Meta Question

jonsblond's avatar

Do you read the details section of a question?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) November 6th, 2009

I know this has been asked before. I searched and could not find it. I’m hopeful enough time has passed to ask this again.

Do you pay attention to the details of the questions on Fluther or do you just read the question then answer? Do you take the time to read the details if they are several paragraphs long. Do you just skim?

What types of questions will you take the time to read if the details are very long. State your favorite beverage in your answer if you are reading these details. What types of questions do you decide to just answer without reading any of the details.

Does it upset you when someone answers your question without reading the details first?

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69 Answers

Ivan's avatar

Not if it’s long. For example, I didn’t read those. ^^

Dog's avatar

I try to read the question but it is pretty obvious many do not even try.
Coors light tonight. Life is good!

gailcalled's avatar

Yes, if they are under 3 paragraphs. I have trouble with the “Okay, here’s my story. Let’s say person A is named Sam and…..add a million unnecessary details…..”

The ability to abstract is a useful one.

DominicX's avatar

I really try to read the details because I really want people to read mine and I can tell sometimes when people don’t.

I also try to be as concise as possible; no need to drag things out.


laureth's avatar

My husband’s mead. ;)

I do try to read them, and find that if they are too long and unwieldy (some relationship questions get this way), I’ll be more likely to skip the question than answer it when I don’t know what the heck I’m talking about. And yes, if someone answers mine without reading the details, they’ve often missed important information pertinent to the answer, so their answer is usually useless to me – not upset, I guess, but I will think less of them.

casheroo's avatar

I’ll admit, I don’t always read. It really depends on the question, and if it’s a user I know or not. Also, sometimes I just don’t feel like getting into it..but I usually just skip it altogether and don’t answer.
It does bother me when people don’t read the details, and I get responses that are not what I was looking for at all.

Dog's avatar

~@Laureth- Pass the mead would ya?

jonsblond's avatar

@laureth I had a feeling it was you. =)

trailsillustrated's avatar

not if it’s really long. Heineken

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I’m like a lot of you…I don’t read the whole thing if it’s too long. I just don’t have the patience.


Dr_C's avatar

I’ll usually read the details and if they are too long or they seem to divert my atention from where i thought the question was originally going i might not answer at all.
As far as favorite drinks go I’m a single malt on the rocks man but can go for a manhattan or a martini. beer… irish car bomb… too many to list

jsammons's avatar

@clair Told me it was only right to read peoples questions thouroghly out of respect for that person and I agree so I read all of the question that I’m answering. If I ever stop reading a question then it’s because it has lost my interest and I keep moving.

Arizona Green Tea

gailcalled's avatar

I never read huge scrolls of text with no breaks – either questions or answers. If I feel I need a trip to the ophthamoligist’s, I move on.

Cafic and Giardielli cocoa

Dog's avatar

I am not sure that I do more than breeze through on some of the really really long questions though. I mean- life is short and life calls. However I do try. My budget says 2-buck-chuck but I adore expensive merlot.

DominicX's avatar

@oratio Yes. Stupid Macs don’t have the accented Greek letters, though. There should be an accent over the upsilon. :P

poisonedantidote's avatar

I read the title of the question, and go reading the rest as i type. occasionally i will not read the details if the header says it all already.

rangerr's avatar

Unless the question is really unique, I won’t read more than the first and last sentences.

Dog's avatar

~So I read this question? Will I get a mention on RA Radio?

Facade's avatar

What @Ivan said.
I am also too lazy to write my own response

SeventhSense's avatar

No I don’t read that magazine. I like GQ though.

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

I sometimes read the details, depends upon how long winded the writer is and how interesting the question is. Sometimes, I read the first paragraph, then go down to answer. I’m sure what most people find annoying is that i skip down over everyone else’s answers and type my own in first. Sometimes I miss the gist of the thread, but I am easily distracted, and my mind wanders. Oh look another duck. Wait, what was I talking about again?

Pinot Grigio

gailcalled's avatar

@DominicX: What accent over upsilon? ΅ηερε?

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Sometimes I’m in the mood to read.. sometimes not. I’ll have a jack and coke please.

chyna's avatar

Depends on my mood, I’m usually a diet pepsi type person.

jrpowell's avatar

If I don’t feel like reading the details I will just not comment and drink a PBR. I read the tags and the profile of the person asking the question too.

Facade's avatar

Why is everyone naming drinks?

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

@Facade read the details, kiddo!

SeventhSense's avatar

Well….if you’re not kidding…then you are GUILTY!

jonsblond's avatar

I love Fluther

tee hee

Facade's avatar

@SeventhSense @Psychedelic_Zebra Oh no! haha wow… at least y’all know I wasn’t lying

gailcalled's avatar

@DominicX: ύδωρ (Google provides the accents.)

NewZen's avatar

I think it’s very very important to read the (Guiness – Mother’s milk) details section of a question, even if it’s Daloon’s really long. Or you might miss the point (Guiness – it’s the best tasting beverage!).

Judi's avatar

Most of the time I do if I have my ginger ale with me. but I rarely read all the other responses until after I have posted my answer.

DominicX's avatar

@gailcalled Yeah, but on Windows the Arial font comes with all these crazy accented letters that you don’t have access to on a Mac. Oh well…

This reminds me of something my 9th grade history teacher did. He gave us a test and at the top under “DIRECTIONS” it said “don’t actually take this test. Turn it over and write your name on the back.” Of course, I was like one of 3 who figured it out, but I was such a dork that I went up to the teacher and asked him if that’s what we were actually supposed to do…lol. It was a good lesson in reading directions. :)

gailcalled's avatar

@DominicX : I assume that the test was in Greek?

Supacase's avatar

Most of the time. If I find I can’t finish reading the details, I rarely answer the question.

I don’t care if people don’t read my descriptions. They look kind of stupid when they suggest the exact thing I’ve said already doesn’t work, though.

Diet Cranberry Splash Sierra Mist… while it lasts

rooeytoo's avatar

I read your entire question because that is what it was about and I figured there would be a tricky part to it! (Ice cold water out of my Sigg, I am at work).

I have to admit though, if it is long, I often do not read the entire thing. And I never look at the topics, maybe I should start!

YARNLADY's avatar

I try to read them, but I don’t always respond. Sometimes the details are just used to ask a different question, and I only choose to answer one, not both.

wildpotato's avatar

I read the details and all the answers for every question, unless I get bored and go away. That’s the more interesting half of fluthering, to me. Hoegaarden in the summer, white russians in the winter.

augustlan's avatar

Always, and usually every answer, too.

Diet Sprite and/or Rolling Rock.

knitfroggy's avatar

I read the details if it is something I am going to answer. I saw a details on a question that was nearly a novella once. I really wanted to answer the question, but didn’t feel like I should if I didn’t want to read all the details. I like one with too many details as opposed to none at all.

Either Diet Dr. Pepper or Flavored Sparkling water

faye's avatar

Sure I read them if I think I might answer. i already did not and made a fool of myself!!!

SpatzieLover's avatar

Sometimes I mis-read the details. Does that count if I do it while enjoying my hot Sleepytime tea? Often I glance or skim but rarely read thoroughly.

ccrow's avatar

I generally do, & I also read the responses before answering. Then if I’m just repeating previous answers w/nothing new to add, I don’t bother.
Then I have a sip of Chardonnay, or maybe a nice single malt Scotch.

scamp's avatar

Sometimes yoohoo!

Dog's avatar

Today I have made an effort to really pay attention to the details. Water after last nights party.

Grisaille's avatar

Depends on the question. If it’s technical, asked to start a discussion or is personal, yes. If it’s “what is your favorite beverage”, no.


Also, I’d like to point out that @Dog has the most awah-some voice evar.

Dr_C's avatar

@Grisaille not sure why i imagine a sultry voice on our beloved @Dog… (especially after seeing the bike pic.. rawr!)

Grisaille's avatar

@Dr_C Oh, she totally does, man. Sultry and cute. Very giggly (though, she was drunk last night).

I feel so dirty.

Grisaille's avatar

…and yet, so very right.

Dog's avatar

@Grisaille You are so funny- thanks for the laugh! We want to hear you @Dr_C next Friday night on Randomass Radio!

@Grisaille has a wonderful voice and is really funny so is @gggristo who sounds like Clark Gable!

Grisaille's avatar

Don’t listen to her. I sound like Pacino if he was beaten about the balls with a hammer. And had a lisp.

Dr_C's avatar

Friday night? what happened to wednesday nights?
I usually take the Mrs. out on fridays…

Grisaille's avatar

Well she’s just going to have to deal with it.

I’m kidding, don’t hit me.

Dr_C's avatar

@Grisaille I’d be more worried about Mrs. C kicking the crap out of you than me…

I’m a lover not a fighter
But I’m a fighter too so don’t get any ideas

Grisaille's avatar

True enough. She looks like she’s built for heavy lifting.

Again, I’m kidding, she’s beautiful. Please don’t beat me with a chankla.

Dog's avatar

@Dr_C It moved to Friday nights. ~~Seems @Blondesjon could not handle the Thursday hangover. ;)

augustlan's avatar

Wait a minute… @Dog called in and I missed it?!? I am a sad panda.

Dog's avatar

@augustlan it was so funny!
Both Zen and Goerge were in chat goading each other to be the next to call after Pete. This went on for a while so I called to Introduce them :) (Besides if someone didn’t call fast Jon was going to read more Rap lyrics.):)

Blondesjon's avatar

i have no qualms about punishing you people to keep you in line.

I scan the body to see if I am mentioned in it and then skip down to the funny. young’s double chocolate stout

chyna's avatar

@blondsjon I’m a bit miffed I didn’t get the change of night PM. Hmmmpf

Dog's avatar

@chyna I did not get it either. PTPH sent me a PM after the show had started.
They might try to ditch us but we can’t be shaken that easily!

Dr_C's avatar

So friday night huh?

chyna's avatar

@Dog That is funny! I was just thinking the same thing: Are they trying to ditch me? I’m a little insecure. OK, a lot insecure.

Blondesjon's avatar

PTPH is my notification system. I love you all (even you jesus). Friday is the night from now on.

chyna's avatar

@Blondesjon You may want to rethink your notification system then. :)

Dr_C's avatar

@Blondesjon ddaaaaaaaaaaawwwww… now you made me blush!

SABOTEUR's avatar

Do you pay attention to the details of the questions on Fluther or do you just read the question then answer?

I’m learning to read the details. I’m a bit selfish and set in my ways, but I’m trying.

Do you take the time to read the details if they are several paragraphs long. Do you just skim?

So far, I’ve ignored questions with several long paragraphs for details. Skimming would not give me enough information to offer an intelligent answer. Let me explain…I worked for a no-nonsense businessman one summer. His considered his time to be very valuable. If you didn’t get straight to the point with him, he’d walk away. I understood later that busy successful people do not have the luxury of wasting time. They quickly get tho the point of a discussion then move on to other things.

I also perform a task on my job which requires 3 or 4 specific pieces of information for me to honor a request or provide the service someone is seeking. I’m often forced to wade through “tons” of information that has nothing whatsoever to do with what is needed for me to fulfill their request.

A lot of these questions, too, have extraneous information. I just haven’t taken time to decode it.

What types of questions will you take the time to read if the details are very long?

i don’t know…well…I do know. It would have to be a question related to something I feel I have a unique, but interesting perspective. Quite unlike this drivel I’m typing now.

State your favorite beverage in your answer if you are reading these details?

Pepsi, smart a…eh…wise guy!

What types of questions do you decide to just answer without reading any of the details?

Questions with topics I know something about. translated: not too many.

Does it upset you when someone answers your question without reading the details first?

I believe a question should be a question, not a thesis. (unless the question is mine). I’ll go out on a limb here and state a big obstacle to most people when it comes to problem solving is their inability to simplify their thinking. I can almost guarantee that people who need more than a few sentences to explain their problem could use lessons in simplifying their thought processes.

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