Social Question

erichw1504's avatar

Who wants to play the Animal Game?

Asked by erichw1504 (26453points) November 10th, 2009

You give a name of an animal where the last letter of the previous animal is the first letter of your animal.

Example: I say Elephant, you say Tiger.


1. You cannot make up an animal, for instance: catdog or birdo

2. The animal must exist or have existed (dinosaurs) in our reality, no werewolves, dragons, or bigfoots.

3. If you answer with a relatively unknown animal, please include a URL with a picture or description for validation and the learning experience.

4. No repeats. If there is a lot of answers, then do a Ctr-F and search for what animal you plan on using.

5. All great answer should be rewarded with lurve!

Have fun!

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389 Answers

rangerr's avatar

Naked Mole Rat.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@KatawaGrey You learn something new everyday! Terepin

rangerr's avatar


Cupcake's avatar

Killer Whale

Cupcake's avatar


erichw1504's avatar

@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities Dude! I was just about to put that exact animal!

erichw1504's avatar

@RocketSquid Did you forget how to play?

El_Cadejo's avatar

so was i jeff lol

El_Cadejo's avatar

anywho back to jeffs answer as it made sense.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities thats actually a picture of an axolotl
this is an olm

Les's avatar

Adelie Penguin

El_Cadejo's avatar

going off les since that was answered first
Niger Trigger

rangerr's avatar


jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar


nevermind, too slow

Cupcake's avatar


El_Cadejo's avatar

Electric Eel

El_Cadejo's avatar

lol tapirs are funny

rangerr's avatar

I’m confused as to where earthworm came from.

El_Cadejo's avatar

cupcake was answering off your antelope but jeff got to it first.

rangerr's avatar


rangerr's avatar


patg7590's avatar


patg7590's avatar


El_Cadejo's avatar

Swordtail molly

erichw1504's avatar

Snapping Turtle

El_Cadejo's avatar

you guys suck at this one at a time thing :P

patg7590's avatar


Dr_C's avatar


ragingloli's avatar


rangerr's avatar


SpatzieLover's avatar

Timber Wolf

patg7590's avatar

Technosaurus aka steve jobs

El_Cadejo's avatar

ill go of spatzielover she answered first

SpatzieLover's avatar

@all I am refreshing before I post. Are you? Or is something else going on in Fluther. I don’t see anyone else typing at the same time I am

El_Cadejo's avatar

google if slowing me down >_<

rangerr's avatar


SpatzieLover's avatar

Xantus Hummingbirds”

RedPowerLady's avatar

hey it’s going too fast, i want to play! lol

patg7590's avatar

@RedPowerLady nice move, who are you playing off? :-P

nxknxk's avatar

Xiphactinus Audax
Shit, X was taken!

Gonna go with SIFAKA.

Shit, S was taken!


El_Cadejo's avatar

@patg7590 doesnt matter, both are S

RedPowerLady's avatar

@patg7590 thanx, I was playing off either @rangerr or @SpatzieLover

patg7590's avatar

@nxknxk perhaps we should call this the desperation game

El_Cadejo's avatar

ah, clearly i should have had a v8

RedPowerLady's avatar

@patg7590 damn, my brain must be working too slow to get it, lol

SpatzieLover's avatar

@uberbatman I’ll be having one for you at lunch soon! ;)

RedPowerLady's avatar

wait i mean, i get it, now

patg7590's avatar


El_Cadejo's avatar

tooo slow :P

patg7590's avatar


El_Cadejo's avatar


El_Cadejo's avatar

Giant Squid

RedPowerLady's avatar

hey i was going to say Easter Bunny ~

SpatzieLover's avatar

am I the only one not seeing people type on this?

El_Cadejo's avatar

sometimes i do, sometimes i dont. quite annoying

RedPowerLady's avatar

@SpatzieLover I think it’s just going too fast

SpatzieLover's avatar

@uberbatman SHIT I think @RedPowerLady is a stealth typer!

SpatzieLover's avatar

@patg7590 I just flipped you off. Did you see it? ;P

SpatzieLover's avatar

Sparrow or Spatzen

patg7590's avatar

[ off topic banter will be removed ]

zephyr826's avatar

Water moccasin

SpatzieLover's avatar

Nurse shark

El_Cadejo's avatar

imma go ahead and bust out my
now :P

patg7590's avatar

it’s like a mini mite hockey game in here…

erichw1504's avatar

hermit crab

El_Cadejo's avatar


SpatzieLover's avatar

@patg7590 I pull your pony tail


RedPowerLady's avatar


since we are on fish lately, lol

RedPowerLady's avatar

crap nevermind already been used

RedPowerLady's avatar

okay now i’m lost

El_Cadejo's avatar

used it above spatzie :P

patg7590's avatar

someone end in “m”. I dare you.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@uberbatman :P fine I lurved you then

El_Cadejo's avatar

i wish i could think of something starting with n ending with m :(

patg7590's avatar

oh, I’ll wait

patg7590's avatar

@SpatzieLover i think you mean mother

RedPowerLady's avatar

@SpatzieLover I already said that like four/five above.

patg7590's avatar

Anteater! dammit

RedPowerLady's avatar

hey stop that! :P

El_Cadejo's avatar


that one is mine :)

SpatzieLover's avatar

mine isn’t updating properly just on this question!

RedPowerLady's avatar

@SpatzieLover clear your cookies, that always helps me when that happens

patg7590's avatar

@SpatzieLover didn’t your Nag ever tell you not to hog all the cookies?

SpatzieLover's avatar

@patg7590 She told me not to dog others about being piggish. You are hanging around just to pounce on the “M” aren’t you? ;P Maybe our game should be animal name usage in conversation?

patg7590's avatar

@SpatzieLover absolutely I am. lol
how would the new game work exactly?

RedPowerLady's avatar


SpatzieLover's avatar

@patg7590 Example: You are a snake in the grass

I Want to see your M word now

patg7590's avatar

The Micropachycephalosaurus is a Pachycephalosauridae of unknown relations but it walked on two legs. It is also the dinosaur with the longest name.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@SpatzieLover thats so cheating :P thats just a class of animals that includes starfish and urchins.

El_Cadejo's avatar

ya know i was expecting an M word that ended in a really odd last letter. Not s lol

SpatzieLover's avatar

@uberbatman You’re being a “nag”...and….so was I. I thought @patg7590 would end it with an X or Q

patg7590's avatar

I fucking love dinosaurs

El_Cadejo's avatar

lol4rl that picture is great

SpatzieLover's avatar

@patg7590 Why don’t you marry them~

RedPowerLady's avatar

Red Panda

it should be required to post pics, lol, they are so fun to look at

patg7590's avatar

@SpatzieLover because I’m already married to someone who I love more than dinsosaurs :-P

SpatzieLover's avatar

@patg7590 Maybe you could have little dino babies then~

Cupcake's avatar

Red-eyed tree frog

patg7590's avatar

Great White Shark

Cupcake's avatar

Komodo dragon

patg7590's avatar

hahaha I doubt this will fly.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@patg7590 Oh yeah? Well you’re an aPATosaurus

patg7590's avatar

@SpatzieLover you’ve never found him?

RedPowerLady's avatar

Nemo does not count, no fictional animals.

patg7590's avatar

@RedPowerLady never found him either…

Cupcake's avatar

Koala bear

RedPowerLady's avatar

@patg7590 What I found him and flushed him down the toilet, hehe

patg7590's avatar

Rhodesian Ridgeback
double points

patg7590's avatar

you cant go twice!

RedPowerLady's avatar

@Cupcake can’t answer twice in a row i think

Cupcake's avatar

Well, I didn’t see that in the rules… but you can’t have repeats @patg7590

SpatzieLover's avatar

I did up there ^^^

SpatzieLover's avatar


patg7590's avatar


RedPowerLady's avatar

@patg7590 no playing favorites, mine was first :P

patg7590's avatar

sorry @RedPowerLady I’m no longer getting the crafting a response things anymore! lol

RedPowerLady's avatar

@patg7590 might help to clear your cookies, it’s all good though, @SpatzieLover posted a pic so she should get props, hehe

limeaide's avatar

maggot——too late

RedPowerLady's avatar

@limeaide Where did eyra come from? There is no “e”???

limeaide's avatar

@RedPowerLady moose was the last real answer

RedPowerLady's avatar

So we are on “A”


patg7590's avatar

@Gadgetmo I don’t see it…

SpatzieLover's avatar


@patg7590 I think he had some formatting trouble

SpatzieLover's avatar

@RedPowerLady If I had one of those in my garden, I’d hide in my house til it went back in it’s hole ;)

RedPowerLady's avatar

@SpatzieLover It is really ugly! I’d hide too. Poor creature.

El_Cadejo's avatar

you guys suck at searching above for repeat answers :P

RedPowerLady's avatar

@SpatzieLover but the ermine is so cute!

El_Cadejo's avatar

moose and axolotl were both repeats

El_Cadejo's avatar

wait no, jeff just posted an axolotl pic but not the animal as an answer. Disregard that :P

SpatzieLover's avatar

@RedPowerLady I was talking about that MOLE…I’d love to see an ermine. They used to be prolific around here

RedPowerLady's avatar

@uberbatman well i’ve always seen it spelled axolotl, in fact i think that is the proper spelling, so it’s not my fault people above can’t spell and so the find didn’t work

RedPowerLady's avatar

@SpatzieLover Ya I know! :) It is freaky looking, the mole I mean.

El_Cadejo's avatar

i used to care for an axolotl at the aquarium. very cool creatures :P

RedPowerLady's avatar

@uberbatman lucky you, they are really neat looking, i saw one at a pet store, not for sale though

Gadgetmo's avatar

Eland antelope

RedPowerLady's avatar

got to go everyone, have fun!

El_Cadejo's avatar

@RedPowerLady shouldnt have been in there, theyre endangered and illegal to own

Gadgetmo's avatar

Eurasian lynx

Gadgetmo's avatar

Xenarthrans (whatever they are!)

Gadgetmo's avatar

Lava lizard

Gadgetmo's avatar

Galapagos tortoise

Gadgetmo's avatar

Even-toed ungulates

Gadgetmo's avatar

I’m playing it with myself!!

SpatzieLover's avatar

@patg7590 who are you answering? Is that a symbol of the current thread?
@Gadgetmo Welcome to Fluther!

Gadgetmo's avatar

@SpatzieLover – Thanks for the welcome

patg7590's avatar

@SpatzieLover I got sick of waiting for “F” and figured @Gadgetmo was just going to be “playing with himself” indefinitely

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Gadgetmo Which hand do you use~

patg7590's avatar

@Gadgetmo welcome to Fluther! You sure know your animals!

Gadgetmo's avatar

Hawksbill sea turtle

Beta_Orionis's avatar

@Gadgetmo cheater! Just kidding

Gadgetmo's avatar

Amur leopard (not from the A-Z)

Beta_Orionis's avatar

Duck-billed platypus

Gadgetmo's avatar

Somali wild ass

patg7590's avatar

@SpatzieLover he uses a guide rofl

Gadgetmo's avatar

Cya – playing again tomorrow!

Beta_Orionis's avatar

Hasta Luego! I’m starting to be surprised how many simple animals haven’t been posted!

Gadgetmo's avatar

Yeah – my first one was lobster and even then there were 220 responses!

SpatzieLover's avatar

@patg7590 A “hands-on” guide?~

patg7590's avatar

@SpatzieLover must’ve been…he finished awfully fast..

SpatzieLover's avatar

@patg7590 Yeah he spewed out a slew up there ;P

Val123's avatar

Yellow Jacket

Val123's avatar

Thanks for showing me the ctrl F function!!!!!

Val123's avatar

. Too slow!

Val123's avatar

. Damnit! too slow again!

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

@uberbatman I’m sensing an aquatic theme with all of your posts. Hmmm.

Musk ox

ParaParaYukiko's avatar

@Val123 did you Google “animals that start with x” too?

patg7590's avatar

wait a minute, how did you all find out about Google?

erichw1504's avatar

Don’t know about this one though: “Xylophone Cat- A cat that is only by legend but some claim to have seen it.”

Beta_Orionis's avatar

@SpatzieLover mine died last night. :(

erichw1504's avatar

@SpatzieLover Apparently a snake?

Val123's avatar

@ParaParaYukiko Oh, of course not! I’ve known Xnopus all of my life! Some of my best friends are Xnopuses! (of course I goggled!! Is that not allowed?

erichw1504's avatar

@Val123 Why are you wearing goggles?

SpatzieLover's avatar

Snake was said AFTER he said that. I think @Beta_Orionis was saying his Iguana died, but I’d like to clarify that :( If so @Beta_Orionis, I is SOOOOoooooooo sorry to hear that!

I have a desert tortoise and can’t fathom the day

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

I would just like to say GQ to you @erichw1504. I learned so much about obscure animals today via this question and google. Who says wasting time can’t be educational? Here is one of the favorite things I found today, especially the Tripod fish.

Val123's avatar

@erichw1504 Because I can’t see words like “Google” too good without my goggles!

ccrow's avatar

What’s the last one, snake or tripod fish??
If snake- eft
If Tripod fish- hummingbird

Val123's avatar

I’ll call it! Hummingbird
My answer: Do-do Bird

ccrow's avatar

Ha! I was first…

Beta_Orionis's avatar

Yes, I (female, for the record) meant that my iguana died. She was so young! I had to leave her with my family in California when I left for college. She’s had been with me since I was six. :(

cyn's avatar

see you later, alligator.

ccrow's avatar

Aww, @Beta_Orionis I’m sorry about your iguana.

El_Cadejo's avatar

lol that dinosaur is retardedly funny looking.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Mantis Shrimp

Edit: scratch that…too slow i was…

RedPowerLady's avatar

Okay, come one people, this is loads of fun, but there haven’t been any recognizable animals for awhile now. Tell me you aren’t using google to help yourselves out?

Gadgetmo's avatar


Gadgetmo's avatar

grass spider

SpatzieLover's avatar


Val123's avatar

Elephant SEAL!

Val123's avatar

Yorkshire Terrier

SpatzieLover's avatar

Rat terrrier

Val123's avatar

Rhinoceros OMG! I can’t believe I got that one first!!! Had a heck of a time spelling it, though!

El_Cadejo's avatar

@RedPowerLady actually i havent at all. Ive been using this question as a test of my marine knowledge :)

KatawaGrey's avatar

Sylvan Mouse

For you mousehunt fans. :)

KatawaGrey's avatar


ccrow's avatar

Zebra (obvious, I know)

DrBill's avatar


ParaParaYukiko's avatar

Irrawaddy dolphin, the happiest dolphin around. :D

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Beta_Orionis GA!!! Best video evah!

erichw1504's avatar

@Val123 No imaginary creatures! Read the rules!

No, really it’s OK though

Val123's avatar

@erichw1504 Hey! It’s real to Pooh!!!! I Know I was cheating!

KatawaGrey's avatar


Ever been attacked by one? Those suckers are vicious…

Val123's avatar


Val123's avatar

Can we start a new thread?

erichw1504's avatar

@Val123 Why? And do you mean on here or a different question?

Val123's avatar

Like chapter 2, because this one is starting to take a while to load.

erichw1504's avatar

@Val123 But, that’s what makes it awesome. Plus, I can’t ask the same question again.

I do have a different one lined up soon though.

toomuchcoffee911's avatar


sorry, all of the links I tried were broken

Val123's avatar

@erichw1504 Plus, I just realized, in a new Q, we couldn’t use our search feature. I’m playing a game called the A game on another site. You simply come up with words that start with A. It’s more interesting than I would have originally thought! But I imagine it’ll be a few years before we run out of A words!

ccrow's avatar

tufted titmouse

erichw1504's avatar


funny looking little dudes…

Trance24's avatar

African Fire Ant

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