How was your experience with the police when you were pulled over?
I don’t know what made me think of this, but almost a year ago my fiancé and I were on out way home from dinner when we were pulled over due to him not wearing his seatbelt. I was pretty upset with him for forgetting such a simple thing. The officer (a woman) came up to our car and was very stern and rude. I’m assuming she had to be. I’m sure it’s tough for some women cops to get the same respect as men. Anyways, I think she took my attitude towards my fiancé the wrong way. She started focusing on me all of a sudden. Now mind you, I did nothing wrong. I had been buckled up and I wasn’t the driver. She asked me for my license. Why would she need that? Is this normal for them to ask for other people’s information who aren’t directly involved in the violation? Needless to say, he receieved a ticket. But thinking of this incident jogged my memory. We’ve been pulled over a few times for little things. And the officers are either overly rude or really nice and respectful. How has your experience been with the police? Tell us about it.
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55 Answers
The police aren’t your friends.
on my 18th birthday party in london a troup of 40 police men and women turned up, let there dogs loose on us and proceeded to beat us into submission and then arrest some of us. it was the scariest experience of my life, my boyfriend is still covered in scars, the court case is next week and i’m the favourite to win…
I pay a lot of attention to incidents of police brutality, including those that have bothered me the most such as the police actions at the Republican and Democratic national conventions in 2008, but I have to say that the encounters I’ve had (including two very recently for speeding and one for a theft from my car) have all been reasonable and in the latter three cases downright cordial. I’m sure I’d feel differently if I was ever treated in the manner similar to what’s been described above.
I’ll add that police are surely trained to assert dominance in a given situation first with their voice and manner and secondly with physical action, so I generally allow them that dominance while discussing the situation.
I’ve been pulled over three times- once for speeding, once for rolling through a sign, and once for driving in the carpool lane.
The carpool lane cop was average, but the other two experiences were actually really nice.
The stop sign one was on campus when I was 18 and I was let go with a warning because, I quote, “I don’t want you to see me around campus and think ‘there’s the asshole who gave me a ticket.’”
The speeding happened when I was in my early 20’s in a looong boring stretch of Wyoming and was pretty dramatic. I got pulled over and the officer and I chatted about his daughter who just started college and stuff, and when I went to get my info from the glove box, I put my hand on a big knife I had in there for the road trip (I hate eating apples whole- how stupid could I have been!?!?) and he pulled his gun… within a few minutes I had him convinced I had no intention of stabbing him… and he let me go, writing that I had been going about 15 mph lower than I actually was so my fine would be lower. Good times.
I’ve been pulled over once in my 3 years of driving, for one of my back lights being busted, when I was driving home at around midnight.
The cop was a lady, and was rather friendly.
@Sarcasm Maybe she thought you were cute :)
I’ve only been pulled over twice: the first time was fine, no hassle; the second time, the cop was a complete asshole. He pulled me over, first because he said my brake light was out. Let me explain my brake lights: I have EIGHT brake lights with four on each side. I had ONE out of the four out on my driver’s side. And he said my brake light was out. When I had 7/8 functional brake lights. He then went on to say I was speeding, doing 60 in a 50 zone. My speedometer (it’s electric) said 55. He told me that was between me and my speedometer, and his radar is calibrated. He then went on ask if I was drinking (twice), to which I told him to test me. He then gave me crap about being out past curfew (I live in NJ, curfew for provisional drivers is midnight, I was out at 3am. I was coming home so late, because I was in Philly with my friends, and my phone was in the car. So I didn’t know what time it was. And he said that I’m a teenager, and he knows we always have our phones with us.
Eventually, he let me go with a warning, because he “remembered the accident” that I was just in. So, I’m glad he did that, but, honestly, 1 out of 8 brake lights is ridiculous.
Last winter my friends and I were all driving back from a party.. (we were all completely sober). The cops were hanging around so they stopped us and asked for everyone’s id while they attempted to grill us. When the cop came back from checking ids he was walking around the car trying to check policy things that we could be fined for. All of the sudden he slipped on a patch of ice, his flashlight went flying, he went down, and the other cop he was with started laughing so hard he had to walk away. We tried so hard not to laugh but it was hillarious. After he got up and brushed himself off the cop wiped the mean face off and looked extremely embarressed as he quickly handed back our ids and told us to have a good night. That was a fail on his half.
About 20 minutes later my bf was driving me back to my car and we passed another cop in the town I went to high school in (theres about 3 cops, hard not to know them). My bf had a tail light out and we both knew that’s why she pulled us but after checking his id she came back to the car and said (in the Joey voice) “How you doin??”.. We didn’t know what to do… She gave him a paper showing that he’d been informed of his tail light in case he was pulled over again that night (he wasn’t thank God for both of us).
Other than this strange night my run in with the cops aren’t usually that bad. I usually cry though..
Oh how could I forget this one…my family all went out for breakfast one morning. My sister’s boyfriend was driving and his inspection was overdue. He got pulled over. The cop stuck his head inside his car and started sniffing. He said “It smells pretty strong in here? Did you just spray perfume to cover up the weed smell?” We were blown away! We were at a complete loss for words. Not only had none of us been smoking pot, none of us had sprayed any perfume! We insisted we hadn’t. The guy was the biggest prick. He kept bringing it up. He kept saying “Just so you know, I have the right to search this entire car until I find the weed.” By the end of it all we were so fed up with the accusations that we begged him to search us and the vehicle. We knew he would find nothing and we wanted to make him feel as stupid as he made us feel. But he shrugged his shoulders and said “No, no I’m not gonna search you. But I could if I wanted to.” And with that, he ticketed the driver and let us go. I was so frustrated! To this day I wish he would have searched that whole damn car! He was so out of line.
I like fast cars. it is a weakness
I do restrain myself from really opening them up unless the conditions are right. (no other cars around, dry road, late at night, away from homes for safety and noise consideration.)
On a fall night at 1:00 am I drove out to a long stretch of Pacific Coast Highway north of Malibu. The full moon was shining on the waves- no fog- a slight chill in the air. It was so quiet and beautiful I felt like I was the only person on earth. So I decided to let my car do what it was built to do.
It was exhilarating and as the speedometer quickly went up I felt like I was flying wild and free- taking turns like a stealth wildcat the power seemingly without limit….. till I was startled by flashing lights behind. Talk about buzz-kill.
The cop did check to see if I had been drinking and asked why I was going so fast. I told him that I had bought the car a year prior and never checked to see what is was able to do. He then did something awesome- he wrote me a ticket but did not put in the actual speed which would have been categorized as “reckless driving” instead of speeding. It saved me a lot of money and allowed me to go to traffic school and keep it off my record so my insurance would not go up.
Now when I go out to ride I choose flat areas where cops cannot hide ;)
I have been lucky with all of my experiences. I have been pulled over a few times for a light being out or driving slightly over the speed limit and each time I was just given a verbal warning. I feel if you are calm and respect their authority you will be treated fairly. Of course this isn’t always the case, but it has worked for me. or maybe it’s just the long blond hair ;)
I did receive a speeding ticket a few years ago when I was driving my family to the upper peninsula of Michigan during our vacation. We were about 5 miles from our destination when I noticed a police officer turn around and come up behind me with his lights on. I didn’t realize that I had been driving 85mph in a 55mph zone. I was just keeping pace with the local that was driving in front of me. The officer was very kind. He lowered the limit that I was driving to show that I was only going 11mph over the limit. That would have been a very expensive ticket otherwise. I was so grateful!
@ItalianPrincess1217 I have to be honest with you, you said you did nothing wrong, getting mad at your boyfriend for not wearing his seatbelt and “I think she took my attitude towards my fiancé the wrong way” why would you get an attitude toward your fiance for something so small when he is probably stressed enough being pulled over, you are supposed to be supportive in those situations and next time you go driving just make sure you remind him to put his seatbelt on. :-)
@justus2 Because I had told him time and time again to wear his seatbelt. And he liked to think he was invincible. Not to mention, his money is my money. Tickets are expensive. We were already broke. I was upset that we were going to have to come up with extra cash during the holidays.
then that is your complaint is the ticket, i was just saying you should have waited, not be complaining while it is already stressful enough being pulled over
I was only pulled over once, and that was when I was learning to drive. So the officer let me go with a warning for driving on a one way road, the wrong way….
BUT. I did have an absolutely horrible and traumatizing incident with some cops and a cashier. The cashier threated to kill me after she assumed I threw my money at her (because I tossed it on the table instead of putting it in her hands). She threatened to take me out and grab my hair and kill me with her fists… :| I bust out crying, because I’m a baby, and called the cops to tell them she threatened me. Once they came, they yelled at me some more, told me they could nothing about it and that I had to leave the store or they would arrest me. I asked the other employee there about their managers hours so i can discuss it with them, and the cops yelled at me and said “HEY! Don’t talk! Get out now!” All while I was bawling like a baby!!! They did not defend me, they did not show compassion. Instead, they yelled at a crying girl…
After that incident, I don’t think I can respect another cop again….
By the way, I can totally understand why you would be upset. My father actually REFUSES to wear seat belts, and he has been pulled over numerous times for it (especially since he sometimes travels in and out of a military base). It’s upsetting, but I haven’t been able t convince him all my life not to do it. :/ I just he never gets in a real bad accident one day!
I’ve never been pulled over. Of course, I’ve only been driving for 2 years, but I’ve been in about 229 situations where the driver could’ve been pulled over (most of the time it wouldn’t be me, I’m not that bad. Plus, I have a radar detector).
Either way, my Asian aunt is a cop in Reno and she definitely has to be tough, sometimes to the point of being rude. It usually depends on the incident. (I don’t think speeding would yield rudeness…seems a little extreme to me). She’s dealt with some fucked up stuff before, including domestic abuse, which she hates more than anything. I’m not saying that no cops take it too far, but being a cop is not easy and it’s something that needs to be done. I’m surprised by some of the attitudes here, usually on internet forums it’s “all cops are evil!” Police brutality is never right, but I have a feeling that some animosity toward cops isn’t just based on police brutality and might be more based on having your “pride” hurt by being caught breaking the law.
I’ve been pulled over a few times for various things. I’d say half the time the cops were rude or aggressive, and half the time they were friendly and respectful.
One of my cousins is a cop, and he has some insane stories to tell. Last time we were all together, he was telling us about a commuter lot they’d been keeping an eye on because there had been a lot of car thefts in that area. One night they saw a car leaving the lot, ran the plates, and saw that the car had been reported stolen at gunpoint. They called in to confirm that information, and also to confirm that the carjacker had been a black male. The car was currently being driven by a black male. They pulled the car over, approached with guns drawn, did a lot of yelling, dragged the driver out through the car window, cuffed him, and ignored his repeated shouts of, “This is my car! This is my car!” Once they had the guy cuffed and helpless, they checked him out and found out he was, indeed, the owner of the car. He’d gotten it back but the police records hadn’t been updated. My cousin said the guy sued the city and won (he wasn’t injured or anything, just really really mad), but that the cops who pulled him over had acted correctly. To the best of their knowledge, they were approaching someone who was armed and dangerous. I’m sure the guy they pulled over thought they were overreacting, but each of those cops has a family at home and can’t afford to take risks.
Honestly, I have been pulled over twice in the 17 years that I have been driving. One resulted in a ticket, and it was a female cop. Now, I know a few female police officers but they are also out lesbians, and I don’t think that they face as much sexism, simply due to the fact that male officers will often not sexualize them. From what I have gleaned from my education and anecdotal evidence, female officers often feel the need to be excessive just to be considered equal.
I have been pullled over twice in six years. The first was for being a little bit over the speed limit. The officer was a woman and she was really nice. It was late at night/early morning and she just made me aware that I was going a littlle fast and would I mind sticking to the limit. She didn’t fine me or even ask for my liscence and was extremely polite and friendly.
The second time was because one of my head lights was out. Not a major thing in the grand scheme of things but the officer that pulled me over that time was an arsehole! He made me feel like a criminal, asked for my liscence and then proceeded to check that I hadn’t stolen my vehicle before finally letting me go. This again was late at night so I understand why he had to inform me of a light being out but he didn’t have to be such butt about it!
@justus2 I have to be honest, I would have been pissed off with my boyfriend too. He’s, as I’m sure @ItalianPrincess1217‘s boyfriend is, old enough to know better and the last thing I want is him dying on me! You can’t really blame @ItalianPrincess1217 for not being very happy with her other half regardless of whether he was already stressed or not. It might teach him a lesson if he’s got a copper and (even worse) and angry girlfriend on his case!!!
@Leanne1986 Still at least wait til later, don’t cop an attitude in front of the cop, that is just like he doesn’t have enough pressure getting a ticket and getting pulled over knowing she wouldnt be happy with him already, she shoud have let it calm down and talked to him about it.
Last time I got pulled over it was 3 cops, they harassed us for being together because of our age difference. The one cop tried to talk me out of being with my fiance because he is 45 and im 19, then the jerk hit on me after that and told me he can understand why my fiance wants to be with me. And the jerks took our pot and pipe, a-holes!! Cop=bad news
Really? The cops took away illegal things? How dare they!
I’ve had some amazing officers and some truly horrendous ones.
I was in a wreck- the other driver ran a red light when I had the green light. Head on collision, car was ruined. I was 19 and had my gf in the car at the time. My car (being that of a teenager) was plastered with bumper stickers such as ‘Hate is not a family value’ and ‘Respect All Religions’. The cop took one look at the back of my car and gave me a look of PURE disgust. He shook his head at me and wouldn’t talk to me. He just would write something, look up and sneer at me, then go back to writing.
I had blood running down my chest from the airbag hitting my nose and pushing my libret through my lip (ended up swallowing it in the wreck). My poor sweet gf was having a horrible skin burn reaction from the talc of the bags. I asked him if I could use his phone to call my mother. He spit on the ground and said “Ha. My phone is for EMERGENCIES”.
I had to walk two miles to a gas station while covered in blood, swelling from injuries and scared shitless. We washed up in the bathroom as best we could. The people at the gas station were so sweet to us, thank goodness. They didn’t make us buy anything to use the restroom even though it was their policy.
The kicker? He let the older, white, straight lady use his cell phone before he left.
The police are your friends.
@Sarcasm I know huh….lol how dare they take away my own personal property, shouldnt even be illegal in the first place, should be ones own business
@Ivan they certainly aren’t my friends, i could careless for them, maybe they would be better if they only went after the REAL criminals
That isn’t the cops’ problem; that’s the law’s problem. Take it up with the laws themselves; the police are just there to enforce the laws.
It should be legal, it should be your own personal business.
But it isn’t.
@DominicX I was just being funny lol. Although I don’t like my personaly stuff being messed with
Plus they were rude cause the jerk wouldnt leave me alone about who I am with trying to talk me out of it, but i didn’t listen anyway and he just made me think less of cops than I already did, all they have done is harass my family, fiance, and ruin my life!!
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My experience has been a mixed bag as well.
Years ago I was driving to work and got pulled over for going 65 in a 60. The officer was rude, hostile and pushing the point that I was speeding, even if it was only 5 over. I think he was out for blood that day since there was nothing odd about my car, I was focused on the road, and there should have been nothing to set him off like that. He gave me the ticket, reprimanded me loudly and then sped off. Even when I went to court for it, no one there could really believe he had actually given me the ticket.
A couple of weeks ago I was pulled over in the pouring rain for expired plate tabs. When I went to pull out my insurance information, it turned out that I didn’t have my most recent card either. I just kind of looked up at the officer, shook my head clearly frustrated with myself and apologized. I told him I just had lost track of a lot of things lately but assured him I did have insurance (“I can call the insurance co right now and confirm it, if you’d like?”) and that I was sorry for wasting his time.
He was really sweet about it and came back and told me he was only going to give me a warning notice but had he actually fined me, it would have been over $650.00. He continued to be kind, gave me good advice about not driving anymore and wished me a safe evening.
Other than getting tickets, I’ve never had a bad experience.
They are usually nice, and explain why they pulled me over and almost always tell me upfront to fight the ticket to get it lessened.
I do remember the second time (might have been the first time) I was pulled over. I was 16 and going too fast on a certain Route in my area. I apparently did not hear them or see them behind me, and they had been chasing me with their lights for quite a while, and I always took a shortcut through a shopping center, and that’s when I saw them. I must have already gotten a ticket, because I was hysterical thinking my parents would take my car away and that I’d be arrested lol. They went quite easy on me, for what had happened..probably because of how upset I got over it and I was very apologetic for not stopping earlier.
I have found female officers to be more uptight, I’ve only been pulled over once by a female state trooper…she was not very nice.
I’ve only been pulled over 3–4 times in 35 years of driving, a couple times for speeding, for expired inspection sticker, & expired registration. One of the ones who stopped me for speeding was rude & sarcastic; I found out later that that particular cop was known for stopping young women. Other than him, they were all courteous.
@ItalianPrincess1217 it’s possible that you fit the general description of someone they were looking for.
@justus2 For the record, I wasn’t bitching in front of the cop. I was just very quiet and she must have sensed that I wasnt very happy. You’re making it sound as if I were flipping out…
@ccrow I figured that might have been a possibility. Or maybe she was making sure he wasn’t endangering the welfare of a child. I’ve always looked very young. Maybe she thought I was just a kid??
“Anyways, I think she took my attitude towards my fiancé the wrong way” that didnt sound like you were quiet so i said what I thought of it. I didnt make it sound like that, you were the one who said you got attitude in front of the cop
@justus2 Saying I had an “attitude” doesn’t imply that I was “loud”. You’re imagination must’ve added the “loudness” for effect.
I don’t remember what transpired after he hit me with the Taser.
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@justus2 jonsblonde? Abusive? Oh boy. Ok listen, no more hijacking my threads. You’re purposely focusing on the wrong parts of my story in order to start drama and arguements. Please don’t. You may be starting to portray yourself as a troll. Tread lightly.
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@justus2 The mods are here for everyone’s benefit. They try and keep these threads on track which is something you clearly aren’t grasping the concept of.
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@justus2 I’m aware of what your issues with jonsblond are and unfortunately I have to take her side. But that’s a whole other issue. As you said, you already stated your police encounter story so move on. That’s all I wanted. A story. Not for you to take over this thread because you felt like going on a self righteous, this is why I’m right and you’re wrong kick.
[Mod Says] Speaking of keeping things on track, how about you two take this to private messages from here? This is no longer about the police and is way off topic.
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