Did you ever find yourself waiting for a special someone to contact you?
I think it has been happening to me all my life. Under a lot of different circumstances. It’s that classic scene that used to be sitting by the phone waiting for the call. Nowadays, you wait on your computer or cell phone for that message that everything is all moving forward as you wanted.
While waiting, though, you become more and more tense. Wondering. I’ve always broken rather quickly. I can’t play it cool. It just tears me up not knowing what is going on in the other person’s head.
Can you describe a time when you were waiting? Who were you waiting for? Why were you waiting? What happened in the end? What did you learn from the experience?
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35 Answers
I can’t think of an exact time.. there has been too many.
But I’m constantly overthinking things when it comes to people not responding.
Mostly with my SO.
oh I’m sorry, I got held up at work :)~
Haha this is currently happening with me with 2 friends… and now one of them lost their phone ans she wont let me buy her a new one. But i find that because it’s over sending text it’s MUCH easier to keep cool about it. i usually try to do anything to keep my mind of them to make it seem like they’re not my #1 priority, even if they are. no one likes someone who’s too clingy…
Way back in high school, it was a certain boy. More recently it is my daughter, who never answers her phone. And most recently it is the tree guy and the plumber, because of great need for their services.
Eat too much, smoke too much, find “busy work” to do, look at the clock soooo often, take the phone into the bathroom with me. When I give up, my stomach unclenches and I go back to being a somewhat functioning human. Then, of course, the call comes. Sometimes I’m pleased and sometimes I’m just pissed off because I waited too hard.
Yep. I wait for my man to contact me, but I’m getting better at not being so [whatever the term is for someone who does that]. I’ve chalked it up to me having nothing to do all day, and him being extremely busy with work and his social life.
I over analyze and over think situations. If someone hasn’t called when they are supposed to, or when they say they will, I pretty much jump to the conclusion that the person isn’t interested in me. I then back away from the relationship without even discussing it with the person. In my case, it’s a defense mechanism to protect myself, to protect my heart. I have missed out on a lot of nice relationships because of this, but I can’t stop myself.
One ex-boyfriend in particular wouldn’t call if he knew I wanted him to. Let me go a couple of days without contacting him and he would call and ask me to come up. What did I do? Over-analyze, stew, imagine him cheating, cry. End result? My self-confidence was shit. What I learned? I deserve better.
One time in particular with my first serious boyfriend really stands out. I was 15 and he was supposed to call at 9pm. He always called when he said he would. He finally called about 10:15 to tell me his best friend’s mother and had been shot and killed by his father. He was taking his friend home and there were emergency vehicles all up & down the road. His friend took off with a gun and my boyfriend had been looking for him. What I learned? People suck. Side note: best friend ended up being my first husband.
Evelyn called the other day, left a message. Said those four words you never want to hear a woman say. “We need to talk.” Mentioned something about Fluther. has yet to show up. It’s freakin’ me out.
Yup. Waiting for at least one call but I don’t think it’s coming. So I’ve decided to move on. If I see him, I see him. If I talk to him, I’ll talk to him. If I don’t, then I don’t care. Waiting is dumb, for reals. You’re pausing time for someone who obviously doesn’t care enough or is too chicken. Either way you have to keep living.
I’m not THAT strong though. I definitely had my WTF freak out moment, but that only made me realize how silly I was being.
Sometimes, though I try not to let other people have too much of an impact on my life. I mean, at least not to the point where I’m consumed with thoughts of them.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir this is my avatar, copied from @markyy. It’s a pic of me, thinking about a question.
I do remember about 5 years ago I had gone through major surgery, had a few complications, lost ½ my blood supply and had a transfusion which all scared me pretty bad, and thought my SO at the time was going to be there. He came 5 minutes before visiting time was over because he was riding his motorcycle and just “lost track of time.”
@chyna, damn him and his stupid motorcycle.
My ex used to play mind games with me and make me wait for his phone calls for days at a time. His phone would mysteriously shut off. He once went 3 weeks without calling. I didn’t put the phone down for more than a minute at a time. I anxiously awaited his call. Eventually he did get in touch. He came up with some ridiculous story about what happened and why he couldn’t get to a phone. I later discovered he had moved back in with his ex girlfriend and was cheating on me. After that incident I learned that it was never worth it to wait by the phone for a loser like him.
@ItalianPrincess1217 no guy is worth that kind of time, especially one that would treat you like that.
Uh…..how many weeks do you have free for me to list all the times…..? My most anxious waiting was in high school…..primped and looking out the window…for my boyfriend to show up…just so we could sit on the front porch stoop…until my dad called curfew. Hey, it was Texas! :)
As Joni Mitchell once sang:
I’ve been sitting up waiting for my sugar to show
I’ve been listening to the sirens and the radio
He said he’d be over three hours ago
I’ve been waiting for his car on the hill
He makes friends easy
He’s not like me
I watch for judgement anxiously
Now where in the city can that boy be
Waiting for a car
Climbing the hill
He’s a real good talker—I think he’s friend
Fast tires come screaming around the bend
But there’s still no buzzer
They roll on…
And-I’m waiting for his car on the hill
It always seems so righteous at the start
When there’s so much laughter
When there’s so much spark
When there’s so much sweetness in the dark
Waiting for a car
Climbing the hill
i’ve been waiting for over a year and a half now for a call that i don’t think will ever come. i still wait, though, ‘cause it’s the only thing i can do.
<——waiting on @SeventhSense to finish his loooooooong post.
No, I have no time for this. My life will not be put on hold for anyone.
There have been times where I’ve allowed myself to be disappointed by an expectation but I’ve grown. When I’m honest I see that this behavior is just type of perverse desire to be disappointed and or in control. I actually hope people will leave me alone half the time because I’m busy. I came to the awareness to never be dependent upon anyone for my well being and it’s made me stronger.
@zebra most ended up on the cutting room floor
@smack That is too long to wait on anyone. Move on with your life.
I too tend to overanalyze things, and when my s/o doesn’t call or friends don’t call, I overthink and make up dumb scenarios as to why they haven’t. It’s called insecurity, and yes, I will freely admit I’m insecure. I’m not proud of it, but we all have flaws and I’m working on it :) I try to do things that make me feel proud of who I am, and in the process of living my life, I find that I don’t worry so much and am happy. And while I am making the world happen for myself, it seems like those insecure moments go by and instead of me waiting, people are waiting to hear back from me instead! :)
And yes, there have been some members here that I have enjoyed hearing from, but for whatever reason, stop speaking or stop coming to the site. It makes me sad, but this is their decision. I wish they would explain thmselves, but, again, their decision.
I keep a special line open at all times in case Jesus has more instructions for me.
I have the same problem as @Facade, I have too much time on my hands to over analyse everything! I find myself waiting for phone calls from my fella all the time, just because I want to talk to him and so, even if I’m not expecting a call I still keep my phone with me just in case. If he doesn’t call when I am expecting him to then I panic.
What call? Oh, that call. Well, because apparently, no one’s interested in getting that call from me at the moment.
Can you describe a time when you were waiting?
June of 2008.
Who were you waiting for?
Partner. We’d not been able to get together for near two years so when we did finally, it was a huge ball of adrenaline, fulfillment and acceleration to build our future, one whose details we shared and saw possible in each other, the best match either of us had imagined and one we were anxious to get friends on board with too.
Why were you waiting?
We’d gone across country for him to start a business with an old associate and it fell through so he put me on a plane home until he could figure out where he’d be, what he’d be doing and then send for me.
What happened in the end?
He couldn’t afford to drag me from state to state with him and I couldn’t afford to go state to state with him because I support a mortgage and constant moving would have jeopardized that. He basically told he needed to handle his chaos on his own and that maybe in the future “we’d be in a better place”, that he did truly love me though.
What did you learn from the experience?
Love isn’t enough sometimes. For some people love isn’t what it is to the other person and we all differ on what we’re willing to gamble, risk or pledge for love. I’ve always believed there is more than one love for all of us, he put it to the test and set me free to be that love for someone else. I learned I was more selfish than reasonable. I learned some people are willing to sacrifice more than others in order to do the least amount of harm as they make their way. He put me to the test of walking my talk, showed me he could walk his. I respect him for that much. I would have lost everything I have if he’d kept me with him.
Yes, especially this past year 2009 has been the worst ever. I’m still baffled.
Thank you for asking. GQ
WTF is happening anyways? Too many plans fizzled out. Two steps forward, ten backwards. It’s made of Jello! I’ve never seen anything like it. Plans keep getting thwarted by seemingly unexpected ways. As if I’m building sand castles. Poof. It’s one thing, then it’s another. I don’t even try anymore. Is the Universe trying to tell me something? I listen, hoping for answers. If I complain or dwell on it, it magnifies it. So I let it go. Hope things improve later on.
…...And they don’t! ........and there’s a part of me that is so tired, it doesn’t care. Is that surrender?
Many other people have been having the same thing happening to them too. I’m hearing it from all over. It’s not just the economy, it’s my energy level and creativity too-very low.
It’s as if the air is denser in a weird kind of way.
It sounds like all you need are some answers from a simple communication. Why not contact this person yourself and find out the answers you seek if you are genuinely concerned? There may be things you have not even considered that is effecting this person, and it may not be anything directed towards you.
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