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Am I over reacting, or do you agree with me about this Walmart Site2Store thing?
OK so. At first, when I bought this pillow online on, I thought Site2Store was an awesome idea. I mean, I could get this sent to the store, where I go every week, instead of having it shipped to my house and having to pay about 5 dollars for this unnecessary “service”. But here’s what’s wrong with it: I’m 13. They say the person picking up the item must be 13 or older. That’s fine, right? No. They also say that you have to have a photo ID to pick it up. How am I supposed to get a photo ID?! School, right? I’m homeschooled. So I don’t have a student ID. I think Walmart has it coming. They’re gonna eventually get sued for discriminating against this minority. I think that’s going a little bit too far, I mean I’m not doing that. But I still think it’s gonna end up happening. So what’s your opinion? Do you think I’m right, and that they’re gonna get sued? Or do you think that I’m over reacting and that home schooling is such a small minority that it should be overlooked (even though that’s not “politically correct”)?
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