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RocketSquid's avatar

Is humor a dying art, or am I just getting old?

Asked by RocketSquid (3486points) November 6th, 2009

I’ve noticed that movies and television comedies seem to rely less on a finely crafted joke or honestly funny situation and more on catch phrases and standard sexual references. Am I just out of touch with the witty movies of today or am I becoming and old man at the ripe old age of 26?

The main shows I use for this point are the early Saturday Night Lives and early Mad TV. Mad TV relies almost exclusively on characters, who seem to spit out their catch phrases no matter what’s going on in the skit. SNL had it’s catch phrases and known characters, but they were full dynamic characters that reacted differently to whatever situation they where in. And these were mixed in with a good amount of original skits. I have a couple of other movies I’ve compared, like Space Balls and Scary Movie, but I’m wondering if maybe I’m not looking in the right places.

To conclude, am I old and nostalgic, or am I just looking in the wrong places and comparing the wrong movies?

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