What are Adult Indigo's and do you think you could be one?
I was just wondering if i am the only Indigo on fluther, and if not why do you think you are an Indigo? I know this could very well be a very subjective question but i am curious!
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27 Answers
ok I read three websites and I still don’t get it. maybe I need more coffee but this isn’t making sense. which definition are you using?
Maybe this site will help. http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/adult-indigo-child.html
I’ve never heard of it before….
Edit: To add, those characteristics fit me, but I’m sure they fit a lot of people….they’re basically the same characteristics of someone whose zodiac sign is Aquarius.
I only have special powers when it’s beneficial to me.
@jeanna Thanks.
Hmm.. I guess so. Problem is the definitions are a bit vague and could apply to millions of people. Who likes to be controlled by authority without reason? Many people are creative, etc.
Then again, I’m a gemini so most of that would apply regardless. heh.
@gemiwing You are correct, it does not just apply to a certain Zodiac, you know if your an Indigo or not, some of the sites are vague but will help in identifying ones self, some people go through life not knowing why they feel they the way they do or why they have abilities that can NOT be explained by science, but the people that have them do know they are there regardless of what science says.
@jeanna You are also correct, im sure it applies to more than just a select few, if you know anything about different states of consciousness then you will better understand what an Indigo is..
I fit everyone of those characteristics but chalk it up to a combination of ADD, having Strengthsfinders strengths of Ideation/Context/Relator/Strategic/Communication and being a Six Sigma Black Belt…
I am thinking maybe i should have worded my question a bit better, i know i am a Indigo, but i was wondering if there was more out there that may hang on fluther and what where peoples thoughts on it..
I’m not an Indigo, but I am a lesser-known Cobalt—which I think there are a few on Fluther (actually, I think Fluther tends to attract Cobalts—we like helping). The rough description of a Coblat is:
* You have a need for other people to like and admire you, and yet you tend to be critical of yourself.
* You have considerable unused capacity that you have not turned to your advantage.
* Disciplined and self-controlled on the outside, you tend to be worrisome and insecure on the inside.
* At times you have serious doubts as to whether you have made the right decision or done the right thing.
* You prefer a certain amount of change and variety and become dissatisfied when hemmed in by restrictions and limitations.
* You also pride yourself as an independent thinker; and do not accept others’ statements without satisfactory proof.
* At times you are extroverted, affable, and sociable, while at other times you are introverted, wary, and reserved.
Anyone else an admitted Cobalt?
@grumpyfish Interesting, never heard of a Cobalt, some of those do apply to me but not all. Googling now!! Btw, not all of the descriptions that fall under a Indigo apply to all.. Like i stated above you know if you are one or not..
First that thing that popped up with Cobalt was associated with Indigo!
@OutOfTheBlue It’s not about ‘knowing whether I am one or not’ for me. It’s more about do I believe in the method of classification. I am many things and have many labels- so for me it’s deciding if the criteria are selective enough to qualify the need for another label. I’ve finally had more coffee so I hope that made more sense this time
@gemiwing I knew what you was getting at in your op, i know how it is the morning with out your coffee!! Of course not everyone is going to believe it and i to a certain degree do not like labeling myself, but at least 90% of the things that are being described what an Indigo is applies to me, it’s the closet thing i can associate myself with at this point in my life and it made a lot of sense out of things i always had questions about..
I am also into Astrology and Metaphysics so call me weird if you want to :)
@OutOfTheBlue If it gives you direction and helps you grow as a person then take it, run with it and buy it dinner I say. It’ll be interesting to see how many people on Fluther have it resonate with them too.
I certainly fit all the criteria, but I am not sure I am an Indigo.
As far as the Zodiac reference, I am an Aries, and we Aries don’t believe in Astrology.
Well according to this i match pretty much all the requirements minus the powers and such.
@uberbatman but you’re the uber batman….that means you should have powers and such.
I’m more of a pale manboy frankly.
I am an Indigo, and my friends little sister is a crystal child
@filmfann I beg to differ, i am an Aries and love Astrology..
I’m pretty sure I’m just an Infrared.
Mrent-R-OPY… Nope, I’m a Red.
Long live the Computer!
Another fancy definition for people no longer satisfied being called special snowflakes because they realize everyone and no one is really a special snowflake.
Eh, sounds like a bunch of hippy mumbo-jumbo to me.
Like I’ve said elsewhere, instead of the randomness of the zodiac, I prefer the somewhat more scientifically based Myers-Brigg to label myself instead.
Isn’t that classification one of those psych tricks that everyone believes is just about them? (Can’t remember what it’s called.)
@evegrimm:see one of the comments above for your answer.
Indigo Children….are simply children born starting in the late 70’s, through 80’s and many were characterized as having more heightened awareness and consciousness. Basically, Indigos brought over a lot of their talents from other lifetimes and were astounding in that they actually could remember things before this life. They also were incredibly sharp and seemed to absorb information quickly….sometimes to the point of becoming bored too easily. Many are musical prodigies, artists that had exhibits at young ages——with no training. They are highly advanced spiritually….and just “get” advanced quantum concepts.
The down side is that this heightened awareness was often too much….and so a lot of them anesthetized themselves with mood-altering drugs——or were drugged by Big Pharma….“Prozac Nation”....came in with Indigos. No one took the time to really figure them out…so they were just given pills.
Not all souls born during this time were/are Indigos. Most Indigos have some sort of extraordinary gift or ability that distingushes them from others of their own age bracket——even if it is just looking at the world more deeply. Lots of the social networks (facebook) were largely founded by Indigos.
They are the “transition” or “wayshower” group…...not quite totally enlightened, but opening the way for others to follow who will be born with a higher consciousness.
The Crystal Children followed….and what Indigos had to fight for (or be ridiculed for) will be more natural to this group…..which are now in their teens and younger.
This is not about personality types (like Myers-Briggs) or Zodiac (ruled by stars)....this is a group of incarnating souls who came in during a time of upheaval on Earth to begin by example, to show us a way to get back to the Garden
Esoteric explanation….for an esoteric and metaphysical concept.
@DarlingRhadamanthus Thank you for an incredibly sober and clear explanation!
Curious—which founder of Facebook is an Indigo, I hadn’t heard that before?
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