Is there something you constantly lie about?
Asked by
Facade (
November 6th, 2009
You don’t have to reveal what it is…
Do you have something that you lie about every time when asked about it?
Is it something big? Small?
Why don’t you just come clean you big filthy liar~?
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87 Answers
I honestly can’t think of even one small thing. Ten years ago I’m pretty sure I would have had a few big ones.
“How are you?” “I’m good”
I lie about that everyday.
Other than that, the only thing I was trying to keep a secret, my SO knows now.
The number of guys I’ve had sex with.
Not anymore. :)
As you may have been able to guess, I consistently lied when asked about my sexuality. I tried to keep it to a minimum, but there were some situations where I hadn’t lied, I would’ve given it away and I didn’t want to do that at the time. It feels great to not have to constantly keep something hidden; I hated lying about it, but for me, being found out was worse.
Other than that, I don’t keep up a facade hehe about anything. :)
I’m always telling folks I have freakishly small genitalia.
they are just just normatively tiny?
Yes there is… AND I CAN’T TAKE IT ANY MORE!!!!
I LURVE YOU @Facade!!!!!!!!!!!!
There… I said it
@Dr_C We all knew that :P
@Frankie I’m with you, I lie about the number of men I’ve slept with.
i lie constantly about many many things, yet i would consider my self one of the more honest people out there.
i tend to make it obvious im telling a lie, unless i really dont want anyone to know. but i think people accept lies to a certain degree. at least in moderation. they are almost seen as a kind of excuse in a way.
if someone asks me to be honest i will. but if they do not i have no problem with dishing out a lie if its convenient for me to do so.
My drug use. I don’t want to worry my mom or gf.
My drug use as well. Its not that im ashamed of it or anything, its just some people are very poorly educated and tend to judge you for some reason when they find out you smoke weed or drop LSD. Its odd, they can think your a great person but when they find that out, suddenly your someone else. I dont get it.
@Blondesjon: People ask you on a regular basis how big your package is?
Oh maybe because drugs in general have been such a plague in society. The use of LSD has caused permanent irreversible brain damage in people. Drug use in general is an indicator of an addictive personality that can’t practice self control enough to refrain from illegal behavior. Is this someone that you would trust to watch your children? Run your company? I mean come on you’re not dumb.
But other than that, “Hey, Turn on, tune in, drop out”. But it will never be acceptable and rightly so, outside of a laboratory or as a prescribed means to address a particular malady, drugs have no place. And certainly not by people who prescribe themselves medication. Even physicians know the danger of this.
@SeventhSense Caffeine, sugar, alcohol, and tobacco are also bad for you. Just sayin…
Yes and ONE of those and ALL of the aforementioned would or could cause you to be criminally liable if you pilot a plane under their influence.
” The use of LSD has caused permanent irreversible brain damage in people”
Source? My guess is the only people getting their brains fried are those who decided hmmm lets drop 60 hits at once (aka retards who shouldnt be using drugs in the first place) or people with a preexisting mental illness. Never wise to use hallucinogens when this is a possibility.
” Drug use in general is an indicator of an addictive personality that can’t practice self control enough to refrain from illegal behavior.”
Bullshit. Drug use≠ drug abuse. There is a very big difference. I take LSD 5 times a year at most. Oh god im hooked damn it i tell ya im hooked!!! I would also say legality has nothing to do with this issue. What is legal and what is moral are two different things.
“Is this someone that you would trust to watch your children? Run your company?”
Are you saying im not capable of making educated decisions because i choose to partake in drugs on MY time. There is a right and a wrong time to use drugs, knowing the difference is key.
@Samurai I know! Me neither! I just offer people a depiction of an alternative reality. Sharing means caring!
Whatever. Keep telling yourself that but it won’t change the facts. There are many people who came out of the sixties with permanent brain damage from bad trips and now kids do Animal tranquilizers meant for elephants like it’s just a sleeping pill.
In a nearby very nice suburban town there have been many deaths from heroin over doses. All these kids just started with a little weed and simply graduated to another self prescribed medication. They had no real reference point and did not find the need to “educate” themselves and sadly that was and still is the norm. If you have had a “successful” time with drugs and find it to be a contributing part of your life then do those “less educated” a favor and keep it to yourself so maybe they don’t have to die in their ignorance. ~_~
@SeventhSense Please don’t start with the “weed is a gateway drug” BS. At least not in my thread.
It’s been my personal experience and weed is far from harmless so the source of the BS is all on your end.
wow, this is not how the thread started! I lie about the ’ we should get together for coffee ’ thing. but i think that’s a lots of places lie. now beer….
@faye Beer! Beer! Beer! Beer!
and uber why overlook my answer to facades red herrings? Do you think it’s coincidence that a pilot can not smoke weed or drop acid or have too many drinks before flying a plane? How about working at a daycare etc.?
People constantly try to borrow money and I always say I am broke and usually I am not. If it is a hungry kid I will feed them, if it is an adult who spent all their money on booze, drugs and cigs, then I lie and have no guilt about it.
Only liars believe the saying “everyone lies”. There are many of us who do not lie.
@SeventhSense “There are many people who came out of the sixties with permanent brain damage from bad trips ”
like i said above, some people abused it.
“kids do Animal tranquilizers meant for elephants like it’s just a sleeping pill.”
kids are stupid. not everyone who uses drugs is uneducated. is an amazing site.
“In a nearby very nice suburban town there have been many deaths from heroin over doses. All these kids just started with a little weed and simply graduated to another self prescribed medication.”
Jesus fucking christ! Come on! It takes a totally different kind of person to do heroin. That is a nasty fucking drug and you couldnt pay me enough money to go anywhere near it.
“Do you think it’s coincidence that a pilot can not smoke weed or drop acid or have too many drinks before flying a plane? ”
Again. COME ON!?! Who the fuck would even consider flying a plane on acid weed or whatever? I wont even drive a damn car. I didnt think i needed to address something as obvious as that.
”“How about working at a daycare etc.?”
Again, as i said above ” There is a right and a wrong time to use drugs, knowing the difference is key.” Go to work high with kids? Fuck no. Smoke at night? who the hell gives a shit?
”. They had no real reference point and did not find the need to “educate” themselves and sadly that was and still is the norm. If you have had a “successful” time with drugs and find it to be a contributing part of your life then do those “less educated” a favor and keep it to yourself so maybe they don’t have to die in their ignorance.”
How about this instead? We call an end to all the propaganda bullshit currently taught in schools and actually educate the youth with real facts about these drugs. That way they can come to an informed and well educated decision for themselves wither or not they would like to partake in them.
My guess is the only people getting their brains fried are those who decided hmmm lets drop 60 hits at once (aka retards who shouldnt be using drugs in the first place) or people with a preexisting mental illness. Never wise to use hallucinogens when this is a possibility.
And how about when these “retards” have been under the influence of well meaning educated drug addicts?
And how about those with a pre existing unknown mental illness are triggered by psychotropics.
THIRTY DEATHS FROM OVERDOSE. Educated Kids. Straight A students who just were not able to see that they could not escape from the grip of the opiate and just started thinking they could snort a little like Coke. Don’t give me the fucking bullshit about a wholesome use of drugs. They’re poison plain and simple and life on life’s terms is the antidote.
But you know we won’t agree on this. And WTF is your new avatar? I feel like I’m trippin’..maybe a flashback . Is it The Fly?~_~
“And how about when these “retards” have been under the influence of well meaning educated drug addicts? ” Huh?
“Don’t give me the fucking bullshit about a wholesome use of drugs. They’re poison plain and simple and life on life’s terms is the antidote.”
Honeslty i lold4rl I mean really. There are some of us who will never touch coke, never touch crack, never touch heroin, meth, or oxys. Not all drug users are the same and i think thats where your problem is. You cant see that, you just think one drug user is just like the rest. Like i said above, heroin is a horrible drug, i really dont understand why anyone would use it in the first place. No amount of drug use could ever make me consider it. These kids who overdosed obviously werent that smart. Sorry.
So the new campaign will be
Be educated do drugs ~
How about “Know your Body – Know your Mind – Know your Substance – Know your Source.” :)
I never said anyone should do drugs. I just believe we should all be educated so if one makes that choice they know what they’re getting into.
Ok so what’s your avatar?
You do love the crustaceans heh? You should be a marine biologist
or open a Long John Silver’s :)
@Trance24 Of course it prevents cancer, its natural. Coffee beans prevent cancer.
@SeventhSense actually just applied to college to go for marine biology :P
@anyone who says you never lie, you just did!
I am genetically incapable of lying. If I could lie, I’d lie about my genetic makeup.
I always tell the truth… Even when I’m lying.
I don’t lie per se, because it doesn’t come up in conversation. But the fact that I’ve been to a rehabilitation facility hasn’t ever come up.
I don’t really see why women lie about the men they’ve slept with or their age.
I won’t say I have never lied, but I’m generally a pretty honest person. Are we counting situations like someone asking if you like their new (horrendous) hairstyle, & you just can’t tell them the truth? :-)
More recently, I used to lie , well, more dodge the question, when someone asked about my age, because when I said it, I’d hear, “Oh, OK, you’re just bragging! Braggart!” Now, if asked, I say what it is and let the chips fall where they may. Especially since realizing that the startled reaction and snappish comments are more about the asker than about me.
When I was at uni, I used to lie that I’d had sex when I hadn’t. I didn’t want to seem as though I was still a child.
@YARNLADY: Many of “us” that do not lie? If a lie is a statement you make that is knowingly false, then you lied on Fluther quite recently. You said something you did not believe to be true, intending it as humor. However, a few people did not read it that way, so then you stated it was meant humorously. By their contrary nature, one of those statements—the original or the follow up, was a lie.
My point is that everyone lies. Some people justify it as humor or politeness. Some lies are overt, some lies are those of omission. But everyone, absolutely everyone lies. And yes—I am a liar. Of course I am, as I believe that everyone lies. It would be pointless to make the claim that everyone lies and then say that I do not.
I tend to lie outrageously. I am always lying to my housemate. He often fails to recognize it as my style of humor and accepts what I’ve said as my belief or opinion on a topic. It actually hasn’t happened in a few weeks, but for a while it was happening a lot which was kind of awkward, but fortunately not disastrous.
That’s a pretty constrictive definition of lying, if it includes satire, irony and humor.
@gailcalled . . .Not so much. I just like using it as a conversational bon mot.
@doggywuv Basically. Sometimes I say “so-so” and rarely “bad”.
@EmpressPixie If you make up a definition that includes jokes and fictional stories, than lying would include nearly every utterance a person makes. That is just plain silly. When I say I do not lie I am using a different definition, utterances that are made to deliberately deceive people, not as humor or entertainment.
@YARNLADY: So for you, the act is only the intent behind it? But you can never truly know the intent another person has, so you can never truly know that another person has lied. Whereas my definition, which does not depend on trusting other people to find out if they’ve lied, allows me to definitively say “this person has lied”.
I’ll take my definition any day.
Beyond that, jokes are often told with the intent to deceive. Fictional stories are often represented as true—Santa Claus, for example. But even jokes that aren’t told with intent to deceive can often be incredibly hurtful because they do deceive. And the person left feeling used is not supposed to think the first person is a liar?
Each of those phenomena already has a definition, as does “to lie”. @EmpressPixie seems to be creating her own lexicon.
It reminds me of the old joke: How can you tell if a politician is lying? A. His mouth is moving.
Apparently some people would extend this definition to everyone.
@pdworkin: 1. intr. To tell a lie or lies; to utter falsehood; to speak falsely. Oxford English Dictionary
Yeah. Now look up joke, satire, irony, story and fiction, and see if they are defined in precisely the same way. Hint: they are not.
The isidious thing about a lie is that is doesn’t come with a label. The only way you can tell with some people is that they have developed a reputation for being truthful (or not), and you make your choices about believablity based on that.
These are far from conclusive studies.
And from your own “studies”.
While this type of study cannot conclusively prove cause and effect, the combination of this new study and existing research — which for decades has shown that cannabinoids are fairly potent anticancer drugs — raises a significant possibility that marijuana use is in fact protective against certain types of cancer.
Preet says much work is needed to clarify the pathway by which THC functions, and cautions that some animal studies have shown that THC can stimulate some cancers
A walking case study of a fairly fit but perhaps the most religious cannabis smoker to have ever walked the earth (next to the prophet Snoop Dogg) finds him to have died from none other than….lung and brain cancer! Rather than prevent, they actually like the above study mentioned may have actually stimulated his melanoma. Melanoma rates are actually 10x higher in white people than black people.
(Universty of California, Los Angeles, David Geffen School of Medicine, Division of Hematology-Oncology In The Department of Medicine)
Education and science do not work backward from foregone conclusion to premises to justify a lifestyle choice.
@SeventhSense I am merely saying that there is other research going on that has shown ” significant possibility” that it is preventive to cancer. I feel as both sides of this drug should be discussed. There hasn’t been a conclusive study that says marijuana has the opposite effect either. More and more research is being done with marijuana, and I think that is a good thing. The more studies we do the more answers we will get and the better we will understand certain substances. There are two sides of the story and I believe both sides should be looked at. There has been significant results on both sides of the argument.
You at least have to admit that marijuana should at least be a country wide accepted medicine. Because it has in fact been proven to help those who go through cancer therapy by reducing their pain, and assisting their nausea problems. It is also a natural growing plant with now synthetic chemicals in it. It would be like any other regulated drug for those who suffer from a medical ailment. I think people who regularly take narcotics like percs or oxies for pain are going to suffer in the long run, more so than someone using marijuana to cope with pain. Both have altering effects on the body in terms of making you feel out of touch, but narcotics like percs and oxies can do some serious damage on your stomach and cause physical addiction in many cases. Marijuana doesnt cause physical addiction, and rarely develops mental addictions unless you already have a history of having an addiction problem.
Studies on drugs are done in order to find answers, and all studies start out small with little conclusive answers. Therefore you saying it isnt conclusive, doesnt mean it wont be. There were obviously some significant connections between marijuana treating some forms of cancer. The more testing that is done will come up with more conclusive answers. “some animal studies have shown that THC can stimulate some cancers”, I do not know if you are referring to that statement because it says it was only seen in animal testing or because it only said SOME studies have shown the effects. If your referring to the fact that it was only seen in animal testing, what else do you expect? This is a fairly new study they are not going to go out and test it on humans before they obtain enough information. Also most studies start out only getting SOME of the results that they want to see the longer a study goes on the more conclusive the information will be, whether is be to prove or disprove the goal of the study.
So I am just saying there is research being done, and there are results coming from it. Therefore I feel we shouldn’t turn a blind eye to it.
Substances thought to be able to cure cancer
A spice in curry
Spicy Foods
Apricot Seeds
Vitamin C
Tropical Fruit
Dark Leafy Greens
Green Tea
Cruciferous vegetables
Whole Grains
Shark Cartilage
Surprisingly we still have cancer. Even among die hard vegetarians eating dark green vegetables, whole grains, crunchy tofu tacos and smoking spliffs the size of a Cuban Churchill.
And we can only surmise who were the strongest proponents of each and every study were anyway.
The FDA has finally issued an ultimatum
Yes there is a place to deduce the effective nature and components of a controlled substance and it’s place is in the laboratory among scientists. The smoking of ganja in coffee houses and frat rooms is just another means by which stoners can waste some time and their lives. And yes there was a time in my youth when I would of thought of someone like me as a total nazi and establishment police. But sometimes when you grow up and escape from the insanity you see things differently.
There hasn’t been a conclusive study that says marijuana has the opposite effect either.
I’m a fucking study. I lost my youth. I didn’t enjoy my teenage years. I avoided all normal activities and stunted my own emotional growth. I never joined anything and my world view was formed under a cloud of smoke since I started getting high at the age of 10. It was fun at first but then it’s end is a nightmare of complacency, paranoia and despondency.
It’s amazing the incredible ideas I used to have when I was stoned as a kid. The only problem is that they were all in my head and they never materialized into anything meaningful or helpful for anyone least of all myself. Reminds me of a quote I saw as a kid on the wall of a local park bathroom where the stoners hung out. “The sky is blue because ice cream has no bones” meaningful…such a waste of a life. The problem is that it’s often not clear until you’re so far down the rabbit hole you can’t see the light of day anymore.
And the Reefer Madness jokes are cute. Yes we had our Cheech and Chong and it was all just a laugh but it’s sad when the joke is on you.
P.S- This is where weed clouds the rational thinking. The quote about Animal Testing had nothing to do with either the word Some or Animal. I thought I quoted it as plainly as possible. It actually states that THE ACTIVE INGREDIENT IN MARIJUANA-THC HAS BEEN ACTUALLY SHOWN TO ACCELERATE (INCREASE, EXACERBATE, MAKE WORSE) SOME FORMS OF CANCER IN ANIMAL TESTING. AND OF COURSE ANIMALS ARE WHAT WE TEST ON IN THE LABORATORY
Glad to oblige the collective YARNLADY.
@SeventhSense . . . you had your fun. why begrudge the fun of others? work your program.
@SeventhSense wait wait wait….. you like a dumbass started smoking at 10 and blame all the bad effects on marijuana not your own stupidity? Is that right?
Stoned at 10?! I didn’t even know what drugs were back then…sweet Jesus…
I was more concerned with Pokemon cards and Britney Spears…oh, the early 2000s…
Hey we all take a path based on our pain, environment and upbringing. Don’t judge me
we can’t all be educated drug users who drop acid while staring at shrimp
...and don’t call me a dumbass
Perhaps you missed my post. Playing chicken in traffic is fun too.
Work your own program
@SeventhSense no one is judging you, I know some people have bad experiences and sadly that does change their whole thinking process, and can sadly leave them very narrow minded. Bad experiences don’t happen to everyone there are plenty of people out there who can smoke their weed, get a career, be good at said career, and handle their life no problem. No one is forcing you to go out and take drugs, that is not the aim. The aim is merely to get you to see that not everyone who ends up taking some kind of drug ends up destroying their life or having horrible experiences but can be normal operating people
And since this has deteriorated to name calling, I will bid you adieu and wish the more arrogant among you a helping hand when they find themselves at the end of their rope and maybe a little compassion for those less fortunate than themselves who perhaps did not have the emotional wherewithal to avoid the pitfalls of addiction. The pit of which they may themselves be currently trapped in. Drugs are attractive to people wanting an answer to problems and an escape from pain. But remember that addiction/alcoholism have nothing to do with willpower or intelligence and there is help available in many 12 Step Groups and there’s no shame in that. Peace and good night.
<Stopping Following
so… did I miss anything?
*peers through clouds of pot smoke
@SeventhSense . . . The big difference is I could honestly care less whether someone smokes pot or not. I’m just nudging you a bit because I know you get all riled up when someone is having a good time doing something you can’t do anymore.
Smoke pot. Don’t smoke pot. Who gives a fuck? People are gonna do what they want to do no matter how much you try to regulate it with rhetoric.
we always have this fight darlin’. you know i still love you right?
@SeventhSense I know you have stopped following but in any case my mom is a recovered alcoholic. She has been through AA and is still a member and highly involved in AA. She is a different person now with a clear head. Sober for years now, has a good life, won’t touch anything because she knows what will happen to her, because she has an addictive personality. She has the disease of addiction. She is well aware that I still smoke pot, and has no problems with it because she knows that I am not her, I do not suffer from the same ailments as her. Pot is a mentally addictive drug not a physical one, and I lack the addictive personality or the disease of addiction, therefore I am different from those who do and can get hooked onto certain things what ever they be drugs or not.
@Trance24 : I hope that in ten years you still have the same POV.
@gailcalled I am confident that I will, although I can except that things can change. I have been through a lot in my life and have seen both sides of the fence. This thread is not for my life story so I shall draw the line here.
( expect? except? accept?)
Good luck with your fence, thread and line,
From a Daniel Tosh standup routine:
I think we should legalize marijuana in this country.
Yeah, I really do. Just so potheads have nothing to talk about ever again.
Come on, it does get a little annoying after awhile. “Hey you wanna smoke some pot?”
“No. Because I’m not in the seventh grade, and I have things to do. Why don’t you shut up and do cocaine like an adult?”
@gailcalled yes I realize i should have said accept, not everyone can be a great writer like you.
@Trance24; Sure you can. It’s easy. Just reread before you hit “send”. ANd no one’s looking for greatness here anyway, just clarity.
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