General Question

Mrgelastic's avatar

What is the best way of keeping a rose alive?

Asked by Mrgelastic (513points) November 7th, 2009

I recently got a bouquet of roses from a friend and i want them to last a while, what is the best way to keep hem alive in my apartment?

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9 Answers

oratio's avatar

My mother used to put sugar in the flower water. Not sure if that helps, but she said it made them last longer.

“My momma always said…”

Mrgelastic's avatar

@oratio Thanks, i’ll try it out

faye's avatar

flower shops have little packets they will give you to make them last longer. Always cut a bit of the stem off with sharp knife or scissors. I’ve heard the cut ends close themselves off over time so they can’t get enough water.. I’ve also been told a penny in the water works. keep them away from heat sources.

dpworkin's avatar

Cut the stems under water, in the sink, and then put them directly in the vase.

oratio's avatar

And when you cut them, cut the stem in a slanting way to maximize the area taking up water.

evegrimm's avatar

Stick her in an alternate universe with her mother, father and human Doctor…

dogkittycat's avatar

I also heard sugar in the water helps, change the water frequently and keep them away from any heat source, example, radiator, burning fireplace…ect.

YARNLADY's avatar

@evegrimm somebody’s been watching too much Dr Who

allergictoeverything's avatar

bleach! i heard that putting a splash of bleach into the water would make the flowers last longer. it’s supposed to kill bacteria or something…

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