What I am going to say may/may not make sense to everyone.
You fall in love with….the person you fall in love with. Either sex. That’s how I feel looking over my life as a whole.
I am heterosexual. But I have a lot of gay men friends. Lots. Lots. And I love them all.
And honestly, there are some gay and bisexual men that I would much rather share my life with than some of the heterosexual men that I have encountered in my life. There might not be sex, but there is so much love and kindness and happiness, who cares? I’ve been in hetero relationships where there was no sex after a while. So, what’s the problem? In the end, it’s the friendship and the communication that lasts forever.
The happiest times of my life have been shared with the gay men in my life. My very best friend from childhood that I grew up with is a gay man. I’ve dated bisexual men. I’ve dated straight guys that I found out later were bisexual (Okay, so this was in high school when they were still in the closet, even to themselves.) I’ve dated gay men that were in conflict about their sexuality.
Love does not have a gender…Love just is.
Their orientation was secondary to this——they were all fabulous, wonderful, caring, loving, generous and fantastic guys. And that is what really, really counts. Not that they were gay or not gay or bi or whatever.
Bisexual? If you are bisexual…this is what you say: “Hello….I find you attractive, Myrna or Mabel or Annie or Gracie (whatever her name is) and I want you to know that I am bisexual.” Simple and done.
And if she runs for the hills…..honey, that’s okay. She wasn’t meant for you anyway.
If she stays…she’s a keeper.
Never, ever, ever be ashamed of who you are…you are still Divine, Divine, Divine! And there is a woman or a man out there for you.
I promise. :)