Ever had a secret life?
Have you ever had to hide something—and live that way for an extended period of time? What were you hiding? How did you keep it hidden? What was it like—hiding something for a long time? Did you have an easy time, or was it stressful and gut-wrenching? Was/is it worth it?
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43 Answers
I have a secret life that would blow all your minds.
I keep it hidden by not telling what is not asked. It is not a big deal to me. But the rest of the world would be freaked out.
I would say sometimes it can be stressful. It being such a contradiction to many.
No. I’ve done things that I don’t really want to talk about, but those were mistakes, not a whole other life.
@ChazMaz I’m askin’!!
No, these were more like incidents that I’ve kept secret. I shouldn’t have but I did.
Certain government agencies would put me down if I answered this quetion truthfully.
@ratboy – Amen brother! I know what you are saying.
Is fluther a secret undercover operation? oooh!
I wouldn’t mind faking my death right now, yet money would be an issue.
I was thinking that if people really do want to answer this, they could get a new login, and no one would know.
Yes, with the Thrill Kill Kult.
@daloon sounds like too much work to me
@daloon You could get a new login and answer. :) I think I would be facinated by your answer, undercover of course.
No one knows who I am, so I guess I have.
I have four secret lives
1— my online life
2— my regular life
3— my regular life around friends/family
4— my work life
and live that way for an extended period of time? I have done this since I can remember
What were you hiding? telling would defeat the purpose of hiding it
How did you keep it hidden? My behavior, personality. and morals change depending one which life I’m living at the time. also no one from one life knows anything about the other lives.
What was it like—hiding something for a long time? Did you have an easy time, or was it stressful and gut-wrenching? It is easy at times stressful other times
Was/is it worth it? it is well worth it
@daloon and @chyna If the person really, truly did something that would cause the government to come after him, they’d track him down by his computer address (what’s it called?) which would be common to all the user ID they might have. Now, that person could go, say to the library or to a college campus and use one of their computers, and then they couldn’t find them.
I’ve been living something of a secret life for the past 6 months or so. Secret in the sense that I’ve been telling people that I’ve been busy with something, when in fact, I’ve been doing something else entirely. The truth will have to come out pretty soon though…
Yes. My real name is Walter Mitty.
Yes, I guess you could say I live a secret life. One of you knows what it is. That’s all I’m going to say about it.
I work for one of the largest christina organizations in the world. You could say I am part of the inner circle.
On my weekends I so do luv shackling a sweet submissive to the wall and flogging her.
It is even better when I have another kneeling along my side.
It is actually funny (to me) that by night I am hard core BDSM and during the day It is all about Jesus.
It is more complex then that, but you get the idea.
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Hey, we shouldn’t be judging. The question is about a secret life and @PB4Ugo2Bed revealed their secret life.
@Val123 I wasn’t expecting much about spying, really. More felt like it would be interesting to learn how people like @tyrantxseries can keep the different parts of their lives separate. I was also interested in finding out what a christina organization is, and whether it is a religion that teaches the bdsm is the road to hell, or what. And if so, what’s it feel like to go back and forth between those worlds?
Also, I would really appreciate it if people stopped making these judgments. It’s hard enough for people to talk about stuff they are ashamed of, and judging them just discourages other people from answering. So, please, if you feel the urge to judge, take it somewhere else. Thanks.
@daloon I think he meant “Christian” but he left the “n” off, because in his last sentence he said “It’s all about Jesus.”
Yes, christian.
Of course. As far as they are concerned I would burn in hell. Besides what it would mean to the organization that one of their flock was not on the “right” path. Does not make for a positive impression.
But we all know better.
He is a loving God. I am enjoying my free time like anyone else.
It cracks me up sometimes. Banging a chick on the set. Right on the same spot that a preacher was just preaching the day before.
Sorry, was graphic to express it for what it is.
People’s secret lives are not as secret as they think.
A secret is only a secret when discovered.
@chyna I don’t think having a new login would hide my identity at all! My writing style is too obviously me. Besides, I’m already telling everything that’s germane.
@daloon You are right, I would know your writings. I didn’t think that through.
Anyone would guess mine, or possibly not.
When I was younger, I hid the facts that I was from a ghetto, that I lived with a single caretaker (my aunt) and that we were on AFDC (the dole, welfare, whatever you call it). I also kept secret that my cousin (her son) went to prison when I was 16. I was completely ashamed of my familial circumstances for many years. I thought they and their criminality/mental illnesses/general low-class behavior reflected on me and that “decent” people would shun me because of them.
Now, my guardian, OTOH, was so utterly ashamed of how I came into being and the circumstances which got me placed in her care, she made me keep my parentage a secret. I’m not sure if anyone really believed I was her daughter, but no one ever questioned her.
By the time I left for uni, I was so indoctrinated that it was to stay a secret, I didn’t tell anyone about it until my relationship with 2nd bf when I was 21. He was the only bf who’d met my aunt and he asked me why I didn’t look much like her. I told him everything. I ended up dumping him, anyway, so I learned that the past didn’t matter to most people, and to the ones where it would, well, they aren’t worth my time or concern.
I still feel somewhat guilty for not keeping things like this a secret anymore, like I’m betraying them. But I’m not. These are the facts. If I ever get to be a known person and these facts are made extremely public knowledge, and they get angry with me? Then I guess they’ll have to man up and take responsibility for the choices they’ve made. I don’t know what else to say about that.
And yet, I really relate to Don Draper’s character on Mad Men. A lot.
@daloon It’s easier than you think, now It’s only hard with a new job, a new friends, things like that.
At the beginning it was really hard when I first divided my life, I had to write down alot to keep it straight, but now it’s really easy to remember it all, and change almost as a reflex.
I’m not going to say what I’m hiding because it would not be a very good idea.
I keep it hidden by not telling anybody and by exercising some form of self-control and by isolating myself.
Otherwise it is not difficult to keep this hidden. Only a certain level of paranoia accompanies this, um, lifestyle. Every police siren sounds like it’s for you.
Is what worth it? Is it worth it to keep this hidden? Of course. I’m not trying to go to jail. Is it worth it to live this kind of lifestyle? No.
I hope that is ambiguous enough.
It’s easy if you simply don’t think about it, and become someone else in different situations. I don’t know if it’s normal to have that kind of divide in your brain, but it seems natural to me.
Yep. I dated a girl who wasn’t out of the closet (in a really hardcore way) and it kind of forced me back into the closet. I lied a lot to keep the relationship a secret, because I really loved her, but it wasn’t worth it. It was just so stressful. It was stressful to lie constantly, and stressful that when I did tell a few people, I then felt guilty about it. It was something I wanted to be shouting from rooftops (I’d had a year-long crush on her before I made my move) but she was a total self-loathing homophobe. We broke up in the end… But we’re still friends, and she’s getting better about the whole gay thing. Not enough for us to get back together though. :)
Yes, for about a year. It was about a relationship I was in and I kept it secret by moving across the country (NC to CA) so my family would never find out. It was stressful and not worth it in any way whatsoever.
For a while I had to pretend to be a Scientologist while a group of us worked to get our friend out of their clutches.
I also had to work for a supervisor that I considered to be an unintelligent slimeball and pretend that I respected his opinions.
@Val123 – Yes, we did. It took about six months but we got him out of their clutches and without him owing them a huge sum.
Yes. But if I told you it wouldn’t be a secret anymore.
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