Social Question

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Have you ever been unjustly (and inescapably) punished? How did you handle it?

Asked by NaturalMineralWater (11316points) November 18th, 2009

Today I was admonished and punishment is pending for something so trivial and ridiculously negligible that the punishment is asinine in at least 137 ways. I don’t want to go into any more detail than that on myself because that’s not my question.

My question is: Have you ever been punished unjustly? How did you handle it? What’s your story?

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23 Answers

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

Hypothetically speaking, in these situations, someone felt it was just. Examining why they felt so is worth looking in to. The individual being punished might not have all the information the other party does. There may be other forces at work.

In any event, it doesn’t sound like the decision is negotiable. Sometimes the best thing a person can do is not make the situation worse.

asmonet's avatar

You sound defiant, and you’re almost certainly exaggerating. But we’re not talking about that right? Ah, fuck. @The_Compassionate_Heretic said it so I’ll just delete my version here.

I have, through much of my childhood my brother and sister were very fond of the beat up the little sister and try and blame her for it game.

I breathed deeply – nothing is forever. And anger does not help any situation. Just take your licks and move on. Generally, if something is truly unjustified, it comes out in the wash one way or another.

gailcalled's avatar

Why mention that the “punishment is asinine in at least 137 ways” and not be willing to mention even one of them? And besides, you give us far too little information for any informed answers.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Here we go again…. no one wants to answer the questions because they want to examine my situation instead… editing… lol

crap.. i can’t edit it now… lol

Sarcasm's avatar

One time I was unjustly given a detention at school.
Being a small, charter high school, they couldn’t really pay for janitors, so they had detention students clean up the place.
I handled the situation by spending the entire time (not too long. Hour and a half I think) by cleaning up the same few spots in a classroom having some laughs with my favorite teacher.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

I feel unjustly punished now.
I’m dealing with it by moving on.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

@Sarcasm Thanks Sarcasm.. for actually reading the description and giving an answer.. XD GA! That’s probably exactly how I’ll handle it too.

@The_Compassionate_Heretic Oh come now. You can’t be that soft skinned can you?

troubleinharlem's avatar

Yeah, but it was probably for a reason that I didn’t understand fully, yet.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

Can you?
Take a joke man

Facade's avatar

I remember getting my ass beat when I was like 10 for not doing a fly-away during training that night. I guess my mother was pissed because I wasn’t performing, and she was paying hundreds of dollars a month for my gymnastics. Little does she know, getting through a mental block is very difficult, and it can’t happen in a day (even if I did have four hours). I felt it was unfair… and painful. I handled it like any kid would: cried and went to bed.

Don’t put your kids on a gymnastics team.

asmonet's avatar

@NaturalMineralWater: Waah waah waah. My question isn’t being answered according to the way I’ve demanded because people are free to do as they wish even if they wish to be asinine in at least 137 ways.

troubleinharlem's avatar

@Facade ; I hate fly-aways. D:

Facade's avatar

@troubleinharlem Yea, they’re very temperamental. Still miss gymnastics though

faye's avatar

Yes, I have. Made me so angry that thinking about it now makes anger tears come to my eyes. I was asked to apologize to a patient’s family for something that happened on the previous shift of nursing. I actually did not and took care of the pt how I always would have. But the charge nurse was tuggung my skirt the whole shift. And why? rich political family. I think the charge to this day thinks I did say sorry. I realize on rereading that this is not what you really asked, but, man it feels good to write it!

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

@faye Good Lord! Don’t worry.. you gave an excellent answer.. lol..

@all I’m really not that picky. The little comments above were just me lashing out because .. here I am pissed that something ridiculous and unfair happened to me (not unlike @faye ‘s situation) .. and people are telling me that the other person is right.. without even knowing the situation…

Yes, I’m defiant, and no.. I don’t like being pissed on undeservedly. Is that so wrong? LOL!

Apparently I continue to be textually inept because somehow what I type instantly makes people dislike me or something. Perhaps it’s a gift. XD

faye's avatar

@NaturalMineralWater I see plenty +‘s for you

gailcalled's avatar

I never said that “the other person is right.” The point is, indeed, that we didn’t “know the situation”..I did ask for more info. You are talking in circles now and not sounding defiant but petulant.

And you chose to cite yourself as an example. Your question would have been perfectly valid without inserting yourself into it.

When I was a senior in HS, an excellent student, a goody-goody and a dream child, my grandfather gave me a 1946 Dodge clunker. My parents took away my driving privileges for a week and sent me back to the school bus. I cannot remember why now.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

@faye Yes, that’s true. Sometimes I have a flash of genius. But it’s sporadic. XD

@gailcalled Maybe you slipped up and accidentally called them petulant? XD j/k

“I don’t want to go into any more detail than that on myself because that’s not my question.

My question is: Have you ever been punished unjustly? How did you handle it? What’s your story?”

wildpotato's avatar

Yes, I’ve been punished unjustly. Back when I was a minor, my mom was coincidentally a crazy bitch. I handled it by not thinking about it. Not much else to do.

shego's avatar

I went to catholic school for a little bit during middle school and I was given detention for something stupid, and I sat down at a desk, then I was accused of drawing on it. Well I argued with the nun for a few minutes until I lost it and threw the desk at her. I was not punished, I was just asked never to return.

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

YES!!!! And I hated it, as it was unfair, it was wrong, and I felt as if I was being attacked for no apparent reason. I got mad, and I got depressed, and then I decided that that person did me a huge favor. He got me to see that spending my time doing ‘his thing’ was a waste of my valuable time. I have better things to do than waste my time with an ungrateful egomaniacal sumbitch like him. I have REAL friends, and since he is no longer a person in my life, I can do as I want without having to pretend anything else. He also taught me that people like him are the sort of folks to avoid in the future.

All of life’s experiences are lessons, and sometimes, it takes some hard thinking to figure out what the lesson is. I’d still like to hear about him dying in some sort of freak and ultimately hilarious accident, but that’s just me. I’ve always wanted my enemies to look ridiculous. Sometimes, I get my wish. =)

gemiwing's avatar

Yes I have. We all have, most likely. In my case, the person blamed me for their own shortcomings. In the end I got over it because that person wasn’t worth my time. I moved on.

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