Does anyone else experience short term fixations?
Asked by
Ame_Evil (
November 12th, 2009
I’ve had this throughout my life, and its mostly evident when food is concerned but I am sure it might be in other areas but none spring straight to mind.
I was wondering if anyone else experienced short term fixations on some sort of object. For example for me, I tend to have about 1–2 weeks where I really like one sort of food and tend to focus on eating that (but not abnormally like eating it every single day, just more than average in the whole year). At the moment it is pizza. I haven’t eaten pizza for about 3 months, but in the last week I have made 4 ever since I had discovered how to make them from dough and jar sauces. I also generally always have something that I am fixated on, but perhaps a week gap between transitioning.
Another area that this might be happening in is music where I generally enjoy listening to a band for about a month or two and then switch and not really listen to them any more for probably a 6 months to a year.
I know this is probably just operating under the principles that 1. you tend to like new stuff better than more familiar stuff and 2. too much of something wears on you and leads to a repeat back to step 1. But I was wondering if anyone else has noticed this in their behaviour.
/edit In fact I think I just answered what was happening in the final paragraph, but nevertheless do you experience this sort of thing any ways?
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13 Answers
I’m the exact same way. And yes, that paragraph is exactly why. I like variation. But I always tend to circle back to older things after a while. Especially with music. I may be sick of a song for a bit but later down the road I enjoy it once more. Until I get sick of it again that is.
It’s a circle.
I do go through “phases” with food, it seems to be somewhat influenced by the weather/season, but also by my emotional state.
The same goes for my listening habits… I’ll favor a particular artist or genre, sometimes I go through an NPR phase, sometimes classical, sometimes I won’t listen to anything.
yes, and it affects all portions of my life. Lately I have been focused on the Rock Island Southern Railroad and Roman history. Food, not so much, because as a cook, I can make pretty much anything I want when I want it.
I do this frequently, whether it’s food, music, an author whose work I’ve “discovered”, a computer game, even Fluther! I don’t know if there’s an underlying cause, but I don’t go through destructive phases, so I don’t worry about it.
This happens to me all the time. At the moment my food fixation is popcorn! I originally bought a bag from the shop at work about 2 weeks ago because they were cheap. ince then I have been buying them most days! I can’t get enough. I’m not too worried because I know I’ll get bored and move onto something else.
I do this with other things too but not so much with music. Usually if I discover a band or singer that I like, I like them for life. I’m still fixated on them (I have had a life long fixation on Barbra Streisand for example) but it’s rarely a short term thing.
I have short fixations on events or people of history. I’ll learn as much as I can about something that interests me in a very short space of time before needing a break from that and finding enough interest. I never give up on something completely though.
<—fixated on @markyy’s responses.
Hey avatar buddy, did Zen ask you to follow me? :P
Sometimes I think I’m a pregnant woman. If I wake up craving for pizza, I just know within a week I will have had pizza, like it sticks subconsciously (I wish I was pregnant so I could just get the pizza in the middle of the night!). Most of my fixations are like @hearkat describes them, seasonal and or emotional. Sometimes I think there are two of me, a summer and winter version, because we’re nothing alike.
I get that way about songs. I’ll have to listen to it on repeat for a few weeks. The latest is “While You Wait For the Others” B-side by the indie band Grizzly Bear, which is the same song, but with lead vocals by the incomparable Michael McDonald. Ace!
I get fixations on one person after another.
I’m troubled with pizza at the moment too :-/...and I have Weight Watchers tonight…. it’s not going very well
I get fixated on projects in the same way. For example, I might be working on designing a website, working non-stop for a couple of weeks. Then, my attention will shift to some other project, like organizing the files on my computer, or reinstalling something, or writing a story, and I end up not finishing the first project.
This is actually a pretty big problem for me. I’d like to be able to finish the projects I’ve started.
I don’t refer to them as fixations, but as phases. Right now I’m in a “paint all my kids furniture phase”. I was just in a “get the garden ready for winter phase” for a few weeks in a row. Next will be “do everything you can before Christmas phase”...and that will last for a month.
I do the same with foods. I could eat homemade chili for breakfast, lunch and dinner for two weeks and think of nothing else. I don’t know why this is, though. My hunch is that it’s something primal.
Yes, I try to rotate them and stay away from the negative ones.
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