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phoenyx's avatar

Is there a celebrity who said or did something that completely changed your opinion of him/her?

Asked by phoenyx (7419points) November 16th, 2009
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78 Answers

phoenyx's avatar

The Foo Fighters are apparently hiv deniers.

rangerr's avatar

I wasn’t fond of Michael Phelps until they released the bong picture.

Skippy's avatar

Roseanne, when she screamed the Star Spangled Banner and scratched her crotch.
Hate her since…..

SpatzieLover's avatar

Ugh! I cannot stand Anne Heche ever since she claimed “alien abduction” for her reason of being in a Lesbian relationship with Ellen.

limeaide's avatar

Charlie Daniels for changing the words of many of his songs like “Long Haired Country Boy” after he went Christian. They’re his songs and all but I believe he ruined some classics. Example instead of “take another toke”, he says “tell another joke”. booooo

limeaide's avatar

@phoenyx I didn’t know that, thanks for sharing. I think that sucks but I still like foo fighters maybe if I knew someone afflicted by HIV I’d think differently.

mowens's avatar

I try to stay out of celebrities lives. I like TV, I watch it. I like the actresses and actors on TV. I don’t listen to what they say or do out of fear that it may ruin the whole experience for me.

MissAnthrope's avatar

Oh yeah.

Changed for the positive: Daryl Hannah <3

Changed for the negative:
Uh, can we say Tom Cruise?
And I honestly can never take Anne Heche seriously again. I have the best mental image of her tripping balls and showing up at a random person’s door babbling about aliens and Jesus.

Dude, didn’t you read her 2001 autobiograhy, “Call Me Crazy,” that explained her 2000 meltdown and why she was wandering in Fresno, fried on Ecstasy, looking for spaceships manned by aliens/angels and calling herself Celestia, the half-sister of Jesus?

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@Skippy oh, amen & amen. I never could stomach that broad. And that just made it WAY worse!

I never was a Tom Cruise fan, but when he went off his trolley & started jumping around on furniture, being so controlling with Katie & acting like a total jerk, that did it for sure. Bah!

DominicX's avatar

Well, I never had much of an opinion on Tom Cruise, but the whole scientology thing didn’t paint a positive picture of him…

In fact, any celebrity going along with scientology just comes off as doing it to be “different” or “cool”. It’s just my own opinion, but I can’t take a scientologist seriously, sorry.

phoenyx's avatar

@limeaide a childhood friend of mine was infected with HIV from a bad blood transfusion (he had hemophilia). He died about a couple of years later.

forestGeek's avatar

I had always loved Nicolas Cage, but when he became an action hero, and changed his name to Nick Cage for a bit, that killed it for me.

Similar with Keanu Reeves, I loved River’s Edge(one of my all-time fave movies), Bill & Ted’s, Parenthood and My Own Private Idaho, but again the action hero thing killed it. Ugh!!

janbb's avatar

Mel Gibson
John Travolta
Tom Cruise

shilolo's avatar

Mel Gibson used to be a favorite actor of mine, until he revealed his anti-Semitic side. Now, I boycott all his movies.

There is also Jenny McCarthy and her anti-vaccine stance, though that simply confirms prior evidence of her not being the sharpest tack in the box.

Also, I used to think Bill Gates was despicable (not quite sure why), but then I saw his interview with Charlie Rose and began working with the Gates Foundation, and now I think he is an amazing person.

avvooooooo's avatar

John Travolta’s behavior about his son knocked him down several notches in my opinion. The Scientology disbelief in some of the problems that the kid obviously had that remained untreated when they could have been… Nuts. Not to mention neglectful.

gggritso's avatar

I started respecting Miley Cyrus a bit more when she freely admitted to being a corporate product. Then I saw a clip of her on some talk show being stupid and that ruined it.

JLeslie's avatar

Mel Gibson leaving his wife and having a baby with the new woman really sucked.

@avvooooooo I thought they just don’t call it autism, I didn’t know the Travolta’s did not seek any treatment? From what I understand just before Jett’s death John wanted to fly his child to Miami for what he thought would be better care, and wasn’t allowed to. It’s just a 45 minute trip, it would be like airlifting from Palm Beach to Miami.

rangerr's avatar

@gggritso I actually liked Miley when she started. My step-sister idolized her and dressed like her. That was fine when she was younger, but now she’s becoming slutty. Dating 20 year old underwear models and pole dancing on stage? That’s a big negative.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

John Voight and Angelina Jolie reconciling their differences after years of not speaking made me think of both of them in higher esteem.
It’s good to see adults resolving their problems like adults.

SuperMouse's avatar

I automatically disrespect anyone once they sign on as a Scientologist. I began disliking Laurie Metcalf immensely when I saw her breaking down in those Save the Children commercials. Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem with the cause, just her over the top dramatics.

tinyfaery's avatar

Too many to name. The most recent, and heart-breaking was David Lynch. He came out in support of Polanski. Yuck. He is/was one of my fave directors. Sigh.

JLeslie's avatar

@shilolo I don’t know if that website is actually one that McCarthy approves of? She is very outspoken about vaccines, but what she wants most, if you have ever seen her in inetreviews is for more research to be done. Many anti-vaccine people have used her as a spokeswoman, but her main spiel has been that she believes some children might be more sensitive or likely to have mal-effects from vaccines, and she wants research to help determine which children might be more at risk. You might be interested in this she is pro-vaccination just wants to ensure better safety.

avvooooooo's avatar

@JLeslie My understanding was that they didn’t seek appropriate treatment because they don’t believe in autism. They did some things, but not the right things that might have actually helped. I don’t think that they even medicated him appropriately for whatever seizure disorder that probably caused his death due to the beliefs about the evils of medication.

sliceswiththings's avatar

I was never that fond of Keira Knightly. Then they made a barbie of her with huge boobs. She publicly protested this barbie because it is supposed to represent her, and she does not have huge boobs. As a fellow A-cup, she gained brownie points for this.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@avvooooooo I believe you are correct about the seizure meds..Which is why I cannot fathom their beliefs in this day & age!!! He most likely could’ve led a normal life with phenobarbital.

Les's avatar

Heeeey. This was on Reddit this morning…

JLeslie's avatar

@avvooooooo I didn’t know that. I had not heard they failed to give medication that might have helped their son.

avvooooooo's avatar

@JLeslie With the Scientologist stance on medication (that they’re poison) and the absolute ban on anything that can be portrayed as a psychiatric medication, its unlikely that he was on what he needed.
Just a blog and definitely not an unbiased source, but some info.

JLeslie's avatar

@avvooooooo I once saw Kelly Preston interviewed after that crazy Tom Cruise thing about him being against psychiatric drugs and that for even labor and delivery he would not allow his wife to have medication for pain, and Kelly basically said (I saw her on the tv out of her mouth) that it was not true and women can have medication if they want or need it. So, she implied that they would not be against all medications. But, she was not asked or commenting about her children on the show I saw.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

@rangerr Unfortunately Mr. Phelps learned a valuable lesson in that once you are a celebrity, people will sell you out for a few $.

Also why all the negative answers? Hasn’t a celebrity changed anyone’s mind in a good way?

SpatzieLover's avatar

@JLeslie Yes, they do take some meds, but rarely anything to do with depression or anything to do with “mind control”

I believe what I saw on TV was that it was thought that his seizures were untreated, that was why he was still suffering through the actual seizures.

JLeslie's avatar

@SpatzieLover @avvooooooo just awful if it is true.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@The_Compassionate_Heretic There aren’t many celebs I “look up to”. I admire Betty White, Bob Barker, and Tipi Hendron, Ellen DeGeneres, and others for their support/animal activism. But they haven’t changed my life. Hmmmmm…the George Foreman grill was life changing for some people I know :)

@JLeslie I have family members with seizures. If it’s true, it’s unconscionable.

shilolo's avatar

@JLeslie No, that site is designed to highlight the consequences of her behavior.

limeaide's avatar

@The_Compassionate_Heretic I think the negative answers are a result of the nature of celebrity. I believe that most celebrities are made and publicized to be perceived in a positive way. I think the majority of people would then have their opinions changed toward the negative.

JLeslie's avatar

@shilolo I had misunderstood the site. Still, these people are taking her words and twisting them, she is not as extreme as she is made out to be.

galileogirl's avatar

When an actor does something that shows they are clueless then it doesn’t bother me. But Mel Gibson and Tom Cruise-yech! I have gained respect for Brook Shields over the years. Maury Povich was once a news man and now he has sunk to “Number 23 you are not the father when all you want him to say is. “Laquisha, when did you realize you turned pro?”

Skippy's avatar

Here’s good and uplifting celeb’s
Joel Olsteen he brings sunshine into my life.
Mother Angelica on EWTN – Taught me the correct way to pray the rosery.

proXXi's avatar

I have a lessened opinion of celebrites that are stupid enough to bash the United States, the country that fostered their success. You hypocrites!

My opinion of Susan Sarandon is especially low. You bash my country for our involvement in the Iraq war yet what do you think the men there would do to you if they could for your role in such a feminist statement as ‘Thelma and Louise’?

Sean Penn! You’ve always been a liberal whacko but I lost even more respect for you after your stunning finger wagging session regarding homosexuals at the academy awards. I don’t need a lesson from you about ‘tolerance’. Just shut up and make films, please?

JLeslie's avatar

I was kind of dissappointed that Larry King knew he might have a son and did not pursue a relationship with him.

Supacase's avatar

I lost any respect I had for Alec Baldwin when he screamed at his daughter.

DominicX's avatar

Yeah, I lost the mountains of respect I had for David Hasselhoff when I saw him on the floor eating hamburgers…

drdoombot's avatar

I don’t really care much about a celebrity’s life. Just because they are somewhat talented or play interesting characters doesn’t mean I want to know the actual person. I just want them to entertain me.

Polanski’s movies aren’t less praiseworthy because he boinked a teenager. Jenny McCarthy might be a moron, but I’d still hit it. My mother despises Mel Gibson now, but she used to love him. I can’t muster any hate for him because sabes que, Apocalypto was an awesome movie.

I’ve learned to separate the artist from the art. I think what they produce is more important than who they are.

I won’t say I won’t make exceptions for the mega-talented, like MIchael Jackson, Marlon Brando and William Shakespeare, all of whom I’m interested in knowing more about because of the tremendous amount of talent they each possessed. I suppose I’m more interested in genius than celebrity, but nothing they say or do will change my opinion about their work.

filmfann's avatar

I had unlimited respect for Jackie Kennedy, or so I thought. Then I read that she slept with Bobby Kennedy, and Marlon Brando. Turns out, it wasn’t unlimited.

avvooooooo's avatar

I think its important to remember these people are just human when we find out about the things they do. Getting caught lip syncing (except for Mili Vanili, but that was their whole career) or something stupid shouldn’t lower them too much in our estimation. Its when they deliberately do something stupid (drunk driving) or something big (abusing children) that we have somewhat of a right to judge them.

I think its harder for people to climb than it is to fall in the way people think about them. I’m sure there are tons of people that have climbed in my estimation, but I can’t remember them as easily as I can remember that Jacko went wacko and started touching kids.

One celebrity who is a fantastic example of grace under trying circumstances is Michael J. Fox. He’s very open about living with and working for progress in the fight against Parkinson’s which has raised awareness and money for research. Here is a list of the top ten charities related to celebrities. These folks (even Angelina) should be admired for the tremendous amount of time and effort they devote to others.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

I’ve never liked Miley Cyrus to begin with but after seeing a clip of her stating that she doesn’t listen to pop music, I hated her even more. When asked what Jay Z song she was talking about in her new song “Party in the USA” she said “I don’t even know. I didn’t write that song and I have never heard a Jay Z song.” I mean, really? My opinion of her went from bad to worse after hearing that!

rangerr's avatar

In Miley’s defense, she DID visit a children’s hospital a while back and visited the kids with cancer. She told the media to stay out of it and had police around the building to keep paparazzi from getting details. She said that she just wanted to make the kids smile and that she didn’t want publicity from it. She visited all the kids and took pictures with them. It was quite cute.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

@rangerr Ok but what does that have to do with the fact that she openly admitted to not liking pop music when pop is what she sings…

gggritso's avatar

@ItalianPrincess1217 Like I said above, my respect for her went up after I saw that. She knows who she is. She’s a corporate product now, and even though it’s probably fun for her she’s her own person, and she can listen to whatever she wants.

DominicX's avatar

All I care about is Miley’s music, which I like. I really could care less about her life outside the songs I play in my car…

rangerr's avatar

@ItalianPrincess1217 It doesn’t have anything to do with your post, but @The_Compassionate_Heretic had mentioned that all the answers were negative.
I had a positive story about her.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

I just find it hard to like an artist more when they come out and say they don’t even believe or enjoy the genre of music that they sing. She should sing what makes her happy. Instead it’s like she’s a puppet who’s being forced to dance and sing songs that she doesn’t enjoy. Know what I mean?

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

Oh! How could I forget Kanye West! I lost all respect for him when he pulled that stunt with Taylor Swift at that awards show. Poor girl.

filmfann's avatar

@ItalianPrincess1217 I am sure no one felt worse for Taylor Swift than Mike Myers. Remember “George Bush hates black people!”? Mike Myers was left holding the bag on that one.

SuperMouse's avatar

I heard an interview with Drew Barrymore where she came off as very intelligent and well-spoken, I had never thought of her that way, so I guess that is positive.

faye's avatar

I hadn’t so much loved Brad Pitt until I saw an interview with him about New Orleans.

avvooooooo's avatar

@SuperMouse Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and again.

chyna's avatar

I have zero respect for Chris Brown after beating Rihanna.

6rant6's avatar

I’ve always thought Jodie Foster was a quality person and in recent years the dignity she’s displayed when keeping her private life private has reinforced that.

I always thought Tom Cruise did his best work in Risky Business and has been on the down hill side ever since. So no change there. A little boy with an ego big enough for a pro basketball team.

Mel Gibson was always an ass. What made me pletz was that people were surprised by him.

The person who made my eyes open wide was David Hasselhoff. I had him pegged for an egomaniac, but I heard an interview where he talked about a Baywatch reunion and said something to the effect that no one would want to watch big boobs bouncing in slow motion when they were his! Gotta respect a man who can laugh at himself.

I didn’t have a strong opinion about Brangelina, but their adoptions and her work for the UN certainly have gained my respect. I’m not saying they have all the answers; but when someone does what they believe should be done, they get my respect.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

When Wayne Rooney stepped on an opponents groin during the last World Cup. I’ve hated him since.

tb1570's avatar

Not that I had any respect for her to begin with, but when Sharon Stone mumbled something stupid about “karma” after the devastating earthquake in Sichuan, China that killed thousands, including thousands of children, my opinion of her went from typical Hollywood bimbo to stupid c*nt in about two seconds.

johanna's avatar

Jenny McCarthy actually seemed kind of bright but the vaccine/autism thing is so stupid. there is NO link between vaccines and autism – none what so ever but she keeps on insisting there is. No science to back it up just her ridiculous layman ideas.

It doesn’t matter if she is pro vaccines if she spreads lies and misinformation. The ones being hurt by her stupidity are the kids who cannot be vaccinated and who get sick because of ignorant people who because of McCarthys rambling choose not to vaccinate their kids for no scientific reason..

Oprah – I just to admire her but since she started on about all these non scientific alternative medicine stupidities I lost all respect for her. And what is up with her rantings about ‘the Secret’ and other stupid books???!

OpryLeigh's avatar

@DominicX I’m glad I’m not the only Miley fan here. I enjoy her music and I actually like the fact that she isn’t squeaky clean all of the time (sure she has made a few slightly dodgy decisions that have been captured by the world media but she’s only 16 years old for goodness sake). Who cares whether she dates an underwear model, she’s not underage and of course she is going to start dating now. Just because she is a little corporate, Disney pop star does not mean she’s not human as well. People are quick to forget that in the hope that she will remain a virgin forever just so that she can continue to be a good rolemodel for 12 year olds!

I used to love Jonathon Ross but in the past year or so my opinion of him has gone down. I think he tries too hard to be funny nowadays.

My opinion of Gwen Stefani went down after she went solo and aquired a group of Asian girls to follow her everywhere. I just found that a bit pretentious.

I am sure there are more (and hopefully I will think of some positive ones) so I will be back…

JLeslie's avatar

@johanna Generally Oprah is very ignorant, I would say stupid, when it comes to science. I am not as annoyed as you about her talking about alternative medicines on her show, but I agree with you that I am dissapponted at her obvious lack of knowledge for someone who reads constantly. She reads about relationships and history and life stories, but you would think at the age of 50 she would be interested in learning more information about her body, the universe, and other sciences. She only seems to learn about medicine and science through her shows. I had a grlfriend in the audience during the Al Gore taping about his movie a couple of years ago and she said it was embarrasing to listen to her, whether you agreed with Gore or not.

johanna's avatar

@JLeslie That is interesting – especially the Gore part. I have always wanted to go see Oprah live. Before because I thought she was one of the ‘good guys’ now just to see the phenomena that she is. But I wonder, is she loosing her star quality a bit with more and more people?!

JLeslie's avatar

@johanna I don’t think she is losing any star quality because I think most Americans are pretty ignorant when it comes to medicine and science. I think she is special in many ways. She cares about people, her empathy is so strong. I value what she has contributed to our society, even if I am sometimes dissappointed.

avvooooooo's avatar

@Leanne1986 She wasn’t old enough when she started dating that guy, was she?

@johanna There is no proof one way or the other on the link between autism and vaccines. Which means there’s a debate. Common sense says no, the scientific jury is still out. Some say no, some say its possible, but there’s no definitive answer to the question. Jenny McCarthy is not an idiot or asking the same question science is.

Oprah is relying too much on her staff and not doing what she needs to do herself to be knowledgeable. Back in the day she did her own legwork and some of her own research… but she has assistants for that now and gets things handed to her in a nice little script.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@avvooooooo I don’t know to be honest but she’s human and a teenager can we really expect her to be perfect?

avvooooooo's avatar

@Leanne1986 Well, we can expect her to not land her boyfriend in jail. And we can expect her to not stroll into a bar and order a drink. She did that on Tybee Island not all that long ago when she was filming something or the other and got kicked out on her ass. She wasn’t worth the potential repercussions to the bar owner, the bartender, and everyone else. Let’s go with not perfect, but somewhat law abiding.

rangerr's avatar

@Leanne1986 I don’t expect her to be perfect, but when SO many little girls look up to her, she needs to realize that she is a role model. Dating men considerably older than her and dressing how she does now the Party In The USA video.. she’s acting a lot older than what she really is and it’s setting a bad example for the girls who want to be like her.
As soon as her new video came out, my step-sister told me “Miley looks like she’s in college. I’m not pretty enough to wear those clothes” and quickly switched to adoring T.Swift.

Miley needs to think about Rhianna and how she ended things with Chris Brown after realizing that she was setting a bad example for her younger fans.

shilolo's avatar

@avvooooooo You said “There is no proof one way or the other on the link between autism and vaccines.” From a scientific standpoint, you cannot prove that something is absent. For example, some might believe that the phases of the moon lead to more infections, but if the data I have show no statistical correlation, I still cannot prove that a link doesn’t exist. All I can say is that the data show no correlation, which is precisely the situation we find ourselves now with vaccines and autism. So, the bulk of the evidence points away from a link between the two.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@rangerr She is a teenager and will naturally want to experiment with her image, relationships and life in general. Yes, to a certain extent she needs to remember that she is a “role model” but by the same token we can’t expect celebrities to teach our kids right from wrong and if we tried to keep her too young for too long then she is more likely to go off the rails nd rebel a hell of a lot worse than she is now in the future (Britney Spears stylee). We have to accept that she is growing up and, regardless of her profile, she is going to make decisions that aren’t always wise. With all due respect if your step-sister managed to turn her attention onto Taylor Swift so quickly then she probably hasn’t been affected too much by Miley’s growing up and decisions.

It’s all very nice having role models, I had loads as a kid, some of which I still have a lot of respect for. However, we can’t expect celebrities to raise our kids. We are too quick to blame a celebrity (especially the younger ones) for doing something that most human beings do at some point in their lives.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@avvooooooo She made a bad decision there and she will probably look back on that when she is older and realise that she was a dumbass but, for goodness sake, I tried to get into bars when I was underage and of course I got turned way. She is not a unique teenager at all when it comes to what she tries to get away with. So she strolled into a bar and tried her luck, yes the world (and her fans) saw her do it (through the media) but they also saw her get turned away and make a bit of a fool of herself. It’s very easy for the general public to be judgemental and self righteous when it comes to these young celebrities but many forget that they probably made very similar decisions at that age.

rangerr's avatar

@Leanne1986 I understand what you’re saying.. but there are girls who don’t have other female role models in their life.. I just think that celebrities need to understand that people DO look up to them.
She’s seven and told me she didn’t want to be like a whore. I think that’s saying something for Miley.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@rangerr They do need to understand that people look up to them, I do not disagree with you there but I also think that the people should give certain celebrities a break for their “crimes” (especially younger celebrities). Certain things are hard to forgive especially when someone in the public eye commits them but stupid teenage behavior shouldn’t be one of those.

It sounds like your step-sister knows her own mind. Good for her :)

avvooooooo's avatar

@Leanne1986 A bad decision that you repeat over and over again is not just a bad decision, its a pattern of behavior. It wasn’t her fans that saw her do it, it was people who were incredulous that she thought she could walk in like she owned the place and demand that they break the rules for her because she’s sooooooo special. Not everyone tried to get drunk in a public place when they were 16 or younger. There are many, many people who did not make similar bad decisions at that age. She is unique in that she’s a public figure now and the fact that she knows it and does stuff like this anyway, knowing she will get caught, is stupid. There are a lot of things she can do to have fun that have nothing to do with bars and stuff that’s going to get her in trouble.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@avvooooooo We’re obviously not going to agree here. I am not saying that she always makes the right decisions or that I agree with her actions and at her age she is still going to need a bit of guidance towards making better decisions especially as she is a public figure but by the same token her acts aren’t unforgivable. They’re just stupid and the world (and hopefully Miley) will get over them. If the media keep blowing these things out of proportion then that will just make it worse. Hopefully the fact that she didn’t get her own way in this case will be a lesson to her but seeing as I and many of my friends made bad, stupid decisions at that age (and grew out of that phase to be decent human beings) I don’t believe I have the right to be self righteous about it. She is seeing how far she can push the system but show me a teenager that doesn’t push their luck and they certainly don’t need to witness a celebrities actions to do so! It may be a “pattern of behaviour” and in which case she may need help getting back on a more well behaved track but I will wait until she does something far worse than her present actions before I decide she is anything more than a rebellious teenager.

kritiper's avatar

Rock Hudson.

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