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What's your most destructive addiction?

Asked by trumi (6501points) November 9th, 2009

Everybody has them: drugs, sex, activities, people… I know I’m fostering at least a handful of them. My friends are a big one, I often feel a physical need to go be around them, to relax. I also find myself looking for quick fixes for bad moods, though I try to find productive routes to fixing this problem (working out, taking a nap). I try to avoid destructive mood fixers, because they themselves can become addictions.

I’d have to say, though, that my most destructive addiction is reflection. If only I could go a few hours without contemplating and over-thinking the past I know I’d be a happier person for it. It’s not that I haven’t moved on, it’s just that I can’t get it (her) out of my head. I do try, but it’s an addictive cycle.

So I’m wondering, what’s your worst addiction?

I don’t consider Fluthering a destructive addiction, so don’t even try to pull that :D

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