What were the traditions from your family that you value still?
Asked by
skfinkel (
November 8th, 2009
Families have all kinds of special little things they do. Dad cooking special meals, visits to relatives. What were the special things that you remember?
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11 Answers
Getting together on holidays
Clam Dip and Fritos with football before Thanksgiving dinner.
Celebrating Christmas Christmas Eve with our gifts to each other; “Santa presents” Christmas morning.
Getting to open one present on Christmas eve (and it was always pajamas!) I do it for my grand kids now. :-)
Reading Winnie the Pooh aloud and each being one of the animals.
Tooth Fairy Dust on the floor leading out of the room. My mom did it, I did it for my boys, and they have stated they will continue the tradition when they have kids.
Just baby powder, but it was magicial.
Like @Judi the ONE gift on Christmas Eve.
@Clair I kept it going until AJ was about 10. He’s 16 now and will still talk about it.
@Skippy That’s so sweet. I may have to steal that from you…
@Clair Please do! I have told that to several friends over the years and they began their own new traditions with it.
After I place the “gold dollar” under the pillow (ok that was a few years ago, and the price may have gone up) I back out of the room, sprinkling the baby powder along the floor as I go. I leave some in the hallway for effect. Makes the house smell good, it’s good for the carpet and when it gets tracked around on little feet, it’s no big deal!
One tradition that my husband and I started with our boys was going out to eat as a family on Friday nights. We started when they were about 5 and 3 and kept it up as often as possible through their teen years. It was a great way to touch base with each other at the end of the week and we got very democratic about choosing the restaurant.
Another thing we started that worked well was leaving one Christmas present (from “Santa”) out on the hearth for them to open before we came down. I think they were in their 20s before they stopped getting up in the middle of the night to go down and look.
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