome—I’m all in. Or if you make a spy thriller with a plausible plot and implausible car chases -I can go with that, too. Or do whatever dumb thing you want if it’s action and it’s funny. But if you do something stupid in a movie just to make the action better then please balance out the stupid with something clever or fun or something that makes me want to suspend disbelief and come along for the ride.
For games, I usually prefer turn based strategy games, but I like puzzle games, too. I also love games like Diablo were there’s a long-term team strategy component to it, but it’s also very shoot-em-up.
And for the record I am a grown-ass woman and big nerd. Cheers!
@RedPowerLady Ray Liotta is amazing and everyone acted so well in their how could you not love it!
And now that I have read the whole thread @robmandu I know some girls that will do that in relationship but there is some of us that actually do genuinely enjoy action films.
and @Clair Hilarious! LURVE!
@sjmc1989 American History X is my second favorite movie. Boondock Saints is number one.
@rangerr I started watching Boondock and something happened so I had to turn it off and I still haven’t got to finish watching it :(
@sjmc1989 The second one was just released. I haven’t seen it yet.. but my God, am I excited. Sexy guys with guns and accents? Yes, please. But the story line is what gets to me the most. Butttt. Go finish it! now!
Depends on the movie. When I saw the first Transporter movie I wasn’t expecting to like it, but I did!
I like the Quintin Tarantino-type movies. Action-y, but not wall-to-wall action. There’s decent pauses for character development and witty banter.
I’m a girl and Im not big into action films. . . . but i doubt the fact that i have lady bits has anything to do with it.
I don’t like action flicks or chick flicks. I’m not sure about the general stereotype on action flicks.
It’s not a stereotype, it’s constantly measured by studios. Movies go before focus groups many times before being released. What the target demos don’t like is out. Simple as that. Studio execs only care about one thing: money. So if women turned in large numbers to watch pigs fly, you’d have 50 movies about glying pigs in production. But because Studio execs only care about profits they market action movies to men and romantic comedies to women.
When it comes to games there has been a slew of studies recently that showed women play video games to socialize while men play to win. Male brains are stimulated by the virtual rewards acquired by beating a game while women’s brains are stimulated by the social interaction aspect. If action games become social, cooperative, they become more appealing to women. But a single player shooter mostly attracts male gamers.
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