General Question

PooperDood's avatar

What does Lady Macbeth think Macbeth needs the most?

Asked by PooperDood (295points) November 10th, 2009 from iPhone


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14 Answers

SpatzieLover's avatar

She thinks Macbeth should doeth his own homework.

PretentiousArtist's avatar

To stop drinking indigestible food dye

SpatzieLover's avatar

Hey @PooperDood are you feeling better today?

SpatzieLover's avatar

@PretentiousArtist I was wondering what you meant! DOH!

forestGeek's avatar

More fiber in his diet.

avvooooooo's avatar

I think the answer can be found… in the play!

Lightlyseared's avatar

A new user name now your bowels have settled (hopefully).

PooperDood's avatar

I’m feeling a little better. The symptoms have died down for the most part. I took some Emergen-c and it seemed to help a little.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@PooperDood Good to hear.

So is this question for homework? Are you stuck on a part?

PooperDood's avatar

I’m stuck on a certain question. It’s really bugging me because I can’t find the answer anywhere in the play

mrentropy's avatar

Lady Macbeth would like Macbeth to take a Macbath.

PooperDood's avatar

Very funny but I’m not laughing >:( .....
Just kidding. And nevermind everyone I just found the answer. :)

Narl's avatar

She thinks that one should not eat dye and get pregnant.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@PooperDood Glad you found the answer. Flutherites will do homework help, just not the actual assignment.

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