-Be flexible. Mentally. Physically too if you want but I don’t think it will help you here really. You’re probably not going to get every class you want. The classes you do get are probably not going to be what you expected. You major is probably going to be constantly changing. I went from a computer science major, to a creative media major, to an art major, to an english major, to an undecided major.
-Get your core requirements done first. Maybe dab into the fields your interested in. You want to give yourself as much time as possible before etching your major in stone.
-Remember that college is a war. There’s some battles (classes) that you might lose (fail.) Others you might retreat (withdraw) from when you see a lost in the future. The object is to win the war.
-Make friends! Schools are the easiest place to makes friends. Take advantage of that. Try to make at least one friend in each of your classes so you have someone to turn to if you need some last minute help. Study sessions are great. I also suggest clubs, or hanging out at your campus pool hall (if you have one. I do.)
-Pick smaller classes if you can. Smaller the class, more bonding there is. Better chances of forming friendships, more help from your prof. since they have a better chance of remembering you, there’s less pressure on you if you want to ask a question or just add input, and you’re less inclined to sit all the way in the back of the room and mess around on your iPhone (Me. 60+ student lecture class. I got a C.)
-Get an on-campus job, if you need a job. You’ll have an easier time getting one of these being a student and they tend to have slightly more flexible schedules to mold around your classes.
-Show some school spirit! Even if you don’t like football, going to games can be a lot of fun as long as you got people to go with.
-Prioritize. You had little to no sleep last night, you have a lecture class from 6–7 and an english class or something from 7–8. It’s probably better to sleep until 6:50 or something, get the notes later from a classmate, and be awake in your english class rather than going to both and barely being able to function. You’d probably fall asleep in your lecture class anyway.
-Get a good night sleep! Don’t put yourself in the situation above if possible.
-This one may sound terrible, but fake, or emphasis on some stress in your life. I actually had some real issues at the start of my semester that put me in therapy. I told my English professor, because I missed her class for therapy one day, of it and she’s been rather easy on me ever since.
-Know what the Hell is going on at your school. Read the school paper, read bulletin boards, the works. Especially with the economy these days. My college is going through a bunch of budget cuts. Eesh.
-Most importantly, relax. College is like one of those Chinese finger traps. You freak out about it, you’ll only worsen your situation. You chill out and relax, you’ll be free. Not the best analolgy, but you get the point.
I apologize if any of this is unreadable. It’s like 4am here. I got class at 6. Waitaminute…