What is up with our obsession over bacon on the internet?
There seems to be a lot of talk going around on many websites about bacon… bacon inventions, bacon clothing, bacon accessories, bacon everything!
What is going on with this obsession? There was even an article about it.
What is your take on this craze? What’s your favorite “baconified” item? Here’s mine: Bacon Salt
Share with us your links and websites that are bacon-infused!
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45 Answers
over the internet? How about everywhere because bacon is FUCKING AWESOME!
I once made bacon cookies. They were amazing.
Its insanely good. ‘Nuff said.
Baconaise is my favorite new one!
I was not aware of a Bacon craze, Bacon = Good though :)
@avvooooooo Now I would expect HER to be the one to make Bacon Cookies…
Bacon = Yummy in da tummy
It does seem to be the newest trend in breakfast meats. I’m not sure how that happened. I mean, it’s delicious, but the internetors are frenzied over it lately.
Bacon makes everything better, why shouldn’t we be obsessed with it?
[ Gratuitous Simpsons reference: ]
Homer: “Butter your bacon… Now bacon your sausage.”
Bart: “But my heart hurts.”
Homer: “I said bacon that sausage boy!”
@Dr_C : I would love to try the chocolate bacon bar! Maybe if I already know I’m going to die, I’ll try it.
Not sure how Bacon became the “New” breakfast trend, it’s been a breakfast trend for a very very long time LOL
I love bacon. Everyone should love bacon. MMMMMMMMMM I want some now. nomnom
Q: What is up with our obsession over bacon on the internet?
A: Because people were looking for an alternative to all the spam!
ba dum bum. Thank you. Thank you. I’ll be here all week.
@jonsblond – NIIIIIIICE. I will remember that one, it could really come in handy.
People have a problem with bacon for the same reason people have a problem with sex: It’s perfectly indulgent.
I actually don’t like bacon …bracing for the backlash…
@erichw1504 I know, I know. If it restores even the slightest bit of my humanness, I used to like it.
I can understand the obsession though. As @proXXi said, I believe it has to do with indulgence. It’s a potentially (and frequently) addictive flavor and experience. It’s also versatile in it’s application, because it can be soft, or hardened, and comes in strips that one can use creatively, hence all of the aforementioned applications! It’s like edible papier maché.
@Beta_Orionis You have redeemed yourself with that amazing description of the essence of all that is bacon.
@J0E – I agree, right up there with the all time greats. I was always a fan of Carlin, Pryor, guys who elevated profanity to an art form, but I saw Jim live once and in a one hour set, he had me laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe for about half of the show, all without uttering a single profanity. And anyone who can do five minutes on bacon and 10 minutes on hot pockets…what can you say about that other than genius?
@Skippy You think I haven’t already made bacon cookies?
No one has mentiond how much fun it is to say. I love the food, and I love the word ‘bacon, baaacon, BAcon, baCON, babababacon.”
Oh, and there’s almost nothing that its not good in. Entrees, appetizers, side dishes, even desserts. Yes, desserts. Ice cream, cookies, chocolate. Bacon is good in all of them.
@avvooooooo Or wrapped around… um, can I say that here?
Everyone loves bacon. hehe, yum
We got any Canadians here? Is Jim Gaffigan right in his assumption that fatback is like bacon on steroids? And if so, why don’t we have it in the US?
@YARNLADY I don’t think you can, but I know what you mean! LOL!
I just made hot bacon dressing! Several slices of bacon, pan fried, crumbled, set aside. ¼ cup sugar, 2 tbsp cider vinegar, 2 tbsp water, a pinch of salt mixed together until the sugar is dissolved. Add that to the bacon fat in the pan and let simmer for a little while and then add to bowl with crumbled up bacon. Then add to salad greens while still hot. AWESOME!
@avvooooooo Variation – add a can of Cream of Celery (or mushroom) soup and a can of green beans (or red beans, if you like them better) to the skillet, instead of salad, and serve with corn bread
The following theory isn’t politically correct but it’s sincere so here goes:
If you had a graph that showed the the disparity between how delicious the common meats (and cuts) are and how much they annoy and disgust the anti meat set, bacon would show as having the highest value.
So bacon is the meat that internet carnivores and internet philistines seperately agree on (and base their differing indentities on) most.
Also, as stunningly delectable as bacon is, part of it’s appeal is how discussion of it’s enjoyment sets vegans howling.
I have had said chocolate, more than once @robmandu
@proXXi what is wrong with you? I assume something is wrong since that sounds like the worst chocolate bar ever.
The Chocolate Bacon bar isn’t a cheap shock novelty.
The chocolate and bacon are of impressive quality.
The base of the bars delight is the contrast between the bacon’ fruity smoky sweetness and salt and the chocolates sweetness and saltiness. The bacon’s fat replacing or augmenting the chocolate’s fat depending on witch bar you choose.
Shit! Now I need to run to Zabars and get one….
@proXXi Can ya get an extra and mail it to me? :)
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