Girls, what do you think when you see an attractive guy wearing sweats with nothing underneath?
My favorite choice of attire is definitely sweatpants and sweatshirts. If not working or doing something where a more proffesional appearance is required, I am most likely wearing sweats. For comfort and convenience, I typically don’t wear anything underneath. I feel like I get a lot of stares when dressed this way, and often notice women’s eyes fixated on my mid-section. Ladies, are these looks of shock, awe, disgust, or attraction? I am curious because the staring can definitely take away from the intended comfort of my chosen attire.
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149 Answers
is your junk bouncing around? can you see outlines? if so, then it’s not comfortable to see and maybe you should wear underwear. My husband is obscene looking without underwear under sweats or even jeans, I wouldn’t let him out of the house like that!
When I see men out and about in sweats, I usually wonder why they didn’t bother getting dressed in that morning.
If your junk outline is visible, which I think is what you’re getting at here, it’s not attractive and makes you look like you think your junk is somehow special and makes you look sloppy. Put on some damn underwear.
@trailsillustrated is right- it can make women uncomfortable for themselves, and embarrassed for you, which might be why they’re not looking at your face.
uhm, i honestly wouldn’t be able to tell unless it was painfully obvious. rather naive… but yeah, that’s kind of sloppy, not to mention kinda creepy. to me, at least.
Just because you don’t wear your socks on your feet, doesn’t mean your sock doesn’t count as underwear ~
I am now going to sit here and wait for Facade to answer.
I don’t see what the big deal is about wearing sweats in public. If it’s just when you go out to do grocery shopping or going to the video store, no biggie. My husband does it. If your clothes are clean, who cares?
As for the no underwear part, I’m not one to stare at men’s junk so I probably wouldn’t notice.
A lot of things I shouldn’t ha. Definitely “attraction,” especially if the guy happens to get excited. That actually happened in front of me once teehee
What a way to wake up! ...This is great. Sorry I don’t have anything extremely interesting to say. I just rolled out of bed
Am I the only wondering about the OP’s motivation? I wonder if he gets off on making women uncomfortable, or if he wants strangers on the internet to oooh and aaah over the thought of an “attractive” man showing his floppy outline in sweats?
Unless you’re jogging, I don’t do sweats. I think they’re sloppy looking, personally. And if you ARE jogging, there should be some underwear under them. The visual I’m seeing right now isn’t attractive. I just don’t like sweats period.
@jbfletcherfan Just reminded me of a high school basketball game I cheered at.. Probably the best game ever :|
@Likeradar Don’t ruin this for me!~
@Facade just think of how he’ll probably have sweat pant fuzz in all the little crevices… :P
@Likeradar I’m just gonna hope they aren’t wearing that type of sweat pant :)
“wearing sweatpants in public is like saying ‘i give up’”
that said, my sugalumps put ‘em in a trance, when i wear track pants.
OP sounds like a crypto-exhibitionist to me. He also seems to think very highly of his own appearance, which suggests a narcissistic component.
My bro had a guy friend who would hike up his jogging pants high above his waste, and he didn’t wear gotchies either. Egads. His “situation” was highly emphasized, and then he would walk! <<jingle jingle>>
Not an attractive look.
but, then again, I’m not all about meat and poddahs, anyway.
Hey, I’ve got a question.
How is this in any way different than a woman choosing not to wear a bra? If they said it was liberating and was a their preference, would you be asking what that woman’s motives were?
Playing devil’s advocate is lovely, sometimes.
@Likeradar just ruined any statement I was going to have about defending OP.
@Judi you’ve obviously never seen my family jewelery then…~
@Grisaille I’m guessing people not including me wouldn’t want to see that either
@pdworkin If that’s him in the avatar, then he is an “attractive guy”
@Grisaille Some girls can pull off the no-bra look without looking trashy or repulsive.. imo
@Facade Attractive is as attractive does.
I wear a bra, but, really, I don’t need to. My girls be perky. Ladies, if you place a pencil (lengthwise) under one of your boobies, and it falls, you can get away without having to wear a brasseire. It’s called the “pencil test”.
@jmah That test is biased! And will not keep me from going bra-free when I want :P
This question is hilarious.
@Grisaille That’s actually a good point.
Usually when I see a bra-less woman I think they’re making a feminist statement, which I guess I could be completely wrong about. The only statement I think an underpantless man is making is a) I’m a slob, or b) Heeey, ladies, look at my swingin’ bits.
@Facade me thinks (actually, I know) that you need a bit more support than I. It works on me..;-)
Ooohh,,,boy….I don’t need the pencil test to know that I HAVE to wear a bra. 90% of the female population does. It just isn’t attractive. no guys…it’s NOT!
I’m confused.
Why are people talking about the guy’s junk?
Since when have sweatpants been that disgustingly tight? typically they’re very loose.
This is quite literally turning into the exhibitionist thread.
Wow! So many things I would like to address. First off, this is my first question on Fluther and this is really cool. Thank you everyone for your input. (Likeradar) My motivation is simply to get an answer. I do not want to make people uncomfortable….ever. If I am making others uncomfortable, then I am uncomfortable, negating the whole purpose of wearing sweats in the 1st place. It is my favorite attire, and I would like to feel as though I should keep wearing it.
@pdworkin ..not an exhibionist, just like being comfortable. Though I am a bit of a narcissist. However, I made a point to mention “attractive”, not because I think I am really good looking, but because personally I think there is a difference between seeing someone fit with nice clean sweats on who is decent looking or better, than there is when someone has on raggy sweats or is sloppy and overweight is wearing them.
When I see anyone in sweats, attractive or not, I automatically lose interest.
Sweats are not for everyday use in my book, no matter what. They imply that you don’t care enough about your appearance to put on real clothing. It’s like seeing people walking around in their pajamas.
As or going commando underneath, sweats are usually so baggy that you can’t tell. But let me say that seeing any guy’s junk under their clothes is not my cup of tea. It lacks common decency.
You can wear comfortable clothing that doesn’t look gross. Please, for all of our sakes, leave your sweats at home. :)
@bobbidigidal So… while you’re being comfortable… is the outline of your lower half visible? Cause that’d answer your original question.
i work in a place that has an extremely liberal dress code for a major corporation, and the one thing we cannot wear is sweats/gym clothes.
@bobbidigidal Wear your sweats to the gym. Maybe to the gym I go to, perhaps…
@Likeradar And I think that’s my point.
When I see a woman without a bra, I think:
B. Oh, she’s just letting them breathe. Go get ‘em, girl.
When I see a dude flopping about, I think:
B. I really wish I’d have let the boys breathe today. Lucky fuck. OH AND OH GOD WHY DID I OH GOD
The point is that we live in such a goddamn homophobic, misogynistic society. It’s ridiculous; we’re legitimately fearful of the male form. A guy who wears sweatpants without “support” is labeled as narcissistic, sloppy and perverted. A woman who doesn’t wear a bra is seen as a sex object, perhaps a feminist and almost normal. I want to know why this is.
@Grisaille The same reason a “topless scene” in a movie is something coveted, but a “bottomless scene” for a man would be frowned upon and probably wouldn’t make it out of the pitch room.
Oh my! If my SO did this he’d get a wicked spanking! Hehe
The only time I feel sweats are appropriate is for a 2am McDonald’s run to fuel the all-night video game binge! But that rule is Drive-thru only; if you have to go in then get dressed.
@Facade you’ve never seen a Ewan McGregor movie have you? that dude sports the trunk every flick he makes.
The OP stated “If not working or doing something where a more professional appearance is required”. He’s not wearing them to work or out to a nice restaurant. jeesh
I don’t understand why wearing sweatpants implies that you don’t care about your appearance. If they are clean who cares what material a persons pants are made of.
@Facade Yep. It’s rhetorical. We all know that the social justifications for not treating male and female nudity equally are bullshit. We are an immature society, shameful of ourselves, of our physique, of our being. Constantly praising another for being beautiful and talented, constantly chastising ourselves for being average and homely.
Bottom line: We fucking suck.
@jmah – Hahaha! What’s that song? “You know I dress for every situation…”
@Likeradar – My Swingin’ Bits: Best!Band name!Ever!
@bobbidigidal – Dude. Don’t get all excited. Most of us ladies upon seeing you like that are either not paying attention or think you need to put on some pants. In the UK sense, that is. Like these pants. See? They’re comfy-looking! And they only take 2 extra seconds to put on.
@Facade Young Adam, Trainspotting, Velvet Goldmine….the dude thinks everyone wants to see his after-dinner mints…
Oh, I’ve seen The MacGregor in The Pillow Book. It’s not bad!
I;m curious, are all the people who don’t think you should ever wear sweats in public east coast people? I believe in underwear, but no sweats in public? really? Maybe I’ve been in California to long.
I don’t think I have ever noticed someone wearing sweatpants without anything underneath. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen a guy wearing sweatpants in public and it wasn’t at the gym.
@Judi I’m an East Coast native, and I don’t really believe in wearing sweatpants in public (for myself) but I must say that I saw far more people doing so when I lived in Philly than I do now in California!
@Judi From a fashion point of view, I don’t approve of sweats in public, but that won’t stop me from admiring the view :)
I’m in Oregon right now and the only people I ever see in sweats are pushing shopping trolleys full of bottles down the road….
Sweatpants in public don’t bother me. I don’t want to see stuff flopping around, poking against the front or any other type of outline. Eww, eww, eww. I do not think you are “narcissistic, sloppy and perverted” as @Grisaille mentioned – I’ll buy the comfort excuse. A lot of guys are all about comfortable, but that’s too much IMO.
BTW, I’m not a fan of letting the boobies hang free, either. Whether they’re swinging low or perky with poky nipples, stick ‘em in a bra. Bras really do give any size breasts a nicer shape under clothing.
I personally think it’s pretty cute when a guy wears sweatpants, well only if they are wearing a form-fitting t-shirt on top. Makes their butt look great! As for letting it all loose, I don’t believe I have ever seen that. Now I have seen free-balling under jeans and my god that was just gross, he had moose knuckle for days.
And the whole no bra thing? That is not an option for me because I am, um larger up there, so I enjoy a bra. When I am at home is another story. And frankly women who need a bra should be wearing them at least in polite company.
I’‘m East Coast and I live in pajama pants.
A lot of my classmates come to class in pajama pants and sweatshirts. It’s just comfortable.
In public, there are a lot of people in my area that wear sweats. I don’t think anything about it.
If they are comfortable, who am I to judge them?
Unless there are outlines of certain areas. I’m not a fan. I’ll give myself the right to judge and think you’re gross.
Sweats look sloppy. They’re generally without a lot of form, they’re all function. I agree that sweats aren’t that great. However, I have a great love for track pants. They’re more “tailored” and tend to fit people better unless they’re trying to cram into ones that are too small. Whichever, I think that if junk is respectably sized and big enough to be noticed (I’ve seen a few that wouldn’t have a problem with being noticed even in tight pants) that guys should wear underwear to contain their junk. Especially in more form-fitting pants, but even in sweats. Feel lucky that your junk is big enough to be noticeable and cover it up.
junk eh ok then if i refer to the vagina as the trash can right?
@mammal make sure you put a bag in your trash can, so the junk doesn’t make a mess.
I think you like that your junk is being noticed.
You are just looking for some sort of majority approval.
Just so we’re clear, @bobbidigidal These sweats are not gathered at the ankles, correct? Because that would be inexcusable.
@zephyr826 I own lots of sweats, some with elastic at the ankles some open bottom. If I wear the elastic/ones that gather at the ankle I typically have the bottoms pulled up some so that they gather mid calf. Inexcusable?
Hmm. I don’t wear underwear, but wash my clothes often. It’s because I feel more comfortable without than with.
I don’t feel that it is obvious to people that I go french as we say, but maybe it is. I don’t care much about that. I do think that people are welcome to look everywhere they want, but maybe they should look more to my face than my crotch.
I don’t mind guys wearing sweats every now and then. Around the house I think it’s sexy. Especially when I can see the outline of their junk. But sweats worn outside the house all the time isn’t really fashion forward.
Well, I’m not a girl so i avert my eyes quickly.
@ItalianPrincess1217 I agree, around the house is sexy for sure! Easy-access and an “outline” is yummy! But being that it’s around the house it means that it’s my SO, aka the only guy who’s “outline” I want to see!
Is it a coincidence that the two guys sporting handsome avatars, @oratio and @bobbidigidal . both go commando?
it weirds me out if you can see the junk swaying around. eee.
I am amazed at all the sweatpants hate! If I saw an attractive guy in sweatpants, I really doubt I’d even notice his pants!
But I also work in a very clothing-forgiving environment…yesterday one of my colleagues gave a presentation wearing jeans with a huge hole through the knee and wildly-standing-up mad-scientist hair. And another colleague regularly wears workout clothes to work so she can go directly to kickboxing afterward.
@IBERnineD -
Free-balling ? Moose knuckle?
I just spit coffee all over my desk!!! LOL
@Judi no, I’m mid-west. I just have never liked sweat pants. I’m a jeans kind of person. The only time I’VE ever worn sweats is when I had my surgery.
@bobbidigidal One thing you’ll learn here…if you ask a question, you’ll get an answer. And several opinions…not all of the agreeing. That’s what makes fluther….fluther. Welcome aboard, BTW. :-)
The only thing worse than sweats in public is when the sweats are too long and the person doesn’t care enough to get them tailored and the bottoms are all shredded and dirty. Ugh. What a heinous look. And I’m from Chicago, Judi.
As for going commando, as long as I don’t notice you’re commando, I don’t care. If I get any sense that your “member” oh, trashy novels.. you’re funny isn’t being protected, then I get grossed out. Same goes for jiggly jugs. If your jugs are that jiggly, you need a bra.
@Les Bras can’t stop the jiggle…
@Les must be jelly, cuz jam dont shake like that.
@Facade maybe not all of the jiggle, but it still supports the girls that they aren’t flopping all over the place.
Wear some DAMN underwears!
that’s what I’m thinking…especially in public
@Sarcasm Yes, they are usually losse…so loose you see it swaying…
YUCK is right @Cupcake.
I think the op should post a picture.
@IBERnineD There’s this woman in our village that we’ve had to “deal with” because she’s a writer/reporter for our local newspaper…my husband can’t stand that she needs to wear a bra but never does. We walk past her house often, and he never fails to say “Here’s where the woman with no bra lives” ;D
@Les There are people who get their sweats tailored?
Wow. This thread took quite an interesting turn…
I wear sweatpants in public (well, not really “sweatpants” more yoga pants) and not just to the gym. Yoga pants look good on me, very flattering to my body and they’re damn comfortable. I don’t give a crap about fashion. I also rarely wear a bra outside of work. I hate them and just don’t have any desire to wear one. Can you tell when I don’t wear a bra? Sure, depending upon the top I have on. Even if you can tell, I don’t mind because my breasts are perfect; I lurve them lots.
If I’m ok with letting things flow “freely,” then I can’t very well say it’s wrong for a man to do so. I don’t mind a guy wearing sweats in public and going commando.
@Likeradar – Maybe not tailored, but I have bought pj pants that were way too long and had them shortened. It costs about $5 if you can’t do it yourself, and pennies if you can. It looks so much better than having that nasty, ground in dirt and shredding cuffs.
If I was a guy I’d wear a suit all the time. I’d buy two nice suits and just wear them everywhere. Women don’t notice guys in sweats but we sure as hell notice a man in Armani. Plus, you’d never have to think about getting dressed. Just throw the suit on.
When I see a person in sweats my first thought is that they’re lazy. Espescially the gathered ankle kind. Yoga pants don’t make me think the same- they make me think that I need to help them shop so they can find pants that rock for them.
That said- pfft who cares what I think. Wear what you want.
@gemiwing Amen, to the suit thing. I love a guy in a suit.
I tend to be very oblivious to a lot of things, so I’m not sure I’d even notice the sweatpants-nothing-underneath thing. If I did though, I don’t think I’d care one way or another. It doesn’t make me more attracted to a guy just because he’s commando. In fact, I guess I’d lean a bit more toward the just-put-some-damn-boxers-on end of the spectrum. When it all came down to it though, do what you want. Just try not to draw more attention to your wiggling rod.
Now if you were completely naked, I’d notice… and I’d think “WTF?”
Edit: As for the bra thing, I don’t feel comfortable in public without a bra. I always wear one when I’m out. At home is a different thing. If I’m home alone (or around my immediate family that lives with me) then I’ll wear a tshirt without a bra. If company comes over, I go to put a bra on. The end.
@Les The word you’re looking for is “hemmed.”
@avvooooooo I LURVE that you and I share RAGING passive-aggression!
@SpatzieLover Sports bras aren’t all that expensive… I think you could even get one for less than 5 bucks. Passive-aggressive message sending as a holiday gift to everyone if she takes the point… Check!
@avvooooooo rofl4RL!
She also has a flock of pink flamingos in her garden…what shall I do about that?
@avvooooooo – Yes. Thanks. Hey, I’m lucky I put clothes on this morning. Big day tomorrow…my mind isn’t really here.
@gemiwing Speak for yourself. I’ll take a guy in sweatpants over a suit any day. If a guy is wearing sweats, it tells me he likes to be comfortable and doesn’t care what others think. just my opinion :)
Man, it’s amazing the amount of judgment you guys have for people who wear sweat-pants. Sure, I don’t wear them, but I have seen other people (including my boyfriend) wear them to school or something and I didn’t assume they were lazy, sloppy, or tacky. In the case of my boyfriend, I might notice…other things…when he wears them, but I doubt he wasn’t wearing underwear, that might be a little odd…
Can you post pictures on here as examples? And would that help for some clarification?
@bobbidigidal You could post them on photo bucket or Flicker and then link them here. Yes, photos help!
@bobbidigidal Don’t let these judgments concern you; they don’t need any clarification, your details were enough. Screw their opinions. They are NOT the majority.
I think a guy going commando with sweats on is nasty, but that is my opinion, and I shouldn’t judge others.
For the bra thing, I wear one all the time. I have to. I don’t run because even if I had a sports bra, it wouldn’t help. Do you know what it is like trying to lose weight, and not being able to really run without getting a black eye, or a bloody nose?
A bloody nose? From your boobs?
@Sarcasm yeah, it happened to me once, in high school
@shego Hmm.. Skeptical rabbit calls shenanigans.
Indeed. Proof! We need proof!
What you want me to find a video or something? It was in gym class I was running, tripped, and busted my nose on them, as I hit the ground. But I still won’t run. I will only stick to swimming.
I absolutely need a picture before I make a judgement. Please feel free to post one.
@eponymoushipster Thanks for the heads up on Ewen McGregor, I had no idea. I’m off to Blockbuster right now. :)
If I could get away without wearing a bra, I’d never wear one again. EVER. As it is, I ditch that damn thing the instant I get home.
My husband goes commando in jeans every day. Occasionally, depending on the way he’s sitting, you can tell. In jeans, I actually kind of like that. ;-)
In sweatpants, on a stranger, I wouldn’t have an opinion of it… but it might make me uncomfortable. Can’t say I’ve ever noticed this though, so I could be wrong.
Welcome to Fluther, BTW. Way to make an entrance!
Like Allie, when I’m home from work, first thing that I do is release the girls! I fling that flopper stopper onto bed/floor. If I’m alone or with my girl, they’re free. In front of anyone else, I’ve got the torture device on.
I think I’m the only one who prefers to wear a bra…
@chyna that im against them or that my sister is a ewan mcgregor fan?
@chyna true. yeah, those exotic birds don’t need to be caged.
@chyna well, if you’re feeling gravity’s pull, for sure. also, if you’re old. that’s gross, ladies. bag ‘em up.
@chyna like im falling for that.
I just want to say, that this is one of the funniest damn things I’ve read in a long time.
Picture! I want a picture! Actually, several pictures from different angles.
@bobbidigidal I truly hope you were kidding about the sweats being pulled to midcalf. I thought only tween girls did that with their sweats from Justice.
I even asked my husband about this, since he doesn’t own a single pair of underwear. He also doesn’t own any sweatpants. He thinks that sweatpants + commando = swinging junk, but can’t be sure since he’s never really looked at that area on a dude wearing sweatpants.
Neither have I, but I sure as hell will the next time I see a guy in sweats! I’ll try to keep my camera with me just in case.
A hot guy in a suit…oh dear. Especially with the jacket off, the sleeves rolled up a bit, the tie loosened…whew! Gets me every time!
btw, I’m going to rent some Ewan McGregor movies now
@MissAusten Athlete’s often pull up their sweats… I don’t mind. They have nice calves.
@Facade I guess I should spend more time around athletes. :)
@MissAusten I’d recommend it, yes. =) You can borrow my megaphone lol
Oh good, then I can yell things like, “Pull your sweatpants down!” or “Your junk is flopping around!”
Wait, I didn’t mean that first one like it sounded…
Outside of an SO (inside the home) I’m uncomfortable to be looking at anyone’s crotch area and would be shocked and weirded out to see a man with no support in sweats. Something about men’s bits bobbling and flopping around is intimate to me, I don’t want to see it on just anyone.
@shego AMEN!
@Sarcasm I was going down stairs and whacked myself in the eye. OW!
@SpatzieLover Got a lawn mower?
@MissAusten Hate to tell you, but your husband is more than cute enough to wear whatever he wants!
And I really don’t think that you didn’t mean the first one! And can I come over for the movie marathon if I bring a bottle of Vodka? After that, we’ll go hunt down some athletes with that megaphone!
@avvooooooo I do live right by the high school, and there’s always some kind of sport practice going on in the fields around my house! Plenty of soccer players on the weekend. A bit young, but beggars can’t be choosers! We’ll make that cute husband of mine watch the kids!
To those who needed or wanted a picture in order to better answer the question, or for those who were just curious; this sloppy, crypto-exhibiting, discomfort and embaressment evokin, creepy, floppy outline flaunting, narcissistic, bit swangin, moose knuckle ball pitching, junk janglin, brief boycotting, sweatpant sporting, first-time fluther just posted some pics on flickr.
Not just as an attempt to inspire “oohs and ahhhs” from internet strangers, but more so to provide a real example for more accurate answers to the question I posed yesterday.
I could have possibly been described as “fashion forward” when I was a bit younger. But, post-college and into my career, comfort bumped cool from the hierarchy in my wardrobe. At it’s root, the true question is; does my favorite look make me innelegible or not? Is it creeping girls out, or do they think it is cute? I really have no idea, don’t want to be captain creepy, but also don’t want to stray from my favorite garb either.
If any of the friendly fluthers would like to see, shoot me a message and I will give you the link. The ornary old men need not apply, no disrespect, but your opinion on the matter…just doesn’t.
@bobbidigidal I just think its funny that you got the “exhibitionist” award here. :D
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