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Nathanael's avatar

Rock Band- Frets on Fire?

Asked by Nathanael (289points) February 12th, 2008

Does anybody know if there is a Rock Band style Frets on Fire that i can download? Or a Singstar that I can download.

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3 Answers

El_Cadejo's avatar

im not sure of a rock band style frets on fire but i do know that there is a way to have your drums plug into your computer and use them as a synth. I’m sure within a matter of time someone will develop a program like FoF for drums.

leadergo's avatar

try compatible with rockband guitar, microphone, and drumset (xbox 360 version only). use Windows XP because they’re still working on a patch for Windows Vista.

ax6rocker's avatar

Rock Band only: (38MB)

GH3: (37MB)

Both GH3 + RB: (190MB but has alot more stuff than the two above by themselves)

just save to where ever u want and go to destination folder(where its located) and in folder click the black Frets on Fire icon

no installation needed

it is compatible with Xbox 360 Gibson™ X-plorer (i know coz i use 1), but should be compatible with Rock Band™ controller

to use xbox 360 guitars/drums:–576b-42f2-b7c1–2a17ce25188b&displaylang=en

1.validate then download
2. install the .exe file
3. it will say that it failed the install but ignore this and plug in your guitar
4. copy your songs folder from original frets on fire install and put in data folder in new frets on fire that u just downloaded
5.go to new FOF folder that u just downloaded then click on fretsonfire.exe then go options and set up your controller configuration
6. rock on to ur songs in style

peace out


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