Do you know of anyone with drastic personality changes after a car accident?
My girlfriend was in a car accident a couple of months ago, and we both agree that her personality is slowly changing…she’s more impatient; unmotivated to do anything (especially school-related work); less “warm-hearted” towards everyone; experiences lack of amusement; and she claims to experience slight memory loss. Has anyone else, or do you know of anyone, that’s been through the same thing?
We don’t know if it’s the car accident that’s making her act the way that she is, or if it’s due to the fact that it’s her first year of university, and she absolutely hates it. But whatever the problem is, it’s taking a toll on the both of us, as we both feel as if she’s changing. She also doesn’t want to (and doesn’t enjoy) the things that we used to do routinely (eg. watching movies on Tuesdays; going downtown on weekends; eating at particular restaurants that we used to always go to), as she’ll always say no when I suggest for us to go and do it. But the thing is…we don’t know if it’s university that’s making her act the way that she is, or if it really is the car accident. More so…I don’t know if there’s a third variable that I’m unaware of…
Can anyone give me any advice as to how I could address this problem?
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10 Answers
Did she suffer a head injury in the accident? Whiplash or anything? If not, I’d suspect the college blues. Depression can cause all of the symptoms you describe.
Did she have a head injury?
(To be honest you are describing me on my first year at University. But by the end of the semester I was fine again. It is a lot of stress and change.)
:::edit:::: Augustlan- JYNX!
I had a head injury as an 11 year old kid, I wiped out my bicycle on a hill and got a skull fracture. I’m not sure how much it altered my personality, but I suppose it could be blamed for some of the ways my mind works. I often wonder what I’d be like if I hadn’t gone for that bike ride that day.
Not sure how your gf can deal with it or what you can do, but I suppose a visit with a psychologist or a neurologist wouldn’t hurt. A close brush with death does change your perspective. I’ve had several auto accidents, and it has changed me. not always for the better.
Is her name Phineas Gage? I imagine whatever changes there are relate to her current situation, environment and psychological health.
As @augustlan and @Dog said, it’s unlikely unless she suffered a head injury. An evaluation by a neurologist might not be a bad idea.
My cousin was in a car accident that landed him in a coma for close to a year. When he awoke, he was a completely different person. Not better or worse, just different – it was like speaking to his twin brother.
In addition to the possibility of a head injury or adjustment to uni, she might be suffering from post traumatic stress. I was in a bad car accident about 6 years ago and it made me very tentative and jumpy for a few years. It might well be worth her going to a counserlor, either at the school or privately. Talking things out with a good therapist could very beneficial and just a few sessions might help.
Could be PTSD. Could be she’s stressed about school. It sounds like anxiety and depression. Try therapy.
I feel like I’ve heard this—like maybe concussion can have this impact. I’d go to a doctor and see what they had to say.
I knew a girl in my school who had a terrible car accident, well she was actually ran over by a bus right in front of our school, she went into deep coma and when she woke up she was a totally different person.. I mean she speak different now, think different, dress different.. it’s not the same person, it’s very impressive for all of us who knew her before the accident, to realize how much she changed..
My brother-in-law had a bad head injury from a motorcycle accident. He didn’t have a helmet on. He could be a bit of a jerk before his accident but after the accident he personality took a turn for the worse. He is totally unpredictable and has done many irrational things over the years. He eventually isolated himself away from the family but time to time we would hear of things he has done. He shows no remorse for any wrong he has done over the years. He finds it all amusing.
Now in your case it could simply be college or maybe she’s just headed to another stage in her life and she may feel you are both headed in different directions. Best thing is to ask her to be honest about what she is feeling. If the changes don’t seem to be coming from normal changes than you may suggest she see a doctor. I would be most concerned if her impulse control or reasoning ablilties has changed along with the rest.
With my brother-in-law, those two things were the biggest clues of his extreme change. These two things has gotten him in trouble with the law and he has a hard time holding down a job for long because of them.
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