Is it fair of me to take embarrassing pictures of my boyfriend when he passes out on the couch?
Asked by
jeanna (
November 9th, 2009
It’s only 10:30 and I’m not drunk at all. He’s beyond drunk. He’s on the loveseat laying in a very….interesting position. He will kill me for even asking this (he’s on fluther). Should I take at least one and post it?
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37 Answers
Sure, but payback is a bitch. You will be giving him permission to do the same to you.
If you do you have to post it on here.
Assuming you are telling us only the most ‘publishable’ parts of this story, take a mess of polaroids and tape them all over his…......... ‘love seat’ ! LOL
Shoes on or off? If shoes are on, anything is fair game. ANYTHING!
That’s what you get for drinking.
Lemme see!
EDIT: He’s gonna kill you [:
@jeanna Were his jeans already like that or he passed out in the middle of something?
@Tink1113 haha Implying something? :P They were like that…
I want to go get the permanent marker and try to write on him….
hahahahah i would be soooo oooo killed if I did that
Hell, I do the same thing to other people. It’s all in good fun. :P
Luckily, I can only think of one picture of me passed out drunk…thank God…
Pull a Peter Griffin and write “penus” on his chin…lol
he is so going to kill me
@jeanna He’s going to be so proud of your restraint….lol
Hilarious! I hope he has a good sense of humor – just remind him you didn’t show us his face.
My exboyfriend’s family used to have big parties that went all night. One time when one of the men was passed out (I can’t rememeber his name, he was around 50 years old at the time) the women put a bunch of make-up on him… don’t think we took picture though? Maybe? I wouldn’t do it, because I agree with @filmfann he will now have permission to do it to you. Generally I don’t think it is funny or nice to embarras people.
Of course you realize that if you do this, you can expect embarrassing pictures of yourself taken by him to appear online at some point.
Is this the young man who took the really beautiful portrait photos of you? Just asking.
@jeanna Many people with embarrassing photos floating around out there have said similar things. See now, especially after seeing your sharpie artwork, some form of reprisal is almost assured. Best of luck. heh
@Jeruba The one and the same. Thank you, by the way.
@The_Compassionate_Heretic hehe True. He’s awake now, but hasn’t seen it. Man is he drunk. I’d almost forgotten how annoying and funny drunk people are.
@jeanna I recommend lots of orange juice for the hangover tomorrow.
@jeanna Give him a couple of aspirins with that OJ, too.
@jeanna oh my god hahahahaha you are soo funny
Haha nice!
Apparently you’re dating a wooly mammoth…
Is there any reason why he’s getting drunk on a Monday night?
@J0E Well, Sunday was Ken’s 21st birthday but there really wasn’t anything to do here on a Sunday, so he got drunk last night. We had fun. ;)
To all, I showed him this question earlier and he isn’t angry at all! :D
@jeanna Or so it seems…..He’s already planning stuff in his head ;0) plotting for the right time to mess with you!
Only if you doodle things on his face in sharpie first.
@J0E shut up! I am no woolly mammoth. That’s the way your god made me and according to the Buy bull, I was made in his image. Also, my birthday was last sunday and you can’t buy any alcohol on a sunday in SC, so I celebrated on a monday.
@Sampson Dry county? Ugh! I say “get her back” (start a thread so we can put more ideas in your head ;)
@SpatzieLover I’m not very dry now. It’s just Sundays. I was lucky enough to be born in the wrong state at the wrong time. No worries though. I love where I’m from and I love being here with my love.
Take the picture and show it to him but do not post it.
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