Social Question

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

What are a couple of your simple little pleasures in life?

Asked by Sueanne_Tremendous (11295points) November 6th, 2009

Commence with the masturbatory commentary if you must, but what I am really asking about are small things you do, or have, or read, or smoke et cetera that make your life just a little bit better? For me, I have many. But today two of those little pleasures put me in a real nice mood: Sun Bird Egg Drop Soup Mix and the Vlog of RayWilliamJohnson =3 ( sample )

Sun Bird Egg Drop soup is so easy to make, so wonderful to eat and so soothing. RWJ’s =3 is hilarious, although maybe an acquired taste.

Anyway, what are some of your simple pleasures?

btw I am sure this has been asked before but things and people change so don’t bust my chops for asking again. Please?

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85 Answers

erichw1504's avatar

Mountain Dew, Crab Cakes, Sleep.

Ranimi23's avatar

sleeping, loving, readiing

jonsblond's avatar

Sunday football. (or Monday night if I’m lucky)
Morning quickie. ;)
Morning coffee.
The occasional piece of cinnamon toast.

CM89's avatar

Soy sauce and trash mags.

poisonedantidote's avatar

the smell of girls hair, and stretching just after waking up.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Watching my son dance and sing.

Listening to my parakeets talk to one another.

Feeling my cats purr.

The smell of my daily latte.

erichw1504's avatar

Listening to music, I love music!

plays the air-drums

Facade's avatar

Singing in the shower

smack's avatar

Dr. Pepper, Marlboro Smooth Menthols, fries from Wendy’s, when my dog licks my face.

rangerr's avatar

Mango Gatorade, running and Fluffee’s vlog.

erichw1504's avatar

Contributing to Fluther.

SolitaryMan's avatar

World dominaton followed by slow masturbation…..and a little hot sauce on my pork skins.

lbinva78's avatar

My old worn out pillow.
When my S.O. puts an exclamation point after “I love you” in texts and IMs.
Immediately removing my bra after getting home from work :)
Sleeping in, breakfast in bed (one of my most favorite things to do) then a nap

RocketSquid's avatar

A really good sneeze.

erichw1504's avatar

Finding a quarter in the dryer.

poisonedantidote's avatar


holding a dildo against the side of your nose will make you sneeze (dont ask)

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t partake that often in these anymore, but I stil love them when I do:

Coca Cola
Jamoca Almond Fudge from 31 flavors
Too Jay’s Mounds Cake

Others that I can still enjoy regularly:
Favorite TV shows
Watching the deer that visit me in my yard
Seeing my friends on facebook
Getting into my bed at night under layers of blankets.

erichw1504's avatar

Playing with my kitties and teaching them to play the piano so they can become famous like the Keyboard Cat.

SolitaryMan's avatar

Achooooooooo! Hey, that really works. Now if I can just find a rubber suit.

smack's avatar

@Sueanne_Tremendous AHHH wawa is soooo good :)

SolitaryMan's avatar

Non-gossipy sheep?

erichw1504's avatar

Laughing at other people’s misfortunes.

essieness's avatar

A glass of wine
The smell of nag champa

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

@poisonedantidote : I peed myself. A dildo to my nose? Oh damn…

rangerr's avatar

@SpatzieLover @sarcasm or actual sarcasm? Both amuse the hell out of me..

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

@smack That it is. That it is.

erichw1504's avatar

Fresh air. I need a dose of it everyday to stay sane.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@rangerr Both amuse the hell outta me too. I am ridiculously sarcastic IRL. It drives my husband crazy! Which is another simple pleasure for me!

erichw1504's avatar

Vidya games… YYYEAEAaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh! BOOM!!! HEADSHOT!!!

[throws multiple bananas]

poisonedantidote's avatar


It does work :P

all it takes is about 4 to 5 seconds. just dont over do it (nose bleeds)

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Foot rub
Guacamole, chips & salsa
Napping with a lover

erichw1504's avatar

Chicken wings.

erichw1504's avatar

When someone give this answer a “Great Answer!”.

erichw1504's avatar

@SpatzieLover Everytime it gets one! Thanks!

DominicX's avatar

Chipotle, coming on this site, the knowledge that my bike is right there and I can go where I want with it, my favorite stuffed kitty cat, my comfy bed, Ice Breakers Sours, ice-cold water from the refrigerated drinking fountain, the works. :)

evegrimm's avatar

Boba, sourdough bread, watching tv shows, delicious yarn, homemade cooking (eating and making)

DominicX's avatar


Oh man, I love sourdough! I haven’t had Colombo Sourdough Bread since before I went to college…I need some…I’ve been known to have it daily… :)

ParaParaYukiko's avatar

Playing with my kitties. They never fail to make me smile. Well… Except when they knock over everything on my nightstand or eat my hair. Umm…

Making cupcakes or other tasty treats.

Finishing a great book.

Logging on to my DeviantArt or account and seeing a complimentary comment on one of my costumes/artworks.

These things make me happy. :)

janbb's avatar

Taking a walk with a friend
Starting a good book
Taking the piss out of pdworkin on Fluther (And that’s not hard to do, Rocky)

faye's avatar

storms if I can stay home while they’re raging, teenburger with my daughter today and fluther-always something to read

MacBean's avatar

Yesterday I was having a really bad pain day but I had an appointment with my prescriber so I had to go out. By the time I got home, I hurt so badly that I couldn’t get out of the car. I sat there for about a half an hour in 40-degree weather, hoping for a lull in the pain or a boost in my desire to get inside. When I finally got back into the house, I went to put my pajamas back on. I’d tossed them by the baseboard heater when I got dressed earlier, so they were all toasty like they’d just come out of the dryer. The pain was still a bitch, but suddenly I was okay with that. It made my day.

faye's avatar

waking up in the night and knowing you can roll over and go back to sleep

wilma's avatar

Climbing into bed with bedsheets fresh off the clothesline, all fresh and sunshiney smelling.

the relief when a migraine goes away.

the smell of my baby’s head, that smell that only thier mother can smell

snuggling my grandchildren

JasonsMom08's avatar

My son’s smile first thing in the morning!
Tabloid magazines
Dark chocolate (NOT milk chocolate)
Warm towel after a hot shower
Getting my hair done at a salon

knitfroggy's avatar

Knitting, Naturally Flavored Sparkling Water, my cell phone, the DVR

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

@JasonsMom08 I love dark chocolate…70% cocoa is tops. And a warm towel? Heaven.

dpworkin's avatar

Gloating over being me, whereas you are not me.

bagelface's avatar

Coffee. Making stuff. Petting my kitten. (actual kitten)

skfinkel's avatar

One of my very favorite things is getting my own lane in the swimming pool. I get to zone out completely and get all my problems solved while swimming if I don’t have to negotiate around some other person doing laps. I was just lucky enough to get the first 25 laps to myself the other day, and was thinking how very wonderful it was.

Another thing is the great smell of good coffee in the morning. And when it is brought to you in bed, that is another very special delight.

I also love and am grateful to be able to take deep breaths of fresh good smelling air. It makes me happy.

Yet another pleasure is reading a really first rate book, having the time to read it, and not being able to put it down.

Thanks for this question.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

@bagelface : Either type of kitten petting is a simple pleasure in my book.

dpworkin's avatar

Actually, I used to get a shave once in a while at a barbershop in Little Italy. Now, that was quite an indulgence. I’m afraid those days are gone. I’m old!

Courtybean's avatar

Sitting on the shower floor with the water running.
Hot, clean, crisp sheets out of the dryer and put onto your bed.
The first page in a new notebook or writing pad.
The smell of jasmine flowers.

Facade's avatar

I bought some knee socks yesterday, and my favorite conditioner came in the mail. Yay!

dpworkin's avatar

Enjoying the company of my doggy and my kitty.

janbb's avatar

@pdworkin What are you, a petophile?

dpworkin's avatar

you can be arrested for mangling the English language in vain

janbb's avatar

surely not in vain. it was bloody brilliant; admit it.

dpworkin's avatar

@janbb: nothing if not modest

janbb's avatar

“gloating over being me, whereas you are not me.”

deni's avatar

Cuddling, laughing, candy corn, my favorite blanket. Observing my sheep. They are so funny and weird and cute. I love just looking at them.

SolitaryMan's avatar

deni: Do you ever count your sheep and does it make you sleepy?

deni's avatar

@SolitaryMan I don’t, because there is only 6 or 7 of them. But if there were a sufficient number I would…for you

dpworkin's avatar

Kiehl’s skin and hair products.

deni's avatar

Oh another – burts bees lip balm

erichw1504's avatar

@deni My wife is obsessed with Burt’s Bees lip balm.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@erichw1504 & @deni I’m ADDICTED to Burt’s Bees Lip Balm ;0)

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deni's avatar

I’m addicted too! But like, in all honesty, I really do feel I’ve become addicted to it. I had this conversation with someone recently…people who don’t use chapstick don’t need us…but those of us who have started….can’t seem to stop!!!

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The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

[Mod says] Please stop with the personal jabs.

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Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Awww…I hate when something is modded…what did I miss??????

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Neopolitan ice cream bars.

deni's avatar

@erichw1504 OMG. you and me both brother. dear lord. i just bought a box the other day….i think i’ll go eat 3!

DominicX's avatar


Yeah, I’m a little confused how an innocent question like this turned into an argument…

dpworkin's avatar

Kicking off shoes and socks upon arrival home is an undersung pleasure.

HighShaman's avatar

My simple pleasures consist of playing with my dog , watching my soap (All MY Children) , eating ice cream , and soaking in the hot tub with a cold drink.

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