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sliceswiththings's avatar

Is it possible to excrete sparkles?

Asked by sliceswiththings (11723points) November 9th, 2009

I have always wondered if, after ingesting a lot of glitter, one would have glittery excrement. I imagine it would pass through the digestive tract, but would it be enough to make crap truly sparkle?

Would it be really bad for you?

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50 Answers

chyna's avatar

Why are you eating glitter?

nxknxk's avatar

I really thought this was going to be about Twilight and I’m so happy it’s not.

I’m sure it would be bad for you.

sliceswiththings's avatar

@chyna I’m not eating glitter, just thinking.

Facade's avatar

Isn’t glitter glass?

casheroo's avatar

No. The glitter will stay in your intestines and show up on xrays and cat scans..that sort of thing. The doctors love it. It makes for pretty scans.

MacBean's avatar

@casheroo: Do you have personal experience with glittery intestines? XD

jonsblond's avatar

I don’t know what would be worse. Sparkly crap or crap with these looking up at me.

please don’t eat your craft supplies kids!

jonsblond's avatar


Beta_Orionis's avatar

For the love of sparkes, No Mods!!!

peedub's avatar

I was under the impression glitter is glass. Wouldn’t that make for a sore brown-eye?

Why don’t you just sprinkle glitter on your terds, or turds, and skip the eating it part. Unless you are going to put it atop your ice cream. That would be just beautiful.

YARNLADY's avatar

Most glitter is made of fish scales and some is made of plastic. The first will be disolved and the second will come through, but not while you are looking.

Beta_Orionis's avatar

Eat some and tell (don’t show!) us the results?

sliceswiththings's avatar

@YARNLADY Will you please elaborate? When I’m not looking?

buckyboy28's avatar

Not quite excreting, but this does remind me of another episode of South Park. WARNING: Not for the easily offended!

MacBean's avatar

To answer the question: Only if you are a unicorn.

YARNLADY's avatar

@sliceswiththings I meant like waiting for water to boil – the saying goes a watched pot never boils.

sliceswiththings's avatar

@YARNLADY Right, I thought you meant it would just fall out on its own…phew!

Dog's avatar

~So why exactly are we dressing up? Does our poo have a date?

XOIIO's avatar

Just don’t drink lighter fluid and have a heater by when you urinate… Painful stuff bro…painful stuff.

oratio's avatar

A new definition of sparkly eyes.

Dr_C's avatar

Wow… just… wow.

Grisaille's avatar

What do you plan to do with this sparkly piece of shit?

Draw on the walls?

IBERnineD's avatar

I eat glitter regularly. It seems to come flying out of my hands when I use extreme inflection and hand motions. My poop never sparkles. Although sometimes my tears do.

Dr_C's avatar

@IBERnineD so you actually check your shit for glitter? weird.

peedub's avatar

@IBERnineD That was somehow very poetic and painted a vivid picture of your jazzy-flash-hands. I don’t even know how to make that sound but I bet it’s a good one.

MacBean's avatar

@Dr_C: What, you don’t? Weird…

Dr_C's avatar

@MacBean that explains so much…

IBERnineD's avatar

@Dr_C hey just making sure I’m healthy?
@peedub it’s an excellent sound! :D

PandoraBoxx's avatar

There’s edible glitter for cake/cookie decorating…

MacBean's avatar

There is! I wonder if it’s improved much. The last time I used that stuff, it was less than delicious. ...Not that regular glitter would be tasty, but…

sliceswiththings's avatar

@PandoraBoxx But is it digestible? Cause that would ruin all the fun.

zephyr826's avatar

@sliceswiththings. Edible glitter is digestible, and not nearly as much fun. If this is a result you’re going for, i would suggest the really fine (more of a shimmer than a glitter) plastic kind. Martha Stewart makes some. It seems like it would bother your digestive system less.

MacBean's avatar

Guys… We’re really discussing how to make sparkly poo. This fact only actually struck me as odd just now.

Dog's avatar

I still want to know why we are going formal.
(no pun intended of course ;) )

zephyr826's avatar

@Dog , it’s the poo-prom, of course. And who wants to make a little tux for that?~

forestGeek's avatar

I hope this works because you know what they say, “All that glitters is gold!”

Dog's avatar

If it doesn’t work you can always try crayons for a colorful effect. My dog adores them and poop patrol is much more artsy.

sliceswiththings's avatar

@Dog There’s no reason to desire sparkly poo, I’m simply wondering if it would work. If I ever try this, it will be on my 100th birthday.

Dr_C's avatar

I think i can hear my gastroenterology teacher turning in his grave…

YARNLADY's avatar

My dog has been seen running around with Christmas decorations (specifically icicles) hanging out his butt.

MacBean's avatar

@YARNLADY Well, that’s not something you hear every day! lol4rl

YARNLADY's avatar

My point being, glitter is made of the same stuff as Christmas icicles.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

This question is becoming a Fluther classic. There’s money in that thar poop!

Grisaille's avatar

@YARNLADY This is the first you’ve ever made me lol4rl. Oh my god, that is hilarious.

Nimis's avatar

For sparkly poop, I’d go with Goldschlager. Gold is bound to be softer than glass, plastic, fish scales, Christmas icicles, or whatever the heck glitter is made of.

Plus it’s so much classier.~

Dog's avatar

Damn @Nimis – That would take a lot of Goldschlager! (But it would work!)

YARNLADY's avatar

@PandoraBoxx So if someone poops gold, and they catch it in a bedpan, is that the new “panning for gold”?

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