What are the good films to watch with a MILF?
Asked by
tilc (
November 14th, 2009
Please suggest me titles (DVD), that I can watch with MILFs. Art films are in advantage. I don’t want to watch tooo romantic stuff, but it would be nice to see something that make sense and something that turns on. Anyway, if you have a nice suggestion than post it or if you already have an experience in the topic as watching a great film with an older woman (who you are/were dating with – and after the movie everything went just in a good way…) also do not hesitate to type in here.
Situation is: I’m in love with an older woman. I think she like me too. I want to seduce her and I am going to watch with her a movie in her place at late night. I really need to choose the right movie, because maybe it’s a one time chance to get this close contact. So the film should work on our emotional waves. I don’t know what would be nice, a funny story, art movie (cause she is a piano teacher), romantic-comedy…etc? She is pretty into modern things so the word ‘older’ don’t make you feel like to post films from the eighties, right?
btw:I’m not looking for porn movies.
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62 Answers
Are we talking Troop Beverly Hills age MILF or Ten Commandments MILF?
i’m guessing that, since you’re using the term MILF at all, she might be about 30.
To Die For with Nicole Kidman. She’s not a mom in the film, but she is an older woman that seduces her high school student to try to kill her husband. Great movie
I almost forgot about The Graduate.
NOVO (it’s French, has MILF) nice movie.
High 5!
Let me get this straight, I had to google MILF so I may not be understanding properly. You want the name of a porn film to watch with a more mature woman??? Google says MILF is porn with married women as the stars?
Now I just saw what @jonsblond said and it appears you are looking for a suggestive movie to watch with an older woman. How about Summer of 42, that is old but a recurring theme and was pretty well done.
Ooops. Misread the question. Thought you were looking for movies about MILF’s.
@rooeytoo it stands for Moms I’d Like to F***. it generally references women of a “certain age” doing the deed with younger guys (or gals). however, there’s quite a range of ages people apply to this term.
The Postman Always Rings Twice, with Jack Nicholson and Jessica Lange
Body Heat with William Hurt and Kathleen Turner
@eponymoushipster – you always have to explain these things to me, thank you, heheheh.
My suggestion still stands, there is no doubt in my mind, I fall into that catagory (except my only maternal experiences are with dogs, although I did bottle feed a wallaby yesterday) and I enjoyed that movie.
No, Iam not lookin’ for porn movie to watch with a MILF. I want to watch something with an older sexy hot woman (so called MILF) that maybe seductive to her and give me 10/10 points in the film selection… you got me? :)
yay, I was right after all! :)
@filmfann that’s not a porno.
@tilc why not get the one with the fake Sarah Palin with the huge “rogues”?
EDIT: damn, now i misread what he said.
He isn’t looking for porn. He is looking for Older woman, Younger man films.
This is one blogger’s opinion of what the top 10 movies are in the older woman/younger man genre.
I think this is one of those situations The_Compassionate_Heretic is referring to in his question,
What can we as people do to communicate with each other more effectively?
@rooeytoo maybe everyone who’s a milf in this thread could identify themselves?~
Not me! I’m a SINK (Single Income No Kids)!
@aprilsimnel me too. but im a guy….what that make me a DILF if i had kids? ladies mm?
After reading the new edit from the asker I believe this is the scoop interpreted:
He wants to set up a romantic date for a beautiful mature woman with the intent of seeing if she would like to become his lover. Thus he needs movie suggestions that are romantic enough to get her in the mood but not so romantic that he wants to yack.
I suggest “Jerry McGuire”
This question reminds me of a line in the movie “3 Men and a Baby” Where Ted Dansen’s character comes into the kitchen and asks Tom Selleck’s character: “What is a good wine for pronging chicks?” :)
Do not forget the wine.
Screw the movie. If she is going to give it up. She is already thinking of it.
Bring a bottle of wine. (optional)
Greet her with a kiss. If she goes straight in for the mouth. Touch her lips with the tip of your tongue. If she opens her mouth to receive more.
You will not need a movie.
If she is a cold fish, who cares. Anything on the TV is good enough..
@ChazMaz Romantic kind of guy aren’t ya?~
Hey, I was not the one to call the potential date a “MILF”.
@aprilsimnel I’m a DINK, and that is NOT a statement concerning my intellect.
if @Dog is right, skip the movie. buy some wine and just whip it out.
@ChazMaz I liked your answer, it seemed ‘something a realist’ would say.
Yea that’s me. I hate jerking around.
That is unless I get turned down by a MILF and go home alone.
Thanks for the advices. I would love to start with a kiss by the door opening, but I don’t want to watch a movie alone if the kissing stuff wouldn’t go well… I never know if she wants more or not, that’s the problem. Sometimes I feel like she is playing with me, but yeah… maybe it’s just the matter of time and she is just waiting for my big moves :))
@tilc pull it out when she opens the door. it’s a good indicator if there’s gonna be more freaky or not.
@tilc – I mean no offense, but you’re reminding me a LOT of Steve Martin and Dan Akroyd as two wild and crazy guys both in the grammar and content of your posts.
@eponymoushipster you really think it is going to work with an older woman… she is not a young chick. she is a Woman. :)
@tilc can you be sure? ask her to show you her proof.
@tilc – on the American TV program Saturday Night Live (sketch comedy show that has been around for 35 years), when it was in its first few years, then cast members Steve Martin and Dan Akroyd played recurring characters The Festrunk Brothers, two Czechoslovakian brothers who came to America and spoke in English, but in a way that made it clear that English wasn’t their first language…their pronunciation was fine, but their grammar was way off. These two guys were constantly concerned with picking up “swinging foxes to have sex on” stuff like that. Here’s a clip. I just said no offense because I admire anyone who learns a new language, but to the native English speaker, there is something inherently amusing about hearing someone get English “just about” right, but having a few words out of order and such. A native English speaker would automatically know from what you typed that English is not your native tongue (though very few of us could do any better in your language, which is why I say no offense). Anyway, just the pattern of what you said, the order in which you put the words, and the content of your question really reminded me of this (though I know you’re not a Czechoslovakian).
Well I am not technically a MILF because I have never been a mother, at least in the context of the MILF. However I am old enough and I am really hot. Just the other evening I was strolling down Mitchell Street in Darwin and as I passed one of the outdoor pubs a very attractive younger man (he couldn’t have been a day over 55) gave me a “come hither smile and look.” I was so pleased and proud of myself. Of course I didn’t stop, I have a perfectly good husband at home, but it was sure was a boost for my ego to get that look!
Now the only reason I told that story was to lend credibility to my suggestions, hehehe!
I’m a milf, and the movie I liked best was the lord of the rings trilogy. now i’m with someone in my own age group. I watch lord of the rings by myself.
I’m laughing because what is a MILF to you, might not be a MILF to another person.
I am 44. I sit here and watch Vince Vaughn and get hot and bothered. Watching Swingers now. But it’s not for everyone. Whipping it out is only good if you’ve already made out with them, at least I think so. And yes, who the hell needs a movie? You just need to make out and it will all come together.
Totally was watching E! Although I own the DVD, I can’t NOT watch it.
@dalepetrie I thought my English is fine :( I tried to watch the video you posted, but I got this mssg: “Sorry, currently our video library can only be streamed from within the United States”
@trailsillustrated Thanks for the suggestion, but LoR is too long to have any other thing with her at the same night :)) I know we can pause the film any moment… :)
@trailsillustrated – Yes! You are my type of MILF.
But, would Lord of The Rings be a good movie to get the groove on?
@ChazMaz note I said ‘trilogy’- have them all on hand.
@tilc – your English is great, just a few issues with the order of words and phrasing that make it sound just slightly off, like you’re 98% there, it’s that 2% that sticks out. If you get SNL where you’re from you could try using a search engine to see if you can find a clip of “Festrunk Brothers” or “Wild and Crazy Guys”.
@tilc your english is adorable. don’t worry about it.
Yeah, I have no problem with it, I get the meaning 100% and like I said, I admire anyone who learns a second language. Just reminded me of that skit.
All of you suggesting Mrs. Robinson type films – I think it isn’t what he needs. He already has the milf.
Watch some LoTR or Star Wars.
So, how’d the seduction of the MILF go, anyway?
@dalepetrie got the MILF! :) we did not watch any movie.
@gurnblansten Already seen it, and I think it doesn’t make the mood to make sex… it’s a drama and pretty sick stuff :)
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