What part of the newspaper do you start with; what part of fluther do you open first?
Asked by
NewZen (
November 8th, 2009
I like the front page news, the op-ed, then the comics and sports.
I like to read personal comments, then activity for me, then I look at the homepage.
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34 Answers
None for the paper.
Activity, homepage, comments.
I usually don’t read the paper but front page news sometimes catches my eye.
On Fluther I go straight to my activity. I don’t usually have too many pm’s :( Then I go to the homepage to check out new questions.
If you read the NT News as I do, you have to check out the front page first to see what new croc or shock story is being featured today, it is a paper like no other.
When I come to Fluther, I usually head right to the “activity for me” section. I love to get PM’s but sadly I don’t get that many (usually after I lament that fact, someone feels sorry for me and sends me one, heheheh) After that I go to the new questions and then questions for me.
I don’t read newspapers.
I check all the new questions asked first, opening up interesting-sounding ones in new tabs. I go through and answer those which I want to. Then I go on to check my Activity, to see what answers I missed while I was sleeping or at school.
@Sarcasm I always have like 10 tabs open because of Fluther.
Comments (if I have any), then if there’s more than 10 activities I go to the homepage first, and after I’m done answering questions that interest me, I read the alerts I have.
NY Times crosswords, a Sunday afternoon ritual in these parts
If I have a comment, I will check that first. I then skim the questions for one that tickles my fancy.
Did I really just write ‘tickles my fancy?’
I love the front section of the paper (USA Today): comics, editorials, letters to the editor, weather, miscellaneous state news, etc.
Oh, and on here I go to activity to see what’s going on.
what’s going on, what’s going on…
I don’t generally read the paper. I’d only pick one up if I was looking for something in particular. After finding that thing, I’d look for comics, then maybe check out the entertainment / arts & culture section, then whatever else sounds like it might be interesting. Could be about the home, health, etc.
Questions for you, activity, homepage, active.
I start with the front page ‘cause my articles are usually on it LAFFFFF just kidding I suck.
I like to read stuff like album reviews, play/house previews, etc. My university newspaper calls this section ‘Focus’. There’s also a sex column written by two anonymous girls that can be pretty amusing. And for some reason I love reading letters to the editor. I guess it’s the only way I can confirm other people actually read this little newspaper.
Then there’s Sudoku. Oh, how I suck at Sudoku….
Edit: Oh, and the Fluther part. Like @rangerr I typically have about ten Firefox tabs open with different questions, front page, user profiles.
I skim the school paper, then zero in on the crossword.
Like the sudoku, they progress in difficulty from Mon-Fri.
Monday’s sucks because I can do it in 10–15 min. :(
With Fluther, I go through and look at any new questions and open interesting ones up in new tabs. Next, I go to questions recommended to me, and maybe add a few more. Then I go to activity. Last, I settle in for my brain workout. :P
I start by joing the chatroom. Since it’s always empty, it’s time to go to Fluther.com and go stalk Zen, I follow him around the site and give him a GA for every post he leaves (that’s a lot of work, the guy is like a machine gun spitting out posts).
Anyone else in need of a professional Lurve giving stalker? Send in your resume now.
@markyy – every time I go to the chatroom lately it is empty. I was beginning to think it had moved. I just checked and nobody there but you and me and you aren’t answering!
@rooeytoo That happened once! And to be honest, I wasn’t paying attention, because well it was empty and sometimes the sound is buggy.
With the Times, I start with the Op-Ed pages; with Fluther, I start with Activity for you, then Comments and Questions.
Reading the newspaper, I start with Arts & Entertanment/Life & Leisure/whatever the paper I’m reading calls that particular type of stuff. After that, I start from the front and read through.
My Fluther process:
1.) Check “Comments for You.”
2.) Go through the main page, opening anything interesting in a new tab.
3.) Check remaining “Questions for You,” opening a tab or clicking “Remove” or “Not Interested” as is appropriate.
4.) Read those, answer where I can.
5.) Check “Activity for You.”
I don’t read a news paper.
I always look at my activity first, then the home page.
Paper – Front to back (avoiding the sport!)
Fluther – I start with “Questions for you” then “Activity for You” then the homepage, then the active page and finally I check my Fluther. I don’t like to miss anything!
I read the front section first of the paper. I go to the obits next, the comics & the court proceedings, the news of record.
On fluther, I read my comments first, my activity & then the new questions.
Front page, then editorials, then comics, then TV section, then business section. I don’t read sports.
On Fluther, I hit the Activity For You section first, then the Questions For You, then the front page.
Depends on the season and who’s playing. Over the last couple of months, it’s been a quick glance at the front page, and then the sports. Rarely anything else until the evening. At other times of the year, when my team isn’t playing, or only plays on the weekend, I pay more attention to the front page, and then leaf through to see what might be interesting.
Fluther—if there are comments, I read them first. Then I’ll check my activity and then new questions.
Newspaper: The front page obivously, then comics!
Fluther: Usually my comments, question, then activity if there is anything new with them.
@NewZen Ok, New rule! From now on I only give you lurve for posts that are over a 100 characters. Phew that will save me hours of work a day ~ Consider this your last freebie!
@markyy You know that we’re hopelessly maxed out on each other anyway big guy!
@NewZen You think so? Let’s find out!
@NewZen You’re right, no wonder I’ve been stalling on Lurve!
@markyy Now we have to go get cartman.
@NewZen I’m on it, boss. How much did he pay us again?
I think it was 50 lurve cash each?
@NewZen I was hoping for a guest role on his next show… But I’m sure you tried to squeeze him for all he has, I’ll take it.
I start with the front page.
In fluther, I look at the new activity for me. What I´m most interested in is seeing if anyone answered my questions, and then if I got points for a good answer.
Hey – it’s another Zen with a Picard!
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