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Fyrius's avatar

What's it like to be a philosopher for a living? (The practical aspects)

Asked by Fyrius (14591points) November 12th, 2009

I’m working on a short story with a university philosophy teacher as the main character. I should get to know what I’m talking about.

Is it like the practise of science? Do they investigate particular issues and make publications on their findings, in between teaching classes? Where do they get their funding, and how do they justify their budget? Do they ever take assignments from or get employed by private corporations?

Stuff like that.

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26 Answers

markyy's avatar

I have no clue, but to answer your question about how they make their money: Here in Holland there is a university philosophy teacher that got his own tv show (where he answered philosophical questions) and gets regularly invited to be a guest on other shows. I have no doubt there are plenty of live debates (on or off tv) for philosophers to get invited too as well, over here we call that a schnabbel (a gig where you briefly appear to show your face and get paid).

virtualist's avatar

Interview a university philosophy professor (tenured) and also a young assistant professor(non-tenured).

Find/Read/Peruse biographies of contemporary American philosophers (I’m presuming that your story is set in US )

Here’s title of a book you could get:The American Philosopher: Conversations with Quine, Davidson, Putnam, Nozick, Danto, Rorty, Cavell, MacIntyre, Kuhn (Paperback)

LostInParadise's avatar

I don’t think the practice of philosophy is much like the practice of science. It is more like the way mathematics has traditionally been pursued, just based on thoughts. These days, mathematics does sometimes make use of computers. What would a philosopher do with external funding except to be able to take a sabbatical and sit around and think.

The world being as nutty as it is, I am sure there must be times when philosophers are hired, like hiring a philosopher of ethics to help formulate corporate policy. I don’t think this happens very often though.

virtualist's avatar

@Fyrius This is an interesting site….. now defunct until the book comes out- Daily Routines: Philosophers

PooperDood's avatar

Me and a freind of mine used to “philosophisize” and we just talked about better means of space travel and dark matter and electromagnets and hoverboards, but we didn’t talk much about actual philosophy.

gailcalled's avatar

@PooperDood: Maybe spend equal time in English class. (A friend and I used to philosophize). You were actually fantasizing, as it happens.

PooperDood's avatar

I said philosophisize because I got it from the movie “Bill And Teds Excellent Adventure” in which they use that word. It’s a most excellent movie.

gailcalled's avatar

It’s a silly word, unless, of course, you want to grow up just like Bill and Ted.

nebule's avatar

My philosophy teacher is also a magistrate too

gailcalled's avatar

MY brother got his BA in Philosophy and then a PhD in psychology. He ended up being a professor at a college that allowed him to invent his own cross-discipline courses. That turned out to be wonderful for both him and his lucky students.

Fyrius's avatar

Thanks for answering, all.

Good ideas. Perhaps a bit more thorough than I plan to be about this.
I figure talking to someone in the philosophy business would be most helpful, maybe even an actual university teacher. Or maybe some résumés or full-blown biographies.

I’m not sure yet where the story will be set, but it won’t stay where the main character works for long anyway. What I mainly need to know is how he would live his life before the whole thing starts off, and what credible excuse I can think up to involve him in the madness.

virtualist's avatar

@Fyrius Thanks for exploring some of your ideas with us !

mattbrowne's avatar

I guess most of them have a second job. Very few will eventually write best-selling books.

Fyrius's avatar

I started writing earlier today. I’m already on page 5. :)
Like I said, the daily life of the protagonist is only relevant in the beginning. I think I covered it well.
Now, it’s on to the madness.

virtualist's avatar

May we preview the 2nd draft ? ...puhleasz

Fyrius's avatar

Haha, you want a preview?
Sorry, but I think it would be better for everyone if I don’t let people read it before it´s finished. You’d want to know how it ends and then have to wait for days. If you’re lucky.
I think I’ll finish it in the course of next week, if I’m not too busy. I’ll put it on DeviantART when it’s done. I’ll be sure to link to it here. :)

Fyrius's avatar

Update: I’m on page 12 now, chapter 6, at 5838 words. Nearing the conclusion. :)
Not sure when I’ll finish it. Maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow, maybe some time next week. But not much longer.

virtualist's avatar

I a m v e r ypatient.

Fyrius's avatar

Page 14, 6585 words, writing the epilogue. :D

virtualist's avatar

You’re in a fever! It’s late! When you’re done have a glass of wine on me; then sleep. You’ll think of something else in you dreamwakesleepstewing and apply some more finishing touchesediting in the morning. Well done.

Fyrius's avatar

Hahaha. Thank you.
But I don’t think I’ll finish the epilogue today. I have some more content to think up first. I’ll sleep on it.

Fyrius's avatar

16 pages, 7640 words, and I’m done. :D
I’ll re-read it once and then upload it.

Fyrius's avatar

Done! :D

I wonder how people will take it. I think they might find it pretty weird.
I have a feeling it’s the kind of story you either love or hate or don’t understand at all.

virtualist's avatar

Thanks for letting us preview. I’ll find a quiet corner today to read and think. I’m impressed by writers who can just sit down, plan out, and get it down onpaper. It’s so different from what I do; what I can do.

Fyrius's avatar

You are quite welcome. :)

This is not a preview any more, though. I’m done.
Which is good, because that means one major distraction down. I’ve got other things to do.

Carol's avatar

It’s like…......poor. What do you have in mind to make a living?

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