Christmas decorations: How soon is too soon?
When is it too soon for someone to put up their Christmas decorations? What is the earliest you have ever seen someone with theirs up? Does it make you sick or do you enjoy seeing them up so early? When do you put up yours?
So far this year I have seen white Christmas tree lights up on a bunch of trees at an auto shop and my neighbor has their Christmas tree standing and lit in their front window.
Bonus question: How soon should they be taken down after the holiday?
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36 Answers
the harrods lights turned on a week ago, that means everyone is free to decorate, just as long as its not before november.
I always wait until after Thanksgiving to put mine up. There is a such thing as Thanksgiving decorations!
Anytime before 1 December is too soon!
I get burnt out by Christmas by US Thanksgiving. My neighborhood already has the lights up on the high street and the shops already have the coloured fairy lights, tinsel and snowmen in the windows! :P
And this morning, the super and his assistants in my building were taking all the winter holiday decorations out of the storeroom. I suppose they’ll be setting them up in the lobby today. :/
Anytime before Thanksgiving is too soon. Ours usually go up the weekend after Thanksgiving.
We usually try to put them up before it gets cold, but we don’t turn on the lights or displays until after Thanksgiving.
Well, we have our Christmas Village up already. Our son dictated that one. He planned out All Saints day to take down Halloween and put up the village.
For Thanksgiving, just our front porch & dining room are decorated for the feast.
I keep most of the outdoor lights up all year (they’re covered well by the leaves) so that makes the day after Thanksgiving easier. We usually have them on beforeDec 1st.
We celebrate the 12 days of Christmas & Epiphany, so the decor (or most of it) will be up through January 6th.
I usually try to hold off any decorating until December 1st, and refuse to even think about Christmas until the day after Thanksgiving. Seems to be the popular trend.
My son’s business is hanging Christmas lights for people, so they need to start now. Of course that doesn’t mean that they have to be turned on yet!
My personal preference for Holiday decorations and music is to wait until after Thanksgiving. Getting exposed to it between Halloween and Thanksgiving makes me sick of it all by the 2nd week of December!
Before Thanksgiving is too soon. Before Halloween is WAY too soon. First or second weekend of December is just about right.
there is one house about two blocks from my parent’s house that I used to walk by on my way home from school. Every year, they put up more ridiculous Christmas decorations, and every year, they put them up earlier. My senior year of high school, they put up their decorations in the last weekend of October.
As for the decorations themselves, they had a fifteen foot tall candy cane arch, a human-sized snow globe with santa in it, santa in an airplane with a spinning propeller, multiple snowmen(fake snowmen, not ones made out of real snow), and penguins that pop up and down in snow-colored tubes. They also had lights everywhere, and colored floodlights on the gound. I would purposely walk by their house just to wonder why anybody would go through such lengths for christmas decorations.
It’s never too soon! And it’s never too late!
My thought is, if it makes you happy to have the decorations up and the lights warming your heart. Do it as soon as you want and leave it up as long as it cheers your heart!
After my mom got divorced, my sister and I set up 4 trees in our house to surprise her, because Christmas always makes the three of us happy. So it helped, and the decorations stayed up well into january, and mom still kept a string of lights up around her bedroom window until May.
I’m putting some of mine up this weekend. I wasn’t home for Halloween, and I don’t really have any Turkey Day decorations, so I like to put them up a little early. I like to look at them, so I really don’t see a problem with putting them up early.
Yeah, anytime before thanksgiving is way too soon.
It’s never too early at my house. I already started placing a few decorations here and there. I like to stretch Christmas out for as long as I can! I’ve seen a few people around town that have their lawn already decked out. I don’t mind it. What’s the big deal :)
I’m a grinch, I hate christmas decorations. I’d be happy if they were never put up again.
Anything more than 3 weeks in advance of Christmas is excessive.
The earliest I’ve ever seen Christmas lights and decorations go up is the day after Halloween and that was this year on a house in my subdivision. To me, that seems a little ridiculous. When I saw them up that early, it didn’t make me sick but instead I just shook my head in wonder.
I usually put my lights and decorations up a couple of weeks after Thanksgiving. As far as a sensible time to take them down, for me that would be after New Year’s as I still consider that a part of the ‘holidays’.
Any time before Thanksgiving is too soon. This year, I saw somebody with plastic Nativity sets and snowmen and candy canes and everything out a few weeks before Halloween !!! I was like, “It’s not even Halloween, for goodness sakes!!
Any time you damn well feel like it!
@sarahboreal If I could give you more GA’s I would. What an awesome family you have!
I put up greenery and indoor generally seasonal decorations the day after Halloween. I don’t like Halloween decorations because they’re all either dead, decaying or gorey. So, I get rid of them ASAP.
I put up outdoor lights, Christmas tree and nativity (indoors) the day after Thanksgiving. The specific Christmas decorations come down the day after New Year’s. The greenery stays up until late Feb because it makes me happy to see something green during the dead time.
Some people really get into this Christmas decoration process, so fine…it doesn’t bother me, I think it’s all ridiculous…to clarify, putting fake-ass, plastic and lit up figurines of baby Jesus and the barn family isn’t going to get you any points in heaven, imho.
We have some neighbors that still have Halloween stuff out. Some that have Thanksgiving decorations such as this. just tacky. imo And some that have their Christmas decorations up already. It just seems too early to me. If they want to do it, fine. I just tire of looking at it so soon.
I like to keep my outside decorations simple. No lights, just wooden decor. We usually go chop our own tree down about two weeks before Christmas and leave it up until Jan. 4th (my birthday).
I think before Thanksgiving is a little early; it should still be fall decorations then (yes, I know most of the Christmas season is technically in fall). For my family, we always put up the Christmas decorations (both inside and outside the house) on December 1st.
I don’t like seeing decorations up before December because if I see them too early I am extremely bored of them by the time Christmas actully arrives! Having said that, I am a Christmas humbug and don’t bother with decorations myself so perhaps my opinion is irrelevent on this question!!
I thought the day after Thanksgiving was some kind of rule, guess not because all the stores out here are putting up holiday stuff, mostly Christmas stuff.
I’m glad most of you Scrooges don’t live in my village ;P
It’s Holiday Open House Weekend here!!! There’s a hand-made craft show at the Women’s Club, horse-drawn wagon rides, the wreaths are up on the village light posts….It’s like living in a snow globe w/out the snow…for now!
Bah Humbug!
I have my pilgrims, pumpkins, and harvest themed decorations out. They go away the day after Thanksgiving, and the Christmas stuff comes out then. First the mantle and outdoor decorations. I usually have a fresh tree, so that will go up the week before.
I do mine the day after Thanksgiving! I think it depends on your traditions! I’ve seen them up the day after Halloween but no earlier.
In Germany usually it begins on Sunday the “first advent”.
@jonsblond, every year, there’s a big contest in that end of Brooklyn to determine which block has the “best” lights, and then there’s the traffic jams from people coming through to see all the lit-up homes.
If anyone in my area of Brooklyn did such a thing to their brownstone, there’d be much sniffing, tut-tutting and disparagement of that homeowner at Sahadi’s and Connecticut Muffin, to be sure!
The day after Thanksgiving. Or the day after the day after Thanksgiving if you’re shopping that Friday.
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