General Question

nebule's avatar

If you wanted a 3/4 inch thick rib-eye steak medium rare and you were cooking it in the oven at 200 degrees C how long would you cook it for?

Asked by nebule (16472points) November 14th, 2009

I know the ideal choice would be grilling or frying…but just go with me here on this one… (please)... how long? 5 minutes maybe?? or thereabouts?

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6 Answers

Ansible1's avatar

Hmm, I’ve never cooked a steak in the oven before, but for medium rare I would probably go 4 min. – flip, then 2–3 min. I would say just frequently check it using a meat thermometer if you have one, medium rare should be 130–135 degrees F. Hope it turns out ok!

nebule's avatar

:-/ it was undercooked…then put it back in…and it got over cooked… did for 5 then 3… ah well..can’t win em all! thank you anyways xx

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Don’t bake, turn the oven all the way to broil and let he steak in there for about 3 minutes on each side.

YARNLADY's avatar

I would cook it for approximately 20 minutes, and stick in a meat thermometer, read the setting, and decide from there.

Garebo's avatar

till it mooeed! OR until it was Tartar or Blue. No i would not sacrifice it to the ovens, it would go to the grill at 500 degrees, sear 1 minute, flop 2 minutes-turn off grill let sit until your handi temperature gauge says it has reached your desired temperature, that being what you desire.

stevenb's avatar

A good thermometer is the only way to go. Don’t try or trust any other method. All you end up doing is guessing and ruining dinner. Best of luck.

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