What's your most destructive addiction?
Asked by
trumi (
November 9th, 2009
Everybody has them: drugs, sex, activities, people… I know I’m fostering at least a handful of them. My friends are a big one, I often feel a physical need to go be around them, to relax. I also find myself looking for quick fixes for bad moods, though I try to find productive routes to fixing this problem (working out, taking a nap). I try to avoid destructive mood fixers, because they themselves can become addictions.
I’d have to say, though, that my most destructive addiction is reflection. If only I could go a few hours without contemplating and over-thinking the past I know I’d be a happier person for it. It’s not that I haven’t moved on, it’s just that I can’t get it (her) out of my head. I do try, but it’s an addictive cycle.
So I’m wondering, what’s your worst addiction?
I don’t consider Fluthering a destructive addiction, so don’t even try to pull that :D
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66 Answers
Procrastination – The abuse of free time.
Procrastination and Mountain Dew.
ice cream. If it’s in my house I simply cannot not eat it. Logically I know it isn’t good for me, but I cannot deny its power over me.
Video games. Especially multiplayer games. I have a dozen projects I’d like to complete that I have lined up but if anyone even mentions playing a game, I toss it aside to play. Most of my friends play video games, so this is a near constant occurrence.
Carbs. I can’t get enough.
red wine and the pizza that follows it
Lately it’s been twitter… i check it constantly… @ home.. @ work… on my phone.. i feel a need to keep in touch with my internet friends (mostly jellies).
I’m not sure it’s destructive but i do think i should cut down a bit.
Another procrastination ri’chere.
Food, and the Internet. (Fluther included. My husband has issues with my fluther addiction.)
edit: Oops, I didn’t read to the end of your post! Isn’t it an addiction if it starts to negatively effect your relationships in real life?
@Judi Fluther is real life! ;)
@trumi ; It’s a parallel universe.
Sitting around all day then being surprised when it’s suddenly 7pm and I have yet to do anything.
@Facade That should be the official description of procrastination.
Mine is also obsessive thinking; ruminating over things that have happened. Don’t know how to get out of my own head enough.
I also agree with @Judi that Fluther can be addictive and my husband has issues with it too. (Maybe they can form a forum for Fluther-widowers?)
My most destructive addictions are:
adding 20% more items to my extremely organized high tech TO-DO list while only checking DONE to 3% of them;
It almost ruined my relationship
Intertubular procrastination, for me too. Including Fluther.
It’s probably the single most serious threat to the degree I hope to have earned by next summer.
I also forgot to mention my sudden fantasy football addiction. I am constantly online checking my roster, player status, matchups.. everything. I may be in first place in my league but the Mrs. hates it.
Weekends we do whatever she wants friday and saturday… but sunday is football day. We watch all the games on tv flipping between them constantly (I watch.. she naps or goes online), we live and die with the cahrgers… and while i’m watching the games i’m also online checking my team status in fantasy and watching the play by play for games i’m not watching at the moment. (also sometimes onthe phone discussing plays with another like minded friend).
It is my life on sundays.
@Dr_C I feel your pain. I need my opponents kicker to score less than 13 tonight for me to win. SHould be a fun night…
Smoking. I gave up alcohol recently because I was getting back into the bad habit of drinking until I could pass out in order to deal with insomnia and frustration. No bueno. Smoking is bad for me since I have chronic Bronchitis and Pneumonia, I’ve quit several times before but am being a stubborn piece of work this time around since I feel I’ve few vices and also few pleasures. GRRRRRR
@J0E i know the feeling…. but this week i’m kicking ass! beat my opponent 137–72.. but need the second highest scorer’s Defens/ST to score less than 23 points to be the week’s highest scorer and open up my league lead. don’t think they’ll do it but i’m nervous none the less
My biggest addictions… food, my boyfriend (this probably wouldn’t be a fraction of what it is if we weren’t long distance, so I’m not concerned), new crochet projects/buying yarn… I kicked my Warcraft addiction… recently cancelled my subscription too. Um.. that might be it. I lead a simple life. lol
One more for the procrastination train.
My frightening ability to get addicted to pretty much anything.. from lemonade to drugs. I have gone from insomniac to sleeping 14 hours at a time simply through habit. Tobacco, alcohol, sugar, MSG, sex, drugs, food, people, shopping, the internet, worrying.. I’m a bad ‘un for addictions. I can get addicted to the stupidest of things like a smell. I keep a very tight reign on myself these days but I am still fully in the thrall of cigarettes, alcohol and cheese.. Mmmm cheese… seriously I can eat like a block a day, I’m sure it will be the death of me. Mmmm.
oh um… I guess I wasn’t paying attention to the “destructive” part.
My addiction to my boyfriend is not DESTRUCTIVE persay… it’s just… that when I go a day without us talking I start to get very stressed out. Sometimes it’s days because he’s busy with school or whatever and then I become sick to my stomach and get headaches. I don’t know if I’d call it destructive…
I eat way too much. I procrastinate way too much. I waste a lot of time. BUT I’M WORKING ON ALL 3, NO WORRIES!!
Organic dark chocolate-covered raisins.
The Internet; computer games.
Chocolate and the internet. It’s sucking my brain out.
Only one? Impossible. It is a tie between late night snacking and the internet.
I too have too many. I am trying hard to eliminate them a step at a time.
I have an addiction to chewing tobacco. I recently stopped, however. It has only been two days, but hey that is two days without using.
Another destructive addiction I have is procrastinating
@Drawkward : Murder? Please tell me that’s the name of a video game or metal band…
@ubersiren ; I too was afraid we might have a serial killer in our midst.
Mine is the same as @poofandmook. I get really sick if I can’t talk to my boy.. when he is mad at me and we don’t talk, my body shuts down. I literally can’t function.
and wanting time on my own I love being alone
stretching the budget (what budget?)
I don’t label it an addiction, but my most destructive behavior is spending hours on the computer instead of walking or finishing my sewing projects.
This is like walking into a crack house and asking people what their addiction is, the internet is the root of all evil here.
I neglected to mention caffeine and nicotine… but as i sit here dinking a cup f tea smoking a cigarette i wonder.. should i post this?
How does someone DINK a cup of tea? ~ I can get away with asking that because I am the typo queen:-)
Doesn’t it just make you a hypocrite?
Procrastination, fluther
@Judi you in this round Skeletor.. but I will return!~
Music and some food to chow down on :D
Yeah..thats very destructive :P
@Judi I couldn’t even spell “win” today… FML
@Dr_C And you call yourself He-Man.
I guess drinking. I use to snort pills alot, I stayed away from coke, made me to angry, but I always loved snorting pain killers and psychostimulants, it didn’t even matter what it was, I’d get an itch in my nose I’d describe as hunger. But I’ve been clean of that shit for awhile.
Right now? Smoking.
Ah, sweet tobaccy.
Emotional drama. I don’t know why, but I seem to need to feel intensely all the time. Personally, I think it’s crazy. It’s probably stupid, too. But that’s addiction for ya, in’it?
damn!!! why didn’t I think of that @daloon
@lynneblundell Because you’re not as wretched an excuse for humanity as I am.
@daloon: Would you please stop that? Remember the affirmation when you hit 20K. We were not whistling Dixie.
And maybe David Bazan, after a few acid trips my emotional sensitivity is a lot higher than my old usual, and I think it’s here to stay. So after listening to good ol’ Bazan for an hour, I actually feel really depressed.I’ve almost taken off out of town and left everything behind in many of these funks.
I think the term addiction is being overused and this trivializes real and very painful addictions. So to answer your question. I’m not addicted to anything, let alone anything destructive. Actually most people are not, otherwise society wouldn’t work.
Maybe the question is about an aggravating behavior or obsessions. I’m aware that sometimes I do talk too much. I’m working on it.
@ubersiren Hehe. Oops. I totally ignored the ‘your’ part of the question. No, I’m not a serial killer, but you could interpret that as a murder of an idea, or something fancy like that.
Honesty. I am addicted to telling the truth. gets me in trouble all the time
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