Social Question

jsammons's avatar

Do you think Fluther can change peoples lives?

Asked by jsammons (1143points) November 9th, 2009

I for one think that it can. It really does create a sense of family, unity, and a place to fit in; something that a lot of people seem to be searching for.

Before I was on Fluther, my sentence structure wasn’t all that great when I would have conversations with people and I wasn’t great at getting my ideas out, I usually thought faster than I could talk.

Since I’ve been on here, I feel that I’ve improved at that some and I hope that I’ll keep improving. But that’s nothing compared to some of the troubles I’ve seen people post about.

Do you think that Fluther makes a difference in your life or in the lives of others?

Do you feel like you have a second (or first) family on here?

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15 Answers

erichw1504's avatar

Yes, I agree with how your writing has improved. I believe mine has too. I think that Fluther helps us learn a lot too, for instance, one can learn about how to fix things on their computer and how to lucid dream.

Another way Fluther affects our lives is that it can influence us to do or think of different things at any given moment. For example: My sandwich day question had a lot of people changing their minds for lunch!

oratio's avatar

It affects the way I express myself in written English.

jsammons's avatar

@erichw1504 Good sandwich day question ;)

Naked_Homer's avatar

It can in both good and bad ways.

Oh, I has drastically improved my spelling!

Dog's avatar

I sure have learned a lot that has enriched my life!

trumi's avatar

One of the things Fluther has done for me is enhanced my understanding of when it’s better to keep your mouth shut.

The internet is such a large place that it’s hard to make any impact of your own, and here on Fluther each of us can actually play a vital role in the future of the website and in the direction of a conversation. We can also truly effect another person. So, having a site where I can be both a meaningful contributor AND relatively anonymous gives me more weight and voice without the pressure.

The more I use Fluther the more I know when my opinion is valid, when my jokes are funny, and when I should just step away. This has really helped me grow as a person.

kevbo's avatar

It’s help me refine what I think and why and understand why successful contrarians end up living as hermits.

nxknxk's avatar

It’s humbled me and given me a chance to stop thinking about stuff on my own (and consequently thinking I am always right) and actually learn what other people think about either topics I either haven’t been able to discuss with my friends (i.e. they’re embarrassing) or topics my friends would have no interest in discussing.

This is all somewhat minor, though. The best instance was probably the use of Fluther as a medium for marriage, yeah?

augustlan's avatar

I do, in ways large and small. Anyone who participates here regularly will be the better for it, in my opinion. Not only can it change lives, in at least one instance it literally saved someone’s life.

iRemy_y's avatar

Well personally, I’ve only been on for a week, and already I’ve gotten help with school, friends, and art. Lots of help on this site, i love it.

jsammons's avatar

@augustlan That is a truly amazing thread. I read it all and I’m just astonished. Fluther saves the day! :)

mclaugh's avatar

I love the fact that I get to see other people’s opinions and give my own. I also like that I can help other people who are in similar situations that I have been in or am in.

fireside's avatar

It certainly made for a pretty special marriage proposal for a couple of people who might have otherwise gotten married without realizing how much love people felt for them.

mattbrowne's avatar

To a certain extend, yes. Fluther alone won’t do the job, though.

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