General Question

troubleinharlem's avatar

I'm losing faith in humanity. How could a mother sell their five-year-old girl into prostitution?

Asked by troubleinharlem (7999points) November 15th, 2009 from iPhone

Why is this happening? It just astounds me. Is there no shame, guilt, or remorse? She can’t even read! She’s just a baby. D:
who would want a baby to do nonsense wth anyway?

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50 Answers

holden's avatar

I lost mine long ago. Perhaps what you should do is take your faith in humanity and put it in something else.

faye's avatar

Who sold their daughter?

LKidKyle1985's avatar

Desperation, people will do anything under this condition.

chyna's avatar

Have they found the girl yet?

troubleinharlem's avatar

@DominicX ; I can’t get one because I can’t copy/paste from my iPhone. D: it’s on, though.

trailsillustrated's avatar

I too have been watching this- they haven’t found her-

DominicX's avatar

Every time something bad happens, the next step is always to lose faith in humanity. Yes, it’s bad, but I don’t turn all dramatic because of it. Some people simply have no kind of conscience and thus they allow things like this to happen.

troubleinharlem's avatar

@chyna ; yeah, they spotted her being taken into a hotel by some unknown guy.

troubleinharlem's avatar

@DominicX ; I know… it just baffles me to see that there are people like this.
@LKidKyle1985 ; even selling kids? even that seems extreme.

faye's avatar

The article said the little girl didn’t live with her mother until the last month. whole lot goin’ on in that family!

Likeradar's avatar

It’s a disgusting story, and it seems like there more and more stories like this all too often.
It’s important to remember how many millions of people hear these stories, hug their babies even closer, and work hard every day to be a good parent compared to very few who would do something horrible like sell their child. Humanity is still all right.

troubleinharlem's avatar

@faye ; I think her dad had custody of her until she ‘seemed’ stable.
@Likeradar ; you really think so? one bad person can be forgotten because there are lots more other mothers who love their kids? sorry if that didn’t make sense.

aprilsimnel's avatar

OK, I watched this report from ~2pm EST from CNN and there’s a lot the cops aren’t releasing to the public in order to not taint or impede the investigation. I hope they can find Shaniya fast – and alive. The poor thing.

What could have been going through this woman’s mind to allow her to do such a thing?

PandoraBoxx's avatar

Slavery in the US and globally is not uncommon

troubleinharlem's avatar

@aprilsimnel ; that’s what im screaming. And as if the whole thing isn’t tainted enough already. Think she’ll go to jail?
@PandoraBoxx ; I know, but this is heinous.

Sarcasm's avatar

Better question.
Who the hell would rent (for lack of a better word) a 5-year-old prostitute?
I think the kid may make more money in a sweatshop or something.

Best question. What verb am I supposed to use to articulate that somebody paid a prostitute for their time?

troubleinharlem's avatar

@Sarcasm ; exactly. Where’s the pleasure in that? And… hired? Solicited?

chyna's avatar

@Sarcasm The word would be “pay”. You would be paying for a service.

Likeradar's avatar

@troubleinharlem I meant that humanity as a whole is still good. People who do horrific things to children are still far outside the norm.

troubleinharlem's avatar

@Likeradar ; it seems like there are more of them, though.

troubleinharlem's avatar

@chyna ; would this be considered as rape? And if it is, is there anything they could do to find evidence on or… in her that could find whoever messed with her? I can’t type it without cringing..

holden's avatar

@troubleinharlem sex with a five-year-old child is absolutely in no uncertain terms always rape.

chyna's avatar

@troubleinharlem Yes, as Holden said, plus probably child endangerment, kidnap, and a few other charges. It makes me sick also.

troubleinharlem's avatar

@holden ; I can’t imagine when it would ever be consentual. Besides, that didn’t make much sense.

trailsillustrated's avatar

its about drugs. sad

YARNLADY's avatar

For every single horror story like that one, I can provide you with a dozen that tell of hundreds of people helping others. Why let this one story of the worst kind of example of humanity cloud your picture of the good that mankind can actually become.

troubleinharlem's avatar

@YARNLADY ; I’m not letting it cloud my view, I’m commenting on it and how i feel like humans are becoming worse because of sin. And so could I, on the finding good stories.

galileogirl's avatar

Some people are sociopaths (more than most people think) and some people get so drug addled that nothing else matters.

Then there are pedophiles who know this kind of activity carries little risk. They are unlikely to be reported and if they are a young child is not likely to be a competent witness and if they are they are likely to serve little time in jail;

But as far as losing faith in humanity, your faith must not have been very strong to begin with if your life experience is not enough to overcome a one in a million event.

troubleinharlem's avatar

@galileogirl ; it’s a figure of speech, I don’t necessarily really distrust humanity. But I get your point.

holden's avatar

@troubleinharlem humans are not “becoming worse” because of sin. Humans have always been “bad” and always will be “bad.” Humans have always done depraved, sick things to each other and will continue to do depraved, sick things to each other until our species becomes extinct. But for every “bad” person, remember that there are 50 who live their lives with a true desire to do good. Do not look to this woman as an example of humanity.

Likeradar's avatar

@troubleinharlem True… but @YARNLADY said what I was trying to better than I could.

rangerr's avatar

This makes me completely sick.
I really hope this little girl is alive, and hasn’t been taken advantage of to the point of not being able to forget..

drdoombot's avatar

Don’t judge us by our worst examples.

RedPowerLady's avatar

I say instead of losing faith in humanity use your powerful emotion on the topic to create some type of change. Education, Activism, Volunteer Work, Awareness Walks, etc… They all help to some degree. If even you only touch one person and that ripples outward you have made a difference.

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

@troubleinharlem this is nothing new, I know of a case of the very thing happening almost fifty years ago. The guy who bought the girl ended up taking her back because she was too small. (Yes, in that sense). The girl survived it, but she is totally mentally fucked up.—she is one of my wife’s older sisters, from her biological family. Fortunately, my wife was adopted out of that family pretty early.

Sick people have always existed, so if you want to lose your faith in humanity, do so, but don’t think this whole scenario of people selling their kids to sickos is something new. It doesn’t happen any more now than it did back then, its just that our method of getting news of this sort has gotten better.

People are always going to do some goddamn stupid thing, mostly because stupidity isn’t painful, but it should be.

@galileogirl, one in a million isn’t that great of odds; if there are 400 million people in America, that’s 400 little girls being raped by very sick bastards.

rooeytoo's avatar

We live in a sick world. I see it everyday and hate it. I just heard one on telly this morning, an infant was raped and it was so small internal organs were damaged and the child died.

It is this sort of behavior that makes me think hard about my position on the death penalty. Last week USA had the guy in Ohio and now a man in one of the southern states with kids bodies buried everywhere.

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

@rooeytoo we had a case of a twenty-something guy raping a one year old girl here in my hometown last week. Sick fucking bastards should be taken out and simply shot in the head. I don’t believe in torture, but I do believe in swift justice. torturing criminals puts you down at their level, I don’t think that’s right.

And a few weeks ago, some 14 yr old boy escaped his mom’s house where she kept him in a closet most of his life. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, People suck.

faye's avatar

I think a man who could find anything remotely sexy about little kids can not be“rehabilitated’. In the same manner that I could not be talked out of being straight. So if DNA proves it and the child dies-he dies. And the rest of them, a prison in Antarctica where they must work to keep the heat on.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Oh, no! :,,,(

Kraigmo's avatar

crystal meth is almost always involved in these cases. It’s the most under-reported drug problem of the century

laureth's avatar

Where are the pro-lifers when we hear stories like this? Is their commitment over once this little girl was born? I know it’s somewhat off topic, but I can’t help but think that this girl comes from a very troubled family, and was born into crappy circumstance that will mess with her for the rest of her life (if she had lived). And I think of moms like this, who probably ought not to have borne kids – except every life is sacred, right? <Cough> If so, she deserves better.

I’d like to see more involvement from the pro-life crowd when it comes to stories like this. Not involvement as in “protesting,” but involvement in helping make sure the sacred little babies aren’t just dropped into the metaphorical meatgrinder once they’re born and they go on to protest somewhere else.

rooeytoo's avatar

@laureth – I totally agree and have often said that same thing.

RedPowerLady's avatar

@laureth I do not identify as a pro-lifer however I think that there is something to be said for prevention which pro-lifers would not be against. It is a mutual ground. Instead of aborting just stop the problem of people being so uneeducated about sex and not having available health care that they have children without wanting to. And have appropriate early childhood education classes that are mandatory in high school. As examples. It won’t solve the problems but it is good equal ground. Instead of demonizing either side of the pro-life/pro-choice group. (not to say it works in all circumstances of course but in general for this conversation I think this is relevant).

laureth's avatar

Those are great ideas that would help a lot of people. I don’t disagree.

Berserker's avatar

Why did Sophie Lancaster had to die to needless violence, why did that poor dude in Russia had to get his face caved in by hammer, why why why. It’s a sick sad world? I wish I had an answer.

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