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Jude's avatar

Have you ever seen a shooting star and made a wish?

Asked by Jude (32210points) November 16th, 2009

my inner geek is coming through The Leonid Meteor Shower 2009 is happening in the early (really early) hours on November 17th. It’s one of the biggest meteor shower events of our lifetime!

Look up at the skies late tonight, Jellies (especially, early in the a.m. @around 3ish), and make a wish or two.

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19 Answers

shrubbery's avatar

I don’t get to see it from here :(

OutOfTheBlue's avatar

It’s supposed to be cloudy here dang it, so i wont get to see it :(

aprilsimnel's avatar

Aw, man! People are out at Inwood Park already!

CMaz's avatar

I am in a location where I can see Sooooooo many stars.

If I stand out long enough I will see a few every night.

I just see them as stuff burning up in the atmosphere.

chyna's avatar

I have seen many shooting stars and have wished upon every one of them.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Every single time I see one, I do.

oratio's avatar

No dice in the EU

gailcalled's avatar

Cloudy and overcast here right now (and temp. predicted to be about 29º ). The Leonid shower of 2001 was dramatically better than this one probably.

There were over 100 meteors per minute; they radiated from Leo but seemed to be everywhere. One of the greatest thrills of my life…right up there with the solar eclipse of the sun on Mar. 7, 1975, the comets in 1996 and 1997 and a moderately bright aurora borealis seen from my upstairs.

3:30 AM to dawn EST.

chyna's avatar

@gailcalled I remember the solar eclipse in 1975. We were told over and over not to look directly at the sun. Of course, we did.

gailcalled's avatar

@chyna: I flew to Virginia Beach to watch it over the ocean. Me and millions of other people. Guys hawked protective eye gear on the beach; we were able to view the eclipse with the naked eye once the sun was completely covered by the moon’s shadow. When the “diamond ring” appeared, we took precautions again.

YARNLADY's avatar

Yes and yes.

Jude's avatar

I’m heading over to my gf’s in Lakeport, Michigan, shortly. She lives along Lake Huron (beach property). We’re going to put on our warm woolies, each grab a cup o’ hot joe and some lounge chairs, then head down to the beach to check out sky.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I remember an eclipse in 1977 or ‘78. We went outside on the playground of my primary school with the little cardboard viewers.

gailcalled's avatar

That would have been a partial eclipse, I believe, if you were living on the east coast.

Prediction is for clouds all night long here. And count is at max. 20 – 30/per hour. Nice but is it worth 4:00AM and 29º?

aprilsimnel's avatar

I was in Milwaukee.

jonsblond's avatar

I always make a wish when I see a shooting star. Unfortunately this is what I get to see tonight. :(

qashqai's avatar

Yes, and I can tell you it doesn’t work that much.

VenusFanelli's avatar

No, I’m not superstitious. I am reasonably sure that it doesn’t work.

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