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desiree333's avatar

Why won't my laptop allow me to download the new version of iTunes?

Asked by desiree333 (3241points) November 9th, 2009

I already have iTunes, I think its 8.2, or 8.0 or something. I tried downloading iTunes 9 (the new one) and its saying that it is an “invalid application” even though I turned off my pop-up blocker! I need to download this version ASAP because iTunes is saying I need the new version before I can buy anything off the program (music/ TV show episodes). Does anyone know how I can make it so it will allow me to download iTunes???

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15 Answers

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erichw1504's avatar

What browser are you using to download the installation file from?

jrpowell's avatar

Have you tried a different browser?

desiree333's avatar

I am using windows vista.

erichw1504's avatar

Ok, but what browser are you using to download the file (Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc…)

Or, did a pop-up appear and tell you to upgrade?

jrpowell's avatar

iTunes should be able to check for upgrades on its own. It is here on a Mac. Probably under Help in Windows.

desiree333's avatar

@erichw1504 ohh sorry, I’m using Internet Explorer, and no I pressed the button to download it, then a boz popped up and I pressed “run”, then started to run it, then when the first loading thing was done a box popped up saying “invalid application” and error or something.

desiree333's avatar

@johnpowell I’ve already did the check for updates, and it found the new version, but when I downloaded it the same thing happened when I tried to download it on the internet (apple website)

jrpowell's avatar

Have you tried restarting your computer? It might sound stupid but it can fix a lot of random problems.

desiree333's avatar

@johnpowell I guess I’ll try it. You never know, right?

Truefire's avatar

o Uninstall all Apple-related software, (iTunes, QuickTime, Bonjour, and Apple Software Update)

o Restart.

o Update Vista with Windows Update

o Restart when complete.

o Now go to and download iTunes.

o Smile as it likely works now.

desiree333's avatar

@Truefire Yeah, that sounds good, but will my music and movies and everything be erased? I paid for a lot of stuff on my iPod and I would hate for it to be all erased. If I uninstall iTunes and everything you mentioned, then re-install it wont it erase all my stuff? :S

allergictoeverything's avatar

Is your computer a 32-bit, or a 64-bit?

desiree333's avatar

@allergictoeverything I’m not sure.
@Truefire It worked, I downloaded the new iTunes. After I went to redeem my iTunes card so I can buy stuff and its saying that I am on the US store, and the card is Canadian so it cant recognize it. Do you know how I can get on the Canadian store?

Truefire's avatar

I have a feeling there’s more wrong with your PC than I thought, or maybe you should go to instead of .com?

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